Why Harris-Walz would be a disaster for the country

Indeed, it doesn’t. For example Utah, hardly a liberal state, recently started providing health care to undocumented children. Plenty of Christians support it.
Compassionate conservatism? Where have I heard of that? Must have been before Trump took over.

Whether Mormon or Christian, plenty of devout people want to help those in need. But involuntary charity is more commonly referred to as taxation. While I endorse everyone paying their fair share of taxes, people tend to be more charitable toward those who haven’t effectively jumped the line.

Indeed, it doesn’t. For example Utah, hardly a liberal state, recently started providing health care to undocumented children. Plenty of Christians support it.
Compassionate conservatism? Where have I heard of that? Must have been before Trump took over.

Whether Mormon or Christian, plenty of devout people want to help those in need. But involuntary charity is more commonly referred to as taxation. While I endorse everyone paying their fair share of taxes, people tend to be more charitable toward those who haven’t effectively jumped the line.

Undocumented immigrants paid $100 Billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022.

Tax Payments by Undocumented Immigrants – ITEP

You know who signed the law that forbade hospitals from denying emergency care services based on immigration status? That notorious liberal Ronald Reagan.

Back on topic, do you have any examples of why we should be scared that Harris-Walz will be a disaster for the country?

This is interesting.

Could not find the Axios article. But I believe in the debate ABC use FBI crime date which relies on cities to voluntarily report data. 1/3 of cities do not including some large ones like Phoenix, LA, and NYC. NYC is reporting one month is down. LA reporting their data is up. So it is hard to say with any certainty that crime levels have changed. Per this article 60-80% in Gallop polls think crime has increased. especially in 22 and 23 And that may be the most important stat, as opinion drives elections.


People think crime is up because the GOP relentlessly promote the lie that crime is up. Propaganda works

The fact is crime is down. It is not just the FBI data that confirms this fact. The data from 38 cities across the country, collected as part of the Council on Criminal Justice, confirms it
Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Year-End 2023 Update - Council on Criminal Justice (counciloncj.org)

Major Cities Chiefs Association data confirms it
New data shows violent crime dropping sharply in major U.S. cities (axios.com)

A study of murder data from 175 cites confirmed it
(5) Crime in 2023: Murder Plummeted, Violent and Property Crime Likely Fell Nationally (substack.com)

There is ample data from across the country that proves the GOP is lying
Violent Crime Is Falling Nationwide — Here’s How We Know | Brennan Center for Justice

You know who has some of the lowest crime rates? Cities along the southern border
Border cities again post low crime numbers (axios.com)

Trump’s “Migrant crime wave” claim is also a lie.
‘No migrant crime wave.’ Experts fact check election rhetoric | KPBS Public Media

Debunking the Myth of the ‘Migrant Crime Wave’ | Brennan Center for Justice

A rare unscripted interview of Harris by local media.

Stop using data!!!

They “feel” like it is up!!!

Harris Walz can be a disaster and still be less of a disaster than Trump. Aside from the left wing of the Democratic Party I think that is what more than 50 percent of the electorate thinks