Weirdest thing you have seen on the run/bike?

Saw this on my run home from work last night: Arguement over a phone, then tried to run the guy over.

Box for an adult apparatus on the side of the road, obviously something that someone didn’t want to put out in front of their house with the trash.

A few years ago, near the end of my bike route, I rode past a yard with a dog chained to a wheel-less lawn mower. The dog was mean, barking and going nuts. On the return trip, I rounded a bend and was confronted with the same dog, but while I was gone he had successfully dragged the lawn mower through the yard, through a ditch overgrown with very tall grass, and into the dead center of the street. The road was narrow enough so that still chained to the lawn mower he could almost reach either side of the street. No time time to stop I just picked a side and went for it. If that chain was one link longer I would have been toast. I thought “stupid dog”, but realized that the “stupid dog” had almost outsmarted me.


2 weeks ago i was running in a snowstorm and a City snow plow (one of the huge ones) passed me & about 30 feet later had to swerve to avoid a guy plowing his driveway with a 4-wheel ATV and not watching for oncoming cars. The city plow swerved into the front yard across the street at 25-30mph, scraped off about 40 feet of grass & dirt 8-10 inches deep then dug in so deep that it stopped the plow, the plow did an ENDO and turned a full 180-degrees on its nose, before pounding to a standstill facing backwards. Its impossible to tell it in a way that makes it sound as dramatic as it looked, a full-size dump-truck snowplow doing an endo and being essentially airborne & turning in the air was an amazing sight to see. As I ran past & asked the driver if he was ok he simply said “yeah. but holy $hit!” wish i had that on camera!

must have been spring 2008. crazy.

I saw the following by the side of the road (in no particular order):

One dress shirt - white
One V-neck T-Shirt - white
One Old Navy T-shirt - dark blue
One pair boxers - light blue w/black pinstripes
One pair briefs - burgundy
5 socks - assorted
One pair basketball shorts - North Carolina
One pair Daisy Dukes
Two bras - 1 pink, 1 light blue
One pair panties - white with pink flowers & bow
One black Converse Chuck Taylor Hi-Top
One pink ladies pump
Empty Coors Light 30-pack box
Several “airplane bottles” - Jack Daniel’s, mostly

The “debris field” stretched over 2 miles. It wasn’t really a “find” (at least not by me :wink: )

Once I found an issue of “Trailer Trash” across the street from a trailer park. Knowing that people usually look at porn from a higher or lower social class than their own, I figured it was a complimentary copy for one of the residents who was IN that particular issue.

“Look honey, I’m on page 23!!!”
"Damn, darlin’ that’s a right-hand page. You KNOW I’m a lefty."

I was on a ride the other day and a sailboat, capsized, floated by with the two occupants clinging to the fin on the bottom of the hull as it pointed straight up in the air. They were floating down the inlet and floated right by a DC Police/ Coast Guard outpost and not a one of them came out to help even though the boat was about 30 yards or so off the shore. Just reaffirmed how lazy and useless most DC cops are.

Was attacked not once, but twice, by red-winged blackbirds on a ride in the country. Happened about 2-3 miles apart and both times the bird dive bombed me and pecked at my helmet. I mean, I know these are territorial birds, but I really mean no harm. . .

That happens to a lot of riders on the IM WI bike course, especially in May and June. They often signal their presence with a couple loud calls, so you come to dread hearing that whistle. Apparently the local humans aren’t the only ones who dislike triathletes.

I’ve also had them dive-bomb me while running. It’s not a good feeling to see a bird inches from your eyes when you don’t wear sunglasses.

I have seen a dead guy - hanging off a rope attached to a bridge. It was on my normal commute to work. I used my local knowledge to avoid a police blockage and there he was. Thankfully, I’ve seen a lot more life than death on my commute. I always figured that I would come across a dead body at some point in my training, but figured it would be a body floating in some river or lake.

Those huge TV screens I see hanging on the walls in many people’s homes are weird to me.

1 - kid riding his bike, BACKWARD up a hill, at a pretty good clip, in traffic (but on the correct side of the road)!

