Breaking up the Lavender Room

I believe what you’re asking for is the “Topics” link in the side navigation (in a desktop web browser).


E Dub: this is a joke. Like all jokes it has a bit of truth.

You are upset that we are criticizing you? “I’m sorry you feel that way.”


Once again:

  1. we want the LR topics to be more useable/discoverable to the causal user of the forum.

  2. we want the LR topics to be open for all users of the forum of all ages.

That may be a change with re: “thick skin”.

as yeeper said, that can be fixed by you.

Reminds me of that snarky greeting card that says “Get better”… “I know you’re not sick, just get better. “

Really disappointed with the flippancy conveyed in the OP. Get better.


Why does it need to be taken offline? This transparent, back-and-forth conversation of different peoples’ thoughts and feelings is exactly why I come to the Lavender Room. I see Yeeper expressing opinions that resonate with many of us. Don’t we deserve answers too?

Where is he crapping all over you? If the level of criticism in this thread is too much for you, I think you’re in the wrong business of running a forum. (And I say that as someone whose forum history predates the use of NCSA Mosiac.)

It can’t be a surprise that people are frustrated with the level of change you alluded to (but didn’t explain). It’s Change Management 101, and you’re struggling with it. I appreciated that you love the site as much as you claim. I’m more hopeful that you can articulate (and retain) the aspects of the current site that keeps so many of us participating (both posters and lurkers → it’s eyeballs either way, for those fiscally inclined). There are a lot of voices here making it very clear that “more subforums” is not one of those aspects.


Ok here’s a thought, I’m also on a racing forum that has a “Trophy room” it’s a place for off topic stuff that you have to request to join so everyone knows ahead what to expect, how about something like that?

This post can’t be highlighted enough.

In the one forum I talked about there are 36 sub forums and only 6 are “current” and have a post from within the last week.

And some haven’t been visited in years. And the decline started back in the early 2010s.
Not good.


It must be so tiresome, having to tolerate tolerance.

There seems to be no shortage of far right views expressed on X. Have you thought about trying there?

it’s easier for advertisers to target within subinterest groups – don’t know if this is part of the plan but for the business minded that might matter

Diagnosing forums is a bit like diagnosing marriages. For every failure, we can point to successes. Obviously, our intention is to find the right balance and find success.

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The LR was TikTok before there was TikTok!
It is also a “place”, that will be missed.

Thats what killed TNO and then BT

That’s a great thought! I also want to re-iterate: this isn’t a static decision. We can grow and adjust as we see what works and what doesn’t.

I wish we had TikTok’s numbers! :joy:

I appreciate you.

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Hello all,

I haven’t read through all of the posts, but wanted to share my thoughts to the management and on the upcoming changes.

I found the LR years ago and while I don’t post often, I do visit regularly. What I appreciate most about the LR is that you don’t often know what you are going to see. From celebrating successes and heartbreak, to travel ideas and little niche topics. Coming from my own little bubble in the world, I appreciate that I get to read and learn from a wide spectrum and opinions, and we learn from one another.

When things are broken up, I get that the conversation will get more in depth, more specialized, and dare I say, more divided. But the breath of the LR is it’s ousia. It’s been affectionately termed the “land of misfit toys” and there’s no other place like this.

Even on the topic of politics, I lean left, but in the 2016 election, I appreciate the conversation and learnt from others why and how they may see things differently. I get that the recent political discourse is getting ugly, but that can be moderated.

I do know that management often see change as a way forward, be it a format, a branding, or what-have-yous.

If you can keep the LR’s raison d’etre with the changes, that’s great. If not, it’s still your sandbox.


No need for a call. But I don’t believe I need so slow anything down because I don’t think I’ve sped anything up beyond limits. I also dont believe I’m crapping on anybody. However I’m open to feedback so please point out where I have stepped over your line.

I’m happy to continue the discussion here and in all
honesty that’s what I’m HOPING happens. Because one of the potential issues is that a conversation DIDNT happen when you dropped the news and then left us to our own devices. Similar with the initial forum changes when they were announced.

I don’t believe raising concerns or posting in this thread constitutes something that needs to be reigned in, at least not in the way I have been: however if you and others feel the same I’ll concede.

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I belonged to a forum that had that feature too

For them, though, because you had to have a log-on to get in, it was also search-engine-proof, and they could talk shit about families, and so on, and some threads even went as far as “I’m leaving my husband. How do I tell him?”

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So have the 36 subforums, but also have a view which shows all LR post by most recent updates, or since your last visit. have seen this elsewhere with many subforums.