Weirdest thing you have seen on the run/bike?

On the bike (all road not mt.), wolf, bear, rattlesnakes, bobcat, red fox and other assorted critters. Running, Bill Clinton (when president) also running with a complete Secret Service contingent, Reid Shelton (the actor who played Big Daddy Warbucks in Annie) on a morning walk (wearing a very nice suit) in a residential neighborhood in Seattle and a Bald Eagle munching on road kill.

Without reading any further, you win.

Sorry was referring to the Peter Pan post.

I saw an asteroid/rock pass through the sky when I was riding home from work about 20 years ago. Had just stopped to fix something on my bike, looked up at the right time.

Red fox sleeping in the middle of the roadcoyote giving me a weird look.
crow eating a snake (yummy treat)
full squadron of wild turkeys running in front of melady yelling at me for no reason at railroad crossing stop (husband laughing hysterically)Cop with speed gun radar and giving me the thumbs up.Guy speeding past me and yelling obscenities… gets pulled over for speeding by speed gun radar cop, who gives him the thumbs down.

Training for a spring marathon, way out on a country road, as the snow was melting, I caught a glance of something shiny sticking out of a snow bank. I went back. It was half a joint still in the jaws of a pair of surgical clamps!

I ditched the joint but took the clamps home. They are super handy for working on the bike, pulling cables out of places you can see, but not reach with my fingers. :wink:

On a long bike ride, I spied a neoprene cover for the person hole in a kayak, on the side of the road! The kind to stop bugs and crud going inside the kayak when it’s on the roof of a car. I picked it up, rolled it tightly and stuffed it into 2 of my 3 jersey pockets. LOL. Yes I got some weird looks from passing motorists.

My buddy had just taken up kayaking and was very appreciative of it :slight_smile:

A guy standing in the bushes masturbating looking at me on the bike leg, I then saw him 20 minutes later, weirdly I seemed to be the only one out of 2000 competitors that saw him…

full squadron of wild turkeys running in front of me

Wild Turkeys are just hobo peacocks

Red fox sleeping in the middle of the roadcoyote giving me a weird look.
crow eating a snake (yummy treat)
full squadron of wild turkeys running in front of melady yelling at me for no reason at railroad crossing stop (husband laughing hysterically)Cop with speed gun radar and giving me the thumbs up.Guy speeding past me and yelling obscenities… gets pulled over for speeding by speed gun radar cop, who gives him the thumbs down.

If you had ridden by my house yesterday you could have seen a crow eating a mouse on top of my mailbox. Then you could have seen him leave the half eaten mouse there and fly off. Thankfully something came by later and took the rest of the mouse.

Austin 70.3 maybe 3 years ago. Running with a girl, usual chit chat until she declared that her tummy didn’t feel so good. Then I notice that she is now grimacing and chanting “I think I’m gonna shit, I think I’m gonna shit”. She then reaches her hand down the back of her shorts and proceeds to shit in her hand. Didn’t hang around long to see what she did with it.

Does a dead body count?

Yes… serious. Earlier this spring on my lunch break

I dunno, if it doesn’t exactly say “found by jogger” can we count it?

It’s a shame because they had tow opportunities to put it in there with “found dead by the shores of the Fraser River” and “body was found in an industrial area”

My brother-in-law found a legitimate gangster rolled up in a blanket while on his paper route one morning, just off the Atlantic City Expressway. He thought it was just a carpet that had fallen off a truck or something, until he noticed the sneakers sticking out of it. Eventually, the cops came and ID’d it

I forgot to mention

Yesterday, I saw a dude with almost this exact setup on his bike

Before I could stop to ask him about it, he was gone

Oddly, there was no place I could see where he might have turned off the road … maybe he disappeared back into his TARDIS?

On bike - Dead horse carcas on side of road at Ironman Louisville 2014

I once rode over a small snake going uphill from the bottom of Col de la Morte to lake Laffrey in France. I was really tired and could not react quick enough to avoid it. Pretty uncommon for a Dutch guy.

Again in France, going up Cret de Chatilon (mount semnoz) there were a lot of cows with bells on the road side. Then, it began to become very misty up the mountain and I couldn’t see more than 50 meters. All of a sudden, there was a tremendous amount of bells closing in on me. As it sounded like a stampede of cows, I shoved myself up against the rock wall trying to avoid getting trampled. Luckily it was just a big herd of goat leaded by a shepherd.

Many years ago I was doing an early morning ride in the fog. Tootling along at about 20kph, trying to stay safe until the fog lifted and I could get back to normal speed. I spooked Bambi in the middle of the road. It clattered on the cold wet road searching for grip then bounded over a roadside fence into the woods. Full rack of antlers, scared the crap out me thinking that I could have been run into by 30 points of death!

I was on a group ride way out in the country. I passed a property with a sign by the road that said “Nothing at this property is worth dying for.”, with a picture of either a firearm or a deaths-head.

so i guess i’ve mentioned here before that i’ve traveled a bit and usually run/ride when i travel, so i’ve seen my share of the bizarre while i’m out training.

at the moment i live in sierra leone, where i’m working on an ebola vaccine trial. about once a month while i’m out i encounter secret societies having ‘devil parades,’ where people dressed up like this

get escorted down the road to singing and drumming, and protected by people carrying (fake?) rifles.

makes me more self conscious than usual about being the white dude standing there in a singlet and short shorts.


Giant purple butt-plug during a trail race.

Once I came across a garden with hundreds off dolls hanging in the trees with ropes around their neck somewhere hidden in a forest. If i remember correct it was somewhere in Sauerland. Stopped there for a while, it was really a scary scene. There where also some protest signs in the garden, requesting to stop cutting trees down.