Where are all the 2A absolutists?

It’s just fun to do. Don’t overthink the why. I’m guessing you have the same issues with other forms of shooting like skeet/trap shooting and biathlons, etc… One man’s skeet shooting session is another man’s shooting stuff up and target practicing on their ranch type fun.

One might ask what’s wrong with you, that you seem to think that someone that likes to shoot guns for sport and fun has a mental issue. I like to shoot guns, but it never is sourced from a place of doing violence to other humans.

Yes, I know there are a lot of gun enthusiasts that probably like to fantasize while they’re doing it, that they’re in some sort of war games killing people. Can’t speak to them.

There are a bunch of others that don’t really fantasize about play killing people, but just like to be able to protect themselves should the unlikely situation and event descend upon them. There are a lot of people that just like to be prepared to not to be a victim in life.

There are others, that just find it fun to fire off guns and target practice. I like to shoot bows and arrows and throw rocks at things too. I can’t tell you why, it just is. There is zero aggression in my head or me working out frustrations.


I grew up in a small town and spent lots of time around loaded guns on farms, deer leases, shooting ranges etc and not once in my entire life did I worry that someone shooting the guns was unstable. That way of thinking is silly and childish. I would trust a regular gun owner and user more than someone that is afraid of guns or thinks that anyone that shoots has an anger problem.

The idiots in the scotus will be deciding, among other things, if the federal ban on fully automatic weapons is constitutional. Based on the idiotic and higly selective “originalist” reading of the 2A, all arms (automatic weapons, grenade launchers, shoulder fired missiles, etc.) should be perfectly legal. Can’t wait.

*The Supreme Court will decide whether to let civilians own automatic weapons *
https://www.vox.com/...chine-guns-automaticYou do know that civilians can currently own and use automatic firearms, right? I know people that have some for sale that I could buy.Yes, I do know that.

But can I buy brand new ones?No, but they are perfectly legal. Expensive, but legal.

Yes, I am familiar.

But the sale of newly manufactured ones is, as far as I know, banned currently.

But, not for long … let the floodgates open.

Let the floodgates open on bump stocks added to a semi auto…not floodgates open on fully auto, correct?

There is no constitutional “originalist” distinction between bump stocks and full auto weapons.

No, but there is a real difference in the real world we live in. One is a semi auto with a bump stock and one is a full auto.

If we can get full autos I know where I will be going…to the local gun shop. Having a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

Have you seen the price of ammo?!?!?

A weekend of hookers and blow in Vegas would be cheaper and more fun?

It’s just fun to do. Don’t overthink the why.

I kind of agree. I like to shoot at targets. Semi-auto is fine. But, my desire is easily tempered by the needs of our society and by the needs of reasonable, consistent national gun regulation, including mental fitness checks and regular training requirements.

And I still despise the obvious hypocrisy of the scotus, and I despise the motivation behind those (NRA, gun nutters, trumpers, et al.) that defend americans to arm themselves with incredibly lethal arms without any restriction. I also think that uncensored photos of every body in every single school shooting should be widely disseminated. We need to see the brains blown out of every dead kid’s brain. And we need to see the bullet-ridden torsos and the deep-red, swimming pool sized puddles of blood.

I make the distinction between utilizing or honing a skill and blindly letting lead fly or an inexplicable desire to make things go boom.

As I alluded in my previous post, the why matters a whole hell of a lot to me.

If you ask two people why they want a rifle and one says “I’m interested in target shooting” or “sporting clays looks like a fun challenge” while the other one says “I just want to shoot stuff” I think you know exactly the distinction I’m making.

While reductionist, Im sure you can understand why I feel this way given the current state of gun affairs in this country. I’m not saying it distinctly and definitively identifies a mental issue but it certainly is a big ass clue IMO.

Those individuals who get their “fun” from certain vices is telling to me. I have my own stresses and insecurities but I can tell you that since I’ve been in my early 20s I’ve not defaulted to alcohol, drugs, destruction, violence, driving fast, adrenaline rushes etc to address my stress, frustrations, or jollies. YMMV

Signed: someone with rifles and pistols.

Definitely digressing here, but most people would be shocked at how much of the money spent on ammo and guns, hunting/fishing licenses, all other gun, hunting, fishing equipment goes to wildlife preservation.

Pittman-Robertson Act. I think it generates around $1.5billion annually in taxes that go to wildlife conservation efforts…all from those deplorable gun/hunting/fishing enthusiasts.

