You warm weather weenies

…don’t know how much fun you’re missing today. Like a freezing rain storm. My evetrough spout has frozen solid and now water is spilling over and flooding my walk way to the entrance on my home office. Had to cancel everbody as a result, which is just as well because it’s nuts to drive in this weather. I’ll have to chip off the ice, disassemble the spout and bring it inside to thaw out. Then I’ll have to go back outside in that crap weather to re-assemble it.

Who needs a beach or palm trees when you can have fun like this in the Great White North.

I can speak for some of us in the Southern California area, it may be warm the next few days, low to mid 70s, but we risk getting blown into the Pacific. We have a strong desert wind building that will top off with gust of up to 90mph. Pick your poison.

Yeah, it was so lovely this morning driving my son down to the UoT pool for a 5:20 practice. I love driving in Toronto during sh^&ty weather!


Here in Orlando it is 70 but overcast with a good chance of showers this evening and colder tomorrow. Time to break out the arm/leg warmers.


It is tough here in South Florida too. It hasn’t been in the 80’s for days, until today. Swim workouts are chilly when that 70 degree wind hits you after you climb out of the pool.

We will persevere regardless.

I just got off the trainer this morning after 1:15. I’m hoping to go into town for a swim at noon if the roads aren’t too bad and then put in a run afterwards (it is usually better to run in the city where they try to keep the sidewalks clear!). We’re expecting the high temperature to go to around 4 or 5C today so the snow should be changing to a wonderful pile of slush to enjoy. Not sure if this is better or worse than the -19C we had on Monday during my run :slight_smile:

Francois, my dad went to school at East Texas State University back in 1961 and tells a great story about a freakish snowstorm they had. He was quite an entrepreneur and was charging a fee for driving cars up a hill that was “impossible to drive up” for the locals.

I am actually leaving weather weenie land today to join you guys up in in the Great White North. I have a long run planned each day Friday through Monday as IMAZ will be here way too quickly. I am actually looking forward to a white Christmas but hope it is not too cold. Although sometimes cold is better than when it hovers around freezing so there is slush everywhere.

Happy holidays to all!

Mike Donia

I suffered through a 75 degree, 10 mph southerly wind, 44 mile ride yesterday. Its much cooler today at about 68 degrees, but raining. So, I’ll wait til it clears this afternoon and go for a 30 miler, or wait til after I perform a wedding ceremony at 3:30 for one of our guests, and then go for a 4 mile run. Either way I WILL be working out outside!! : ) God, I love Florida!

BTW - At least for us in St Augustine, the hurricanes amounted to a BIG nothing. I don’t care what the Weather Channel says…the weather was good here, except for 3 days (and thats a total of all the hurricanes) of 40-50 mph winds. I was standing next to the Weather Channel lady as she was making matters look really bad for the camera. The camera shot was taken in the ONLY spot on the bayfront where the waves were coming over the sea wall due to a 90 degree turn in the wall and was compressing the waves together. They loved making it look really bad to increase ratings for their station. They cost my business tens of thousands of dollars as they scared people away up to 7 days prior to the storms and then another 3-5 days after the storms were gone.

I recall a mid-winter business trip to Florida a few years ago. It was a welcome escape from the snow and cold of an Ontario winter. I headed out for a long run one morning from my hotel. Met a local who was going my pace and we started chatting. He explained to me that it was his first run in a week. I asked him why he had to take a week off and he said that it had been raining!!


Here in Dallas it’s about 20ish with snow still on the ground. Sunny but there is no melting going on right now, so that tells you it’s pretty freakin’ cold. I’ll pass on the run for now…

Ok, I am not trying to whine here, but the temperature is currently -31 C. I took the dogs for a walk last night and after 1k they had enough and gave me the lets go home look.

Supposed to warm up for Christmas at least. Have a great holiday everyone. Cheers.

Ahhh, beautiful here too. 70’s, sun. This is the place to be.

Another weather weenie checking in - had to put on my long sleeve shirt last night after running, that 20mph wind off the ocean really cooled me off…bwwwaaaahahahahaha…

Off now for the long weekend, will have to try to tough out the winds for my ride this afternoon, and it’ll be around 60 on Christmas Day, nice for my morning bike ride and then brekkies.

Sorry, y’all, but have a great Christmas anyway - it’s the people that keep you warm.



Here in Orlando it is 70 but overcast with a good chance of showers this evening and colder tomorrow. Time to break out the arm/leg warmers.


God bless the Great State of Florida.

ent riding yesterday, it was in the mid seventies, sunny, just like early srping. Same in the evening when I was running in the local trails. It is December-freaging-23rd and I am running outside and wondering if I should take my shirt off!

Gotta love this.

Merry Christmas,

Ho hum, just another winter day. :slight_smile:



Hmmm maybe I should buy a shirt to run in…nah bad idea. Those 2 or 3 cold days each year I’ll just sit by the fire and have a warm drink.

Its great to be in the subtropics this time of year. But the 6 months of summer admittedly gets a little tough.

Cheers and Happy Holidays to all.

…don’t know how much fun you’re missing today. Like a freezing rain storm. My evetrough spout has frozen solid and now water is spilling over and flooding my walk way to the entrance on my home office. Had to cancel everbody as a result, which is just as well because it’s nuts to drive in this weather. I’ll have to chip off the ice, disassemble the spout and bring it inside to thaw out. Then I’ll have to go back outside in that crap weather to re-assemble it.

Oh, I admit it. From the time I retired, moved back to Michigan and went to work for NWA, I schemed and plotted on how to get back here to Hawaii. AND IT WORKED!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

But, hey…I’m jumping on our HNL-DTW flight tonight and am going to spend a week back home in the big Mish-ee-gan just to keep my “hardy Midwesterner” cred. BUT I’LL FEEL REALLY LOUSY WHILE I’M THERE!!

I promise.


Its freezing here in the Chicago area! I usually am able to go south sailing or west sking a couple times over the winter but my wife is 8 3/4 months pregnant so I aint going anywhere for a while.

Happy Freakin Holidays!

How do I persuade my wife to move back to Australia from Missouri?


How do I persuade my wife to move back to Australia from Missouri?


Oh, my sympathies are with you!! Australia vs Missouri?? No contest!

BTW, my run today was a b*tch. 10 degrees, the wind is blowing AND it’s snowing. I’m sure my neighbors think I am insane.