You warm weather weenies

Had to knock the ice of the palm trees here today. It actually dropped about 5 degrees from the start to the end of my run (45F to 40F). Windy and cloudy too. The run wasn’t so bad, but I felt for the swim team kids practicing outdoors today- hope the parents had the car all nice and toasty for when they got out of the pool. Pool is heated to 84F in the winter; it’s the run from the pool to car while you’re wet that gets you and gets you bad.

It’s all relative, I guess. Maybe that’s what makes us Canadians so tough! We went running in ~10-14 inches of snow along Lake Huron, with ~50km/h wind gusts off the lake. Very fun times - not so fast, but what a workout! Had to close my eyes several times, because the freezing rain pellets hurt so much.

Happy holidays to all, and be safe in travels.


Speaking of Florida trips… during a ride I ran into your buddie Augie (sp?) on A1A on boxing day. I left kind of abruptly when I passed my parking spot, could you pass on a hello and “thanks for the ride”?

I asked him if he was you, or you were him, or whatever after finding out he was from TO and used to race alot…nice fella and I appreciated the, albeit short, ride partner.

Happy holidays!


if you stood Augie and Fleck side by side you’d never mistake the two again…that said Augie used to be the duathlon King in Ontario. Short or not that is one fast guy. Mind you Fleck came out of a lengthy retirement this past summer and did a race in an ancient wetsuit and with minimal training and still wound up like 11th or 12th overall. Yeah, if only I could unretire so fast.

Said it before, and I’ll ask it again… why the hell do you nutjobs live there? Leave! Anyplace you have to heat up so much (for so much of the year) just isn’t where humans were meant to live (assuming humans were “meant” for/to do anything).

I’m a weather weenie now, and proud of it. When I left Honolulu last Thursday to spend a week here in Michigan with my wife it was 84F and sunny. Today, I ran outdoors for about an hour and it was friggin’ 22F. Right now, it’s about 14F.

I can’t believe I used to be a Billy bad-ass hardguy trained killer in some distant past life… Nowadays, I don’t even like to ride in the damn Hawaii rain, regardless of temps.


Wimp Kahuna

I’m a weather weenie now, and proud of it. When I left Honolulu last Thursday to spend a week here in Michigan with my wife it was 84F and sunny. Today, I ran outdoors for about an hour and it was friggin’ 22F. Right now, it’s about 14F.

I can’t believe I used to be a Billy bad-ass hardguy trained killer in some distant past life… Nowadays, I don’t even like to ride in the damn Hawaii rain, regardless of temps.


Wimp Kahuna ------------------------------ Spend and extra week for me Tony, because I know I am not going back! Aloha, Ex-Michigander Larry

yeah, riding to Hawi yesterday was pretty cold, almost below 90…

Augy Marmelo was one of the Ontario originals - winning many of the big first time triathlons in Ontario back in the early and mid 80’s. I had a number of memorable battles with Augy over the years. We were well matched as we were both terrible swimmers, with Augy a bit stronger on the bike and myself a bit stronger on the run. Many fond memories.

Augy is currently one of the top Master’s road cyclists in Ontario competing for the Cervelo Team.



Seasons greetings. Thanks for the plug.

I hope that you are having a great winter.