It’s always nice to remind those that are so against the hunting/fishing crowd (guns/ammo too) that there would be so much less wildlife and parks for them to enjoy, if not for those hunters and fishermen that make it possible.


26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)

"For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means:

-Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
-The frame or receiver of any such weapon
-Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or

-Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person".

a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

I wish you and those who thought like you could think of better ways to have fun.

I wish a psychologist could chime in to let us know there exists some parallel between an insecurity or other character trait and the desire to just destroy shit or “shooting stuff up.”

Kind of Iike how the person who always lashes out when they’re angry or punches a wall. Or how if someone needs to drink their stress away.

There’s got to be some connection between “just shooting stuff up” and “x.”

I take it you have no idea what you are talking about so I will cut you some slack. Shooting stuff up is common parlance for shooting cans, bottles, steel targes, old junk cars left on the farm etc. There is zero correlation between that and “punching a wall” Ha. You guys are so nutz.

I got my hunting license when I was 14. I’ve got my CC. I’ve built multiple rifles with my father. Ive learned how to reload. And we built our own range up at my father’s property.

No slack needed, I’m pretty sure I’ve got some idea of what I’m talking about. And no issues if others disagree with me as it is a very nuanced view.

26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)
"For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means:

-Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
​-The frame or receiver of any such weapon
​-Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or -Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person".

Yes, I am familiar.

But this part of the national firearms act is unconstitutional.

Do you not agree?

a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

I wish you and those who thought like you could think of better ways to have fun.

I wish a psychologist could chime in to let us know there exists some parallel between an insecurity or other character trait and the desire to just destroy shit or “shooting stuff up.”

Kind of Iike how the person who always lashes out when they’re angry or punches a wall. Or how if someone needs to drink their stress away.

There’s got to be some connection between “just shooting stuff up” and “x.”

I take it you have no idea what you are talking about so I will cut you some slack. Shooting stuff up is common parlance for shooting cans, bottles, steel targes, old junk cars left on the farm etc. There is zero correlation between that and “punching a wall” Ha. You guys are so nutz.

I got my hunting license when I was 14. I’ve got my CC. I’ve built multiple rifles with my father. Ive learned how to reload. And we built our own range up at my father’s property.

No slack needed, I’m pretty sure I’ve got some idea of what I’m talking about. And no issues if others disagree with me as it is a very nuanced view.

Ok, then its just a stupid view that comes from a place of fear. No, just because someone likes to shoot bottles, cans, or make things go boom, has nothing to do with their mental state. Good grief.

I guess you are against folks doing cannonballs at the local swimming pool because it makes a big splash and gets people wet. Oh the horror.

26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)
"For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means:

-Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
​-The frame or receiver of any such weapon
​-Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or -Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person".

Yes, I am familiar.

But this part of the national firearms act is unconstitutional.

Do you not agree?


Machineguns are in common use for lawful purposes.

What we know …

automatic weapons are used in just shy of zero shootings each year. I’ve never investigated a shooting involving an automatic weapon. I would speculate this is because they are difficult to get and those that possess them are vetted.

Automatic weapons are fun to shoot. The novelty wears off pretty quickly. Most tactical cops, even if equipped with automatic rifles, do most shooting on single shot setting. There is limited application in civilian law enforcement for automatic rifles.

If automatics rifles become legal and relatively common, the vast majority owners will be law abiding, just as with guns now. A few won’t be, and the resulting death toll will reflect the increased lethality. As someone who responds to weapons call frequently (twice last night), I’m not excited about the possibility of automatic rifles being in the mix.

Is the inevitable cost worth the benefit? IMO, it is not. We’ve already got a significant gun problem; the widespread legalization of automatic weapons will inevitably make it worse.

How’s this for an originalist interpretation? The Constitution only applies to weapons available at the time. Any weapons produced after have no Constitutional “protection” and can therefore be regulated without Constitutional restriction.

(If it’s not clear, i think this is a bad argument and Constitutional originalism is bad philosophy.)

a full auto would be fun for Saturday afternoon at the farm shooting stuff up.

I wish you and those who thought like you could think of better ways to have fun.

I wish a psychologist could chime in to let us know there exists some parallel between an insecurity or other character trait and the desire to just destroy shit or “shooting stuff up.”

Kind of Iike how the person who always lashes out when they’re angry or punches a wall. Or how if someone needs to drink their stress away.

There’s got to be some connection between “just shooting stuff up” and “x.”

I take it you have no idea what you are talking about so I will cut you some slack. Shooting stuff up is common parlance for shooting cans, bottles, steel targes, old junk cars left on the farm etc. There is zero correlation between that and “punching a wall” Ha. You guys are so nutz.

