Where are all the 2A absolutists?

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Because, based on the idiotic and highly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, really all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should all be perfectly legal for all americans. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *

It took me a bit to get the gist of your rhetorical question. And, it’s a doozy (I know this is a trigger word, AND, while trigger is too apropos for this particular post, substitute the word(s) awesome, breathtaking, fantastic, marvelous, considerable, significant, consequential, etc.)

Thanks for bringing it up (I mean it). I await commentary, and prognostication.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.


The SCOTUS should be a group we have 100% confidence in, however, the current makeup gives me almost 0% confidence they will do the right thing. Roberts needs to be a little more heavy handed in dealing with justices such as thomas should retire effective immediately.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *

You do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *

You do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.

Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *

You do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.

Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?

No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *

You do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.

Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?

here I was all ready to go buy a M16 and a Mac 10 and then I actually read your link. Come to find out you are spreading misinformation, and they are not deciding on automatic weapons, they are deciding on bump stocks. You might be interested to know that bump stocks are not automatic weapons. So I guess that calms your fears…at least on this issue.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

I’ll get a Glock switch.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

There is no constitutional “originalist” distinction between bump stocks and full auto weapons.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

I’ll get a Glock switch.

Right, when the floodgates open, every tom, dick, and harry will be able to buy one of those. But, of course, a glock doesn’t have nearly the same fatal wounding power as a rapid fire rifle. Those will be far better for killing kids faster in school shootings. Spray and pray, etc.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

There is no constitutional “originalist” distinction between bump stocks and full auto weapons.

No, but there is a real difference in the real world we live in. One is a semi auto with a bump stock and one is a full auto.

If we can get full autos I know where I will be going…to the local gun shop. Having a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?There is no constitutional “originalist” distinction between bump stocks and full auto weapons.No, but there is a real difference in the real world we live in. One is a semi auto with a bump stock and one is a full auto.

Just give it time, the scotus will throw that distinction in the trash heap.

Because, of course, it ain’t “originalist.”

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?There is no constitutional “originalist” distinction between bump stocks and full auto weapons.No, but there is a real difference in the real world we live in. One is a semi auto with a bump stock and one is a full auto.

Just give it time, the scotus will throw that distinction in the trash heap.

Because, of course, it ain’t “originalist.”

We have had a ton of regulation for full autos for years and doubt they decide to change that. Although…abortion.

If we do get access to full autos, look out gun shows and gun stores. Lots of business and high priced guns will be moving out the door.

We have had a ton of regulation for full autos for years and doubt they decide to change that. Although…abortion.Bingo

If we do get access to full autos, look out gun shows and gun stores. Lots of business and high priced guns will be moving out the door.Lots of business, yes. But they will be insanely cheap. The parts required to change many semi auto rifles and handguns to full auto are/will be dirt cheap.

Welcome to the shooting gallery.
Don’t you just love america?

a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

I wish you and those who thought like you could think of better ways to have fun.

I wish a psychologist could chime in to let us know there exists some parallel between an insecurity or other character trait and the desire to just destroy shit or “shooting stuff up.”

Kind of Iike how the person who always lashes out when they’re angry or punches a wall. Or how if someone needs to drink their stress away.

There’s got to be some connection between “just shooting stuff up” and “x.”

It’s just fun to do. Don’t overthink the why. I’m guessing you have the same issues with other forms of shooting like skeet/trap shooting and biathlons, etc… One man’s skeet shooting session is another man’s shooting stuff up and target practicing on their ranch type fun.

One might ask what’s wrong with you, that you seem to think that someone that likes to shoot guns for sport and fun has a mental issue. I like to shoot guns, but it never is sourced from a place of doing violence to other humans.

Yes, I know there are a lot of gun enthusiasts that probably like to fantasize while they’re doing it, that they’re in some sort of war games killing people. Can’t speak to them.

There are a bunch of others that don’t really fantasize about play killing people, but just like to be able to protect themselves should the unlikely situation and event descend upon them. There are a lot of people that just like to be prepared to not to be a victim in life.

There are others, that just find it fun to fire off guns and target practice. I like to shoot bows and arrows and throw rocks at things too. I can’t tell you why, it just is. There is zero aggression in my head or me working out frustrations.


It’s just fun to do. Don’t overthink the why. I’m guessing you have the same issues with other forms of shooting like skeet/trap shooting and biathlons, etc… One man’s skeet shooting session is another man’s shooting stuff up and target practicing on their ranch type fun.

One might ask what’s wrong with you, that you seem to think that someone that likes to shoot guns for sport and fun has a mental issue. I like to shoot guns, but it never is sourced from a place of doing violence to other humans.

Yes, I know there are a lot of gun enthusiasts that probably like to fantasize while they’re doing it, that they’re in some sort of war games killing people. Can’t speak to them.

There are a bunch of others that don’t really fantasize about play killing people, but just like to be able to protect themselves should the unlikely situation and event descend upon them. There are a lot of people that just like to be prepared to not to be a victim in life.

There are others, that just find it fun to fire off guns and target practice. I like to shoot bows and arrows and throw rocks at things too. I can’t tell you why, it just is. There is zero aggression in my head or me working out frustrations.



I’m too cheap for full auto (ammo is expensive) but I do like to shoot things REALLY far away. It’s quite a puzzle to put together to hit a 8" gong at 500 yards on the first shot.

a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

I wish you and those who thought like you could think of better ways to have fun.

I wish a psychologist could chime in to let us know there exists some parallel between an insecurity or other character trait and the desire to just destroy shit or “shooting stuff up.”

Kind of Iike how the person who always lashes out when they’re angry or punches a wall. Or how if someone needs to drink their stress away.

There’s got to be some connection between “just shooting stuff up” and “x.”

I take it you have no idea what you are talking about so I will cut you some slack. Shooting stuff up is common parlance for shooting cans, bottles, steel targes, old junk cars left on the farm etc. There is zero correlation between that and “punching a wall” Ha. You guys are so nutz.