What are people using instead of X?

Are you sure I lamented that people lack critical thinking skills? No. That doesn’t sound like something I would say. In general, I think most people are pretty smart. That’s why I like most people.

I didn’t watch your video, but I’m very interested in a few bullet points that you think are the most important points.

  • In the settings
  • you can create
  • bullet points

Are you sure I lamented that people lack critical thinking skills? No. That doesn’t sound like something I would say. In general, I think most people are pretty smart. That’s why I like most people.

In post #14 of the Trump Watch thread:

  • You did not say people in general lacked critical thinking skills
  • You did say so about a certain personal acquaintance
  • And I did not mean to imply the former, but rather the latter

I didn’t watch your video, but I’m very interested in a few bullet points that you think are the most important points.

Hence, the subject of the video seemed to address your acquaintance’s problem. Although the video is only 15 minutes in length and colorfully animated, it is far too dense to summarize in a few points. It does end by stating that humility and curiosity are invaluable in seeking what’s true. Your posts have sometimes led me to believe that would have been a good description of you.

Facebook is still sufficiently popular here if you are not on it you could miss out on community events. I never have been on Facebook though.

That sounds pretty good.

For myself, my attitude toward things is really influenced in ways I don’t always understand. That worries me. I think about it, and I don’t have an idea yet for how to face that.

I’m newly divorced and I’m not sure if I disliked some of my ex’s ideas because I disliked a lot of things he said/did or if the ideas themselves were bad. He used to talk about wanting to take trips— like living in a houseboat. I found his suggestions so unappealing! We actually did that houseboat trip, and I had to be put ashore everyday so that I could go run for two hours. Being cooped up in the houseboat was misery! Houseboat adventures are probably not bad. Now I have to adjust my thinking to realize that maybe a houseboat trip in my future could be fun? I thought I hated boats. But maybe I could like them. New circumstances. Reassess ideas. I am not going to sign up for a houseboat trip yet.

Maybe we all have to constantly reassess things based upon the most current information we have. That seems like a good idea— outdated information might be like expired milk. It’s not as good as the fresh stuff!

I’m going to go run/hike my trails before the day gets too warm. I know I like that!

Still on Twitter. It’s the best for hockey and football news.

Threads too, but that’s more of an afterthought.

Instagram stories, depending on the subject.