It’s actually efficiency that is measured within cycling, and leaving aside any arguments/discussions about Power Cranks, or Rotor Cranks, efficiency varies very little in cycling, primarily because your legs/feet are fixed to the pedals, and can only move in a fixed manner – thus, cycling is a very simple motor control sport. ================================================= ================================================= There you go astray like all the other experts who concentrate all research on expensive equipment, powermeters and legal or illegal performance enhancers, all overlook or ignore the most important aspect of cycling which is the pedaling. Just because the legs/shoes are attached to the pedals/cranks which can only go round in a circle, you do not have to always think circles when applying chaindrive power to the pedals. Biomechanically it can be applied in very different ways and by using a simple but very different (mental) linear technique which makes the discreet combination of arm/leg power possible when riding at speed in the saddle, you can extend the area of very effective pedal power application into the dead spot area and increase overall pedal power for smooth relaxed use of the higher gears, but most important of all, you eliminate the root cause of all (on the bike) chronic lower back pain i.e. continuous lower back strain. If Anquetil’s linear technique had been thoroughly researched, there would never have been a need for biopace, rotorcranks, etc. High gears need not be a cause of back pain but they magnify the existing faults and dangers in the style of pedaling that you are using, just like heavy weights do when weightlifting.
Ric Stern