I got my hunting license when I was 14. I’ve got my CC. I’ve built multiple rifles with my father. Ive learned how to reload. And we built our own range up at my father’s property.

No slack needed, I’m pretty sure I’ve got some idea of what I’m talking about. And no issues if others disagree with me as it is a very nuanced view.

Ok, then its just a stupid view that comes from a place of fear. No, just because someone likes to shoot bottles, cans, or make things go boom, has nothing to do with their mental state. Good grief.

I guess you are against folks doing cannonballs at the local swimming pool because it makes a big splash and gets people wet. Oh the horror.

Not at all what I’m saying. Try again.

26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)
"For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means:

-Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
​-The frame or receiver of any such weapon
​-Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or -Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person".Yes, I am familiar.

But this part of the national firearms act is unconstitutional.

Do you not agree?Yes.

Machineguns are in common use for lawful purposes.

Great, hopefully the scotus will rule and soon allow every single american (and school shooter) to own and purchase new fully automatic firearms.

automatic weapons are used in just shy of zero shootings each year.I don’t in any way doubt your observation, but that’s gonna change rapidly when they’re fully legal and readily available in rifle and handgun form.

I’ve never investigated a shooting involving an automatic weapon. I would speculate this is because they are difficult to get and those that possess them are vetted.Exactly.

As someone who responds to weapons call frequently (twice last night), I’m not excited about the possibility of automatic rifles being in the mix.Amen.

Is the inevitable cost worth the benefit? IMO, it is not. We’ve already got a significant gun problem; the widespread legalization of automatic weapons will inevitably make it worse.Umm, yup.

How’s this for an originalist interpretation? The Constitution only applies to weapons available at the time. Any weapons produced after have no Constitutional “protection” and can therefore be regulated without Constitutional restrictionI agree, but the scotus absolutely does not.

26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)
"For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means:

-Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
​-The frame or receiver of any such weapon
​-Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or -Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person".Yes, I am familiar.

But this part of the national firearms act is unconstitutional.

Do you not agree?Yes.

Machineguns are in common use for lawful purposes.

Great, hopefully the scotus will rule and soon allow every single american (and school shooter) to own and purchase new fully automatic firearms.

Why would you want school shooters to have fully auto weapons? You are going to a dark place.

Why would you want school shooters to have fully auto weapons? You are going to a dark place.
Why would you want school shooters to have semi auto weapons? You have frequently voted for dark politicians that have supported this repeatedly.

Why would you want school shooters to have fully auto weapons? You are going to a dark place.
Why would you want school shooters to have semi auto weapons? You have frequently voted for dark politicians that have supported this repeatedly.

I don’t want school shooters to have any weapons. If you point them out to the cops before they shoot anyone, hopefully the cops will arrest them.

How about we profile the freaks that do these things? There is definitely a pattern to the type of person doing these shootings. I say we absolutely refuse to let folks in those categories have any guns.

Why would you want school shooters to have fully auto weapons? You are going to a dark place.Why would you want school shooters to have semi auto weapons? You have frequently voted for dark politicians that have supported this repeatedly.I don’t want school shooters to have any weapons. If you point them out to the cops before they shoot anyone, hopefully the cops will arrest them.

How about we profile the freaks that do these things? There is definitely a pattern to the type of person doing these shootings. ** I say we absolutely refuse to let folks in those categories have any guns**.
Most gun folks and conservative politicians (like the NRA et al.) vehemently disagree with this.

Its not “originalist.”

And you vote for them.

Why would you want school shooters to have fully auto weapons? You are going to a dark place.
Why would you want school shooters to have semi auto weapons? You have frequently voted for dark politicians that have supported this repeatedly.

I don’t want school shooters to have any weapons. If you point them out to the cops before they shoot anyone, hopefully the cops will arrest them.

How about we profile the freaks that do these things? There is definitely a pattern to the type of person doing these shootings. ** I say we absolutely refuse to let folks in those categories have any guns**.

Most gun folks and politicians (like the NRA et al.) vehemently disagree with this.

Its not “originalist.”

And you vote for them.

No they dont’. I know lots of guns folks. None of them want those types of people to have guns.

No one I know has a problem with a single, young, mental patient, or gang banger have reduced access to guns.

And you vote for them.No they dont’. I know lots of guns folks. None of them want those types of people to have guns.

No one I know has a problem with a single, young, mental patient, or gang banger have reduced access to guns.

You should review your favorite politicians’ voting records.

If you’re for real, well, you’re gonna be mighty surprised.