Weirdest thing you have seen on the run/bike?

2 people having sex in the park. right out in the open!

2 homeless people. Drunk. naked. having sex. right next the running path. Invited me to join. Ewww.

Man you guys have seen allsorts…I need to get out of the pool more

Once accidently ran over a snake on a fast xc woodland trail (I live in the UK - which maybe contains about 5 snakes in total)

Many years ago I was running on a country road that was next to a golf course. I heard the call of “fore” looked up and saw a golf ball bounce, and head straight at me, I stuck out my hand and caught it. Without thinking, and all without breaking stride, I threw the ball as hard as I could in the direction of the hole and continued with my run. I often pondered how it must have been for those golfers. Did they allow the bad hooker (in the golfing sense) to play the ball where it ended up or did he have some penalty.

2 people having sex in the park. right out in the open!

Sorry about that. Public exhibition was on my bucket list. On the bright side, thats one less thing I need to do!

I need to find better running and riding routes

On my run this morning I saw something truly unique: An honestly attractive school bus driver

From the road, she seemed to be about 5’5", 100 lbs or so, brown hair, wearing a navy sleeveless top, trucker hat, aviators

Kinda like …

Even though it was already around 80*F at 8:30am, and I was a Sweatty Freddy, I tried my best to look on form as she drove up to the railroad crossing, where she was obligated by law to stop. I crossed, our eyes met, I waved and she gave me a thumbs up

If I see her again two Fridays from now , I’ll try to give a more detailed report

Knowing they were okay, that is one of the funnniest things I have read in a while.

It was a cold, dark and snowy night about 10:30pm about 25 years ago. I had just got out of night class at 10:00 and felt the need to get a run in. Up ahead it looked like a parked car had its dome light on. There were 2 people in the car. As soon as I got near the car someone crossed the road in front of me carrying a shot gun. We were both startled to say the least. I’m thinking don’t shoot me! I picked up the pace and hid from all vehicles until I got home. Later, I found out they did get some money and did not need to use the gun.

I havent seen anything too crazy but I’ve been stopped and questioned by the police while running at night. Turns out a nearby convenience store was robbed. I guess wearing all black while running at night didn’t help my case.

Had to laugh when I saw this post today - normally I just breeze by these, but JUST TODAY I had to comment because saw a guy who looked dead, lying the the grass, on my bike ride. I was coming out of my neighborhood, and there’s a little trail that leads into a parking lot that I use to get road access. As I’m on the little trail, I see a body, motionless just to the right, in the grass. I thought maybe it was someone enjoying the warmer weather after work, or whatever, but I want to make sure he’s OK. He’s lying there with a bottle of water, his phone in one hand, and a polo, jeans, and dress shoes on. So I say, ‘hey, are you OK?’ No response. He’s at least breathing (hard, too, it seems). He’s got some red marks on his neck, and wrists…and then I’m thinking this isn’t some guy napping!!! So again, I’m saying ‘Are you OK? Do you need help? Hello?’ Still no response. I’m not going to touch this guy…all kinds of weird things can happen from that, so I opt for 911. The cops show up pretty quick…and then an ambulance. The cop rouses the guy…he starts trying to stand up, then he spits what looks like flem/puke. The cop says, well don’t stand up if you can’t, but he’s standing and wobbly. He doesn’t say much and seems out of it. I didn’t stay long enough to get the full 411 on the guy, but he either had some diabetic episode, a drug OD or something else. Just wasn’t this guy’s day. I think that’s the strangest thing I’ve seen on bike ride!!!

Linky no worky

It’s almost 7 years old and my thread:

A couple months back on my Sunday ride, I went past the local dog park mid-morning. I looked over as I rode by and saw a lady squatting down in her yoga pants while her dog quite enthusiastically licked her butt crack. I looked ahead for a second and turned my head back to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. Sure enough, still happening. There were other people with their dogs in the park, too.

A couple months back on my Sunday ride, I went past the local dog park mid-morning. I looked over as I rode by and saw a lady squatting down in her yoga pants while her dog quite enthusiastically licked her butt crack. I looked ahead for a second and turned my head back to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. Sure enough, still happening. There were other people with their dogs in the park, too.


Three santas at a gas station needing directions to Holiday World, IN.


Where is Rudolph when you need him?

Based on this thread and the Strange Denizens of the Pool thread, I have concluded I live a boring life in a boring part of the world. I also can’t stop laughing as I read these threads. Keep them coming please.

6am local run from running store and we saw one of the big commercial trash pickup vehicles with the trash on fire. Told someone at work, and they said it must be why they saw a huge pile of trash on fire in a field.

Today on my ride I was at a red light waiting when two teenagers come out of a building each with glass blender pitchers in their hands, each one about half full of what was the color of blended margaritas. No lids on the pitchers, so i thought maybe their were being weird drinking directly out of the benders as a joke. Then they both walk out to car in the intersection waiting to make a left turn and one by one hand the open lid 1/2 full bender pitchers to the driver, then they walk back to the sidewalk and wait for the crosswalk light to turn green and simply walk across the street. I thought I was hallucinating. Not that out there… but strange enough that my brain was think WTF are these people doing? … and what is the driver of the car going to do with two blenders full of blended drinks (with no lids.) Light turned green and the car simply drove away.

Years ago now I was riding in my old farm town in Illinois. A police car pulled up behind me. Ride my ass really close and popped the lights and siren on and off a few times. I slowed down, was already on the shoulder, they turned off… odd… A few miles down the road, the same car did the same thing. Came up almost next to me, but stayed behind me. Really messing with me. BUT IT WAS A POLICE CAR???
A few miles down the road again, it gets up behind me, I slow down, it peels off past me. Then I see the car. “Metropolis PD.” -i totally forgot that they were filming the then “new” superman movie in my town. Hah! It was some young stage hand douche messing around.
The made the small town of Plano, Illinois into “Smallville”. Where (as far as I know) the town hall still has “welcome to smallville” painted 30 feet tall on the side of the building.
That’s gotta make the list!

Then I moved to oregon. Had passed out homeless gentlemen with needles still in their arms across the bike path, all kinds of eagles, hawks, and cool wild animals. Formulating hobos abound. One trail runner surprised by me running up while she was looking like 2 feet off the trail… all kinds of fun stuff. No human bodies, luckily!

Russian Beluga Caviar…

About 20-30 1 oz tins at a T-Intersection a couple miles from the International Airport.

Most tins were pretty smashed up, but I still was able to gather about 10 undamaged tins.

Luckily weather had been cool and they had bee shaded (by tall grass and the railing), so the product was still good.

Turned out to be an expensive find anyway, as I had to come up with some appropriate bubbly…

Russian Beluga Caviar…

roe kill
