Breaking up the Lavender Room

He didn’t say you were dumb. He said you sounded dumb. But that doesn’t preclude the possibility that you are in fact dumb.


More proof in point…

I’m not sure who pissed in your Wheaties today, but I’m not calling you dumb, and you seem to be the only one in this thread who has repeatedly been hung up about politics.

Feel free to keep say “loose” when you mean “lose.” If that makes you feel good, knock yourself out champ.

I wasn’t sure if you would understand what he was saying so I was trying to help you out. I guess this is the thanks I get for trying to lend a hand.

Really you are trying to play this game, its like me saying Im not calling you a moron, you just sound like one…all clear examples of what the mods are hoping to stump out Im sure…

Lets be clear here, you have attacked me, personally…and then try to ‘gas light’ something to the contrary, hilarious…always fun.

Ok man. When we started, I was just poking fun at a dump typo, but now you have to ratchet it up by also misspelling gaslight. “Gaslight” is one word.

Also, no one is gaslighting you. Lighten up and stop acting like a douche. (Yes, I’m saying you’re acting like a douche. Whether you actually are a douche is probably a matter of how much of your time you spend acting that way. I’ll leave that assessment to you.)

Facepalm. Here I thought we were solemnly advocating for our own value as human beings and community members and we have to start a poo-flinging session right in the middle of it.

Hey OP, look a squirrel!



so you call me dumb (or is it dump…) and now a douche…keep on winning champ!

Yep, lets get back to being hysterical about changes that we have no idea what they will be, rather than personal insults please.

@lastlap Sounds like you need a timeout. Since I don’t think I trust you to take one, I’ll just make use of this new forum’s excellent new “ignore” functionality (thanks New Management!).

It’s time to start making jokes about how divided we are.

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Agree, politics has gotten way too serious, especially when you consider that the president has 2/5ths of fark all to do with actually running the country as is evident with Biden.

All you can be sure of is the public will get screwed one way or another and the politicians will continue to line their pockets…

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I don’t know what you’re going on about. I just like to laugh. :clown_face::woozy_face::sweat_smile:

They’ve also broken the other forum down:


Now I’m just watching the wreck.

I’ve been a long term poster on the main tri-forum, but never been into the LR. But I was (and am) a huge supporter of the apparent total freedom of speech in there because it resulted in the main forum staying closer to OT and civility than pretty much any other internet forum I know.
It was clear to all that if you wanted to have total free speech then do it lavender room. Without that then you get people pushing the limits of the ‘main forum’ and that leads to the need for far more moderation.

I’m assuming the issue is they can’t exclude the LR threads from the advertising search engines and so commercially it’s just a necessity.

Key point, if people don’t like it then we can demand our membership fees back and go elsewhere.

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squatters, and/or bait that is underperforming in its role to attract advertisers.

We’re just tokens in the monetisation game.

Where does travel fall in these categories?! How else can we humble brag about where we’ve been, where we are going?!


I don’t see a thread explaining it, but I believe that splitting the main forum into categories is a dire dire mistake. what’s the reasoning behind that?

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I think we all get that you’re the new owner, and as it was with Dan, owner’s ball means owner’s rules.

But you might want to consider the tone of a message like this. Because tonally it reads as “I am going to be imposing some new rules pretty soon for no reason I am willing to disclose, and if you don’t like them, well, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out”.

Maybe that is the tone you were aiming for; I don’t know. But this place is a pretty much unique resource (AFAIK) for triathletes and former triathletes. You have a loyal and consistent readership, so why try to piss them off to the extent of willingly being prepared to drive them away? If you’re banking on the uniqueness keeping people here through any changes, you may be right. Seems like an odd thing to do though.


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