What are people using instead of X?

the LR obviously. but beyond that, what? because it seems to me there’s a lot of reason for normal people who value a lightly moderated community with an efficient platform would band together and kind of endorse something. brazil not only banned X, it pretty much endorsed Bluesky. is that a tipping point for that platform? or is there something else people are going that does essentially what X does but without musk’s deuce drop?

Well I never used Twitter, so when it shut down I didn’t bother migrating to X or any other twitter like platform.

I never really got the point, of reading 256 char. replies from someone.

I still use it. I’m just frustrated that “softball” has become a political buzz word. It’s really messing up my softball feed. I want to know who committed to play at what college- I couldn’t care less about random people’s thoughts on debate questions.


Threads mostly but it’s not as good as Twitter used to be. I still use Twitter but I stick to only the people that I follow and I block idiots all the time. So much racism and MAGA nonsense on Twitter if you venture into the “for you” section. Awesome algorithm… yeah I am looking for racist idiots to be in my feed. Thanks Elmo.

Twitter sucks now.

I haven’t really used Bluesky much.

Elon, who I don’t follow, is always in my feed. That MFer thinks he owns the site.

What are people using instead of X?

Nothing. Is that an option?

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still trying to figure it out. bluesky and threads are ok, but certain journalists/news people are mostly on twitter (x) as much as i dislike it. still some news updates out there that i cannot find on threads or bluesky, unfortunately.

left X because Elon. Got onto threads for about 4 days. While better, it’s still much the same vibe of aggression alternating with self promotion. I prefer the undiluted aggression here.

Same option here. Have clicked on some links but do not have an account and do not use the site.


As much as I would like to stay off his platform, it is where things happen.

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Really? Is that “something happening?” It looks like snarky high school nonsense, played out on a national stage.

I didn’t say only substantive things, but it is useful for staying in the loop without relying on media programming. There’s value in hearing directly from people in the public arena, and crowdsourcing context and fact checking.

That there are mountains of horse shit to sift through should go without saying.

It seems like a self-licking ice cream cone to me. People cite social media as the place to hear what’s happening, but then use examples of things that are only happening because social media exists. It’s not important to me to sort through the mountains of horseshit to find out that Kamala Harris told some other woman that karma’s a bitch. Or to find out that the other woman was paid to spread disinformation through (among other things I assume) social media.

If social media didn’t exist, neither the original disinformation or the snarky comeback would be a thing, so I’m not sure how it adds any value to my life.

1,000% agree

Social media supposedly levels the playing field of news and information dissemination.
Defacto, it’s too easy to spread horseshit that suits the choir, who then gets on their Marshall Amplifiers, turns it up to 11 'cause they have “followers.”

  1. I refuse to be a “follower”
  2. the above phenomenon is NOT limited to only those idiots on the other side
  3. we are not better off as an informed world. Sadly, true reporting has been devalued because it’s too easy for people to tune in to what they want to hear - it’s easier
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@manofthewoods Right. We have the ingrained notion that more is better. However, more information is only better if that “more” isn’t plussed up by adding mostly bullshit, and if we’re able to effectively sort through the “more” to find what maters. (same argument goes for our obesity epidemic and “more” food being “better” despite being full of empty calories, but that’s a separate discussion)

This is why television news has gone in the shitter. “More” = 24/7 news networks.

It’s why the internet has made life worse in a lot of ways. “More” = Reddit / Twitter / Truth.social / Etc.

I don’t need access to every information stream in the world. I don’t need access to thousands of online “friends” who I really don’t know in any meaningful way. I don’t need access to the petty feuds and deliberate efforts to misinform or scam me that exist in the social media stream.

The LR is about as much as I have patience for.

I agree with this message

In Canada there are many people who use TikTok. The next Prime Minister of Canada gets alot of traction with the under 30 crowd there. My wife and daughter us it to share cat videos/

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There is good information on social media, like the cat videos you mention. Or there was a lovely old woman who taught cooking on TikTok. Linja! My kids loved her. The little old woman died and had a NYT obituary because she had become such a big TikTok name. She was really nice and combined good information & good attitude.

I check in on Instagram, TikTok, and threads from time to time. I find interesting things sometimes, like Stick Nation, which is people who find cool sticks when they’re out walking around. They post a video extolling the fine qualities of the stick. That’s good stuff! About 13 years ago, my 5 year old son asked the pilot of our plane if my son could bring a big stick on the plane when we flew home from Alaska. The pilot let him because sticks are cool. It’s fun to see people thinking about sticks.

I’m off X because I don’t like Musk. I’m off Facebook, although I know it provides community for some people. I prefer the community of stick nation & LR.

In another thread, you lamented that people lacked critical thinking skills. I ran across this video [on social media] which tries to address your thoughts. You might roll your eyes at a point or two in the video, but I wonder if you might agree with how the narrator concludes his argument.