Breaking up the Lavender Room

No need for the snark. He said he “fears” he will lose interest; not that he definitely will.

Oof. It seems the entire ST forum system is turning into some approximation of Reddit, sliced and diced into narrow interests.

The charm of this place, to me, is that it’s not Reddit.

Maybe it’s all for the better. I’ll wait and see. But the utterly confident statements about how much better it’ll all be, I hope, masks some internal trepidation.

Axing the women’s forum in the interest of forum consolidation and then months later slicing everything up is indeed not the greatest look.


Breaking up is hard to do.

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Getting old

I look at it like you probably tell your patients - Go into it thinking positive.

Why worry about something that hasn’t happened yet and when it happens, you have no idea what it will be. Does everyone’s mind immediately go to the worst? No fucking way I could live my life like that.

If you dwell on the crap, you’ll live in the crap.

We certainly are the kings of the passive aggressive non-apology. I can smell a “sorry, not sorry” uttered in Saskatchewan all the way here in Victoria.

It’s not dwelling. And there’s nothing wrong with recognizing realistic outcomes: good and bad.

I tell my patients all of the possible outcomes; that’s my job. And I give them the likelihood of each given decisions and options. That’s not dwelling. Acknowledging potential and likely outcomes isn’t dwelling.

A power that be just dropped a bomb that a major change is imminent for an popular corner of the internet for many of us. And recognizing that it might be significant enough of a chance for someone to change their user habits or perceived value is not an unrealistic response.


I share you sentiments and concerns.

I found triathlon in the late 90s and have been a participant in the LR since it’s creation (although under a slightly different username for several years). This is really the only online community I’ve continued to come back to, and I do so precisely because it is so unique.

This place really does have a lot less bickering than most other online platforms, fewer trolls, and more high quality discussions and personalities. It would be a shame to lose what we have here, and that is ultimately the people who contribute to this forum.


Spot on regarding your perception of the charm here at the forum currently known as Slowtwitch. I liked that it wasn’t Reddit or Facebook or anything else of the like.

That thread should be a muat read for certain people

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Oh, we need to address this?

“Slowtwitch has and always will be a liberal echo chamber. It’s comprised of the same washed up fat 40 to 50 year old people that continually post to try and stay relevant in this small little triathlon bubble.”

that’s the spirit windy :laughing:

A bit of jealousy expressed there by the young whomever it was.


What is fascinating to me is that these upcoming changes (and the ones that we have seen so far) show a fundamental and broad lack of understanding of what makes a tri forum or an off topic forum truly great.

It will mean the loss of the power of the unexpected, the loss of the forces of serendipity, and the loss of the richness of cross pollination. These are the elements which help all of us, and which allow each of us to help others in the best and most varied possible ways, that will all be immensely reduced.

Super unfortunate.


40 to 50?

I would venture to guess there’s more 50+ here.

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You are making a mistake. Not in your decisions to update the forums to align with your vision of this place. I have no idea how that will turn out and all I can say is I wish you luck.

But you are intentionally being divisive. You are going out of your way to tell people you don’t value them unless they are on board with your vision. Yet you have provided no indication what that vision is. Maybe I’ll love the new format. How about you not point me to the exit (in such a condescending way, I’ll add. The internet is a big place? Really? ) before giving me the menu.

And since it appears to be lost on you, this place actually does matter to a lot of people here. I think maybe a little too much if I’m being honest, but I don’t want to judge too harshly. Either way, for you to dismiss the very real affinity that exists here by telling everyone you are changing things and if you don’t like it, “I’m sorry you feel that way,” is really hollow of you. You had a wide range of options on how to handle this, and you decided to go with with flippancy?

Color me decidedly unimpressed…

Aaron Thomas


To me it’s more of “Do you even know who WE are?”

There are a lot of us who are approaching 15-20 Years of membership here

We’ve seen some shit; we’ve done some shit

People have come; people have gone - some gone beyond “not posting anymore”

Through all that, all the churn, all the ups, downs, sideways, and backwards, we’re still here

We’ve survived asteroids

Are these changes THE asteroid? The LAST one?

I doubt it

Maybe I’m misreading the objective, and the concern it’s generated

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I was thinking about the “understanding” you alluded to. Wondering what the inspiration is for them. What the goal(s) is/are for the new changes.

Where did the information come from that told them these new changes are the means to achieve their new goal(s)?