2 - Rabbit paralyzed after being hit by a car, I carried him home, died in my arms and buried him in the back yard :frowning:

3 - more debit / bank cards than I can count

4 - (homeless) Dude on a park trail carrying a BIG (jesus type) cross talking to himself.

Well, as I mentioned in the last thread, I did actually come across a dead body, although we weren’t the first there.

Other things I’ve seen:

A moose, by the side of the road. Not far from me at all.

At a marathon, I passed a woman at around mile 14, who’d soiled herself. She was wearing one of those running outfits that not unlike a one-piece swimsuit. There was some brown streaks on her thigh and the dookie was still hanging out in the back.
Around mile 20 she passed me back. There were more brown streaks, but the dookie was gone.

-The phillie phanatic, riding in the passenger seat of a van. I waved, he waved back.

-And, of course, I’ve seen that oscar meyer wienermobile a few times. I’m guessing I’m not alone there.

I had a possum die in front of me on a trail run…that was weird. I’ve never seen a wild animal actually play dead.

Rode by a bunch of those people who dress up and battle/joust. Rode by a “furry” picnic. Both on cyclocross coss rides through parks.

When we lived down at the beach, it was all military hardware-all the time. The Pave Lows were regular, and our run turnaround was about 1/2 mile from where the National Guard used to train shooting off Patriot Missiles. Though my favorite military vehicle sighting was not on a run or bike but when we were going into Ft. Walton Beach to pick my car up after a servicing.

I’m looking at this c. 1985 Winnebago and thinking it really is well-preserved for a RV that old. The mister is also glancing over at it and:

“Hey, is that a microwave antenna on the back of the Winnie?”

“Now that you mention it, looks like it is that and just not some sort of Directv dish mount. And it’s got a USAF plate on the back. I guess there’s more to that thing than the lack of rust.”

“Must be what the general takes out to observe in the field. It would have air conditioning, and he wouldn’t be getting sweaty that way.”

We pull even with it at a stoplight, and get a look inside, where you can see a bunch of computer equipment and what looks like a bunch of tracking screens. At which point we both start laughing at the absurdity of the vehicle. Because it’s probably some sort of million dollar deal complete with classified technology, and if you really did put a Directv dish up on the microwave tower, slapped an Ohio license plate and a Good Sam sticker on the back, and kept the blinds closed, you could park it at any Kampground of America and it would pass as civilian without comment.

It was so the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle from Stripes.

Running late on a Friday night I saw a guy push his girlfriend off the back of a MOVING Harley and take off. She was totally drunk, but goodlooking, and mostly unhurt. Helped (carried) her to a local bar for a pay phone. She was so drunk she couldnt dial the number.

I came home late, smelling like smoke from the bar and perfume from the girl. The wife had a couple of questions for me when I got home.

2 people having sex in the park. right out in the open!

A few years ago while doing long rides to train for Ironman, I would ride south from the Lakeview area of Chicago through the South Side into Indiana.

On one ride I saw some brightly colored squawking birds flying around under the Skyway. I thought “damn, those look like parrots”
That same ride, I was riding through a neighborhood in very urban Chicago and looked down an alley and saw a rooster strutting around.
Later that ride, I was going past some sort of factory on the Southside of Chicago and saw a herd of goats.

I looked up “Chicago Parrots” and learned that Chicago has a large renegade population of wild parrots.
I told a cop about the goats and he said “Yup, I’ve seen them too around that area”
The Rooster… best I can figure is that he was an escapee from some cock fighting ring.

I seem to find a lot of porn…DVD’s Mags, Tapes…

Trail running one fall we saw a dude taking nude pictures of his wife…

Saw a couple dudes doing it once…that wasn’t very good

Saw the MetLife blimp in a field


Ive seen this too. Under a footbridge in my local park. Guy was slamming her from behind while the both stood. I actually heard the flesh slapping as I ran across the footbridge and that is why I looked under the bridge.

Found an what turned out to be a stolen wallet. Found what I thought was another one but turned out that it was literature for the Mormon church. Thought littering was a weird way to spread it though.

Also found a huge, um, phallic device. It was out in the street in front of someone’s house so I figured it fell out of someone’s car.

Pretty tame stuff compared to when I go Geocaching with my kids. Makes for some interesting and honest discussions…