Breaking up the Lavender Room

Aha. Another category then, “Today I learned…”

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Can we also add tags for the following items?

  • Computer Science, Information, & General Works
  • Philosophy & Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Language
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Arts & Recreation
  • Literature
  • History & Geography
  • Really Lavender Room for all other spicy topics
  • Tigerchik’s Lavender Room.
  • Non-sequiturs for RandMart “I know your thread is about THIS, but I just thought of something"

They already got rid of that once, Doc - they apparently hate women here. (Not really sure if that should be pink or not at this point; guess time will tell.)

I’m not sure if anyone else heard that, but do believe that to be the death knell of ST. Not as we know it, but in totality. When a forum divides itself more and more, it’s usability and relatabilty divides in the same way. (I, uhh… think I need to edit that to read better…)

I’ve seen it happen before. But I hope to hell I am wrong. I’m giving this redesign a chance, and have been getting used to it. And I will give whatever comes next a chance. I just don’t see much hope based upon the OP.

I do wish to be wrong.

Also: I stand with The Good Doctor!

  • Jeff
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I’m still scratching my head on the list of main forums. There’s a tri forum, then separate ones each for running, swimming, and cycling. And there’s also a “General” forum. The waters are going to get muddied.

Is it gonna be something similar? Will there be a LR-type sub-forum within the LR for “every else that doesn’t fit our other sub-forums?”

I’ve been a member of forums that have a similar breakup and the community changed drastically and I haven’t been back in years.

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It’s all speculation right now. So maybe everyone not get their pants in a wad until we see how it falls out?

I’m still trying to figure out how to determine who someone is replying to if they don’t quote them or if the original person’s little icon isn’t over on the right side.

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E Dub’s second sentence said that’s exactly what they’re going to be doing. LR is about to enter the chop shop and it’s entrails divided up, sifted, and rebranded coming soon to a forum tab (or nine) near you.

Firstly, I agree completely I’m still confused when there is no avatar icon in a post so the reply is mysterious.

Second, I don’t think it’s speculation at all. E Dub just told us the LR topics are going to be separated at their whim so new forums can be created and they will disallow others of their choosing.

If we look at the main list of forum options there are fifteen topics born out of the 5-7 previous ones.

This ain’t speculation I’m afraid. Educated deduction.

Also given your two paragraphs about wadded pants and reply issues would your post be more appropriate for the “Fashion Forum” or “Forum Tech Issues?”

True, of course. We’ll see what happens, and hopefully the disaster anxiety proves to have been unnecessary.

If not, it will be a little disappointing if it turns out that Dan knew where this was headed, and didn’t or couldn’t give the LR group a heads up.

The best way to kill a forum is sub-forums.


What ‘heads up’ would you expect from Dan that the OP isn’t in itself providing??

Seems everyone is just scared of loosing politics and their circle jerk outlet. Funny how someone mentioned ‘self moderation’… If by jumping on Tyler at every chance you get and bullying him into oblivion is self moderation then yeah I guess it’s been working…

Its generous of you to suggest that reddit dwellers get any sun exposure.

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That was quick…lol

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The last lap usually is.

My daughter was a Librarian - I don’t think she knew

Looking at my borrowing history from our library; in the non- fiction rentals, I’m in the 500s & 600s

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Anarchy in the LR, yay?

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Yeah, I have a bad feeling about all of this. I’ll admit my panties are waded up a bit. I won’t complain much or get angry, but I fear a year from now I will have lost interest in this place. It’s been a good run, I hope I’m wrong.


If you know how you’re going to feel in a year, can you give me the lottery numbers for next week?

Well there’s a genuine apology if I’ve ever heard one!


And as a Canadian you’d know!