When Harris gets the nomination who will replace her?

In the betting markets Harris is a 2-1 fav in being the dem nominee.

The President will drop out before the convention, I’m almost certain. Who does Harris tap (or accept) as her running mate?

Likely a white male with executive experience and low negative polling numbers.


In the betting markets Harris is a 2-1 fav in being the dem nominee.

The President will drop out before the convention, I’m almost certain. Who does Harris tap (or accept) as her running mate?

Likely a white male with executive experience and low negative polling numbers.


Tim Kaine.

Not a chance. Too Hillaryish.

Not a chance. Too Hillaryish.

It was a hilarious joke.

But I would hope it would be Manchin or some other blue dog.

It should just be some white male from wisco/penn/mich.

Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

There is only one choice if you want to make MAGA heads assplode



THAT would be amazing.

At least they have their sanitary napkins at the ready to sop up the mess.

Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

Ben or Josh?

Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

Anderson or Alice?

Alice could lock down Wisconsin for sure. He’s a regular visitor there.

Shaprio, Cooper or **Beshear **would be my top 3 guesses.

Andy or al-Assad?

Shaprio, Cooper or **Beshear **would be my top 3 guesses.

Andy or al-Assad?

-1 windy point. Bashar is not the same as Beshear.

Andy or Steve would have been acceptable.

Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

Anderson or Alice?

Alice could lock down Wisconsin for sure. He’s a regular visitor there.

Milwaukee has sure had its share of visitors.

Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

Anderson or Alice?

Alice could lock down Wisconsin for sure. He’s a regular visitor there.




Shaprio, Cooper or Beshear would be my top 3 guesses.

I’m in NC and like Roy Cooper a lot. I think he’s done a good job the past eight years. I have a little bit of a hard time seeing him as a VP. I’ve always felt like he has this sort of “aw shucks” attitude, which is perfectly fine as governor, but I don’t know how it’ll play as a VP candidate. I have a hard time seeing him as the attack dog the VP candidate typically plays.

But with that said, he has won state wide multiple times and maybe him on the ticket would be enough to put NC truly in play.


Shaprio, Cooper or **Beshear **would be my top 3 guesses.

Andy or al-Assad?

-1 windy point. Bashar is not the same as Beshear.

Andy or Steve would have been acceptable.

All those funny foreign names sound the same…

It would be interesting to see what would happen with a Harris-Buttigieg ticket. My gut tells me the homophobia would be hard to tamp down on the right (maybe announce on Grindr?) and could work in the Dems favor. I know the left has had a hard-on for him for some time now so it would add the likability/excitement factor that Harris lacks on her own.

Wouldn’t happen, but it would be interesting to see play out. More so than what’s happening at the moment.

Mark Kelly

I also like Mayor/Secretary Pete. Aside from his sexual orientation, too many wingnuts think he’s personally to blame for all the air travel woes the last couple of years and would hold that against him.

I also like Mayor/Secretary Pete. Aside from his sexual orientation, too many wingnuts pretend to think he’s personally to blame for all the air travel woes the last couple of years and would hold that against him.

FIFY. Remember that these are the same people who blame Biden because trump’s buddy and benefactor decided to invade Ukraine.