Breaking up the Lavender Room

You’re not wrong. Speaks to my post to DSW regarding their plan or goals.

If I owned a restaurant or other business with loyal regular customers and my goal was to retain them or try to grow the business I’d want to poll the audience. Hell, in our own business we regularly as our clients their opinions on everything from content to hours to website to office layout etc.

There’s something to be said for giving your loyal base some input or honest communication.


Always the victim. Well done sir.

Misreading the objective is really hard when the objective has not been stated.

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Everyone crying in this thread is playing the victim, it’s hilarious, you don’t even know what the changea are and you are all getting your panties in a twist. I love it…

Don’t like it leave has been the resounding message from everyone here for years… Like most things it’s nice but when it suits you.

@lastlap you probably should have stuck with the instinct that had you deleting your original post.

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Nah, this thread is hilarious!

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Careful. Lol

Everyone? Sorry pharlap, not everyone. I’ll let that go as hyperbole on your part, like the people on television are saying…

Hasn’t it been stated though? The OP?

Exactly this.

Sub forums create echo chambers. These can be political echo chambers or interest echo chambers.

But a larger forum exposes ALL of us to ideas, interests, conversations, and insights that we would never have wandered upon on our own.

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I am guessing it may have to do with advertising and some topics may not be allowed.

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I always get a good laugh out of hyperbolic posts like yours that paint critiques with a brush that makes them out to be “crying” and “victims.”

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Well, it was fun while it lasted bitches. Pretty sure this place will be a ghost town in a year if they do what I think they will do.


OK, OP says new categories created that sum up the good here.

The inference then is there is bad here now. What was so bad ? What detriment or cost did it bring?


I don’t know what everyone is worried about, after Trump looses this election you won’t have him to talk about anyway? I guess his criminal trials perhaps…

I’m sure. I just look at the current forum lists and cringe at what I assume will be a similar categorization approach.

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[quote]. If you feel like you need to go to another one for the topics we dont feel are appropriate, I and everyone one here wish you the best of luck…

Really? This is your final answer approach to a public discussion form? You are making it a Country Club?


Let’s not pretend that you weren’t the catalyst for the fall of the LR when you got too busy for your TTSTTTF role. Now we have a moderator taking about how changes to the LR will be made for what’s best for the endurance community.

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I am really curious what those topics are. The OP heavily implies that some topics currently on here will no longer be appropriate. I have been here almost 25 years with a couple breaks. I don’t know that I have ever seen an actual inappropriate topic discussed here. Some posts go over the line at times. But virtually never the topics.


100%, jpo. Spot on. I’ve been spending more and more time at the Escape Collective. Where I pay a membership. And Wade Wallace, formerly the founder of CyclingTips, has been amazing at guiding the development of that community. Regularly seeking feedback, and making members feel like stakeholders. And developing strong industry support even without explicit advertising. And allowing all manner of topics, including political, but almost completely absent toxicity.

Slowtwitch has taken the opposite approach recently.
Purely top down. They picked a path, and that’s going to be the path.

Maybe it’ll all work out. There’s more than one way to manage a community, and I’m no expert. But I sure have a lot of respect for how Wade Wallace and Slowman built their respective communities from the ground up.