Weekend views

What does your slice of the world look like this weekend? I’m deep in suburbia.

Nice! I love sunset pics.

Mine looks like this. Family pizza night at casa BCtriguy.
Homemade Neapolitan style dough!

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What is on the top one? They both look good.

This will be our view in a handful of hours.


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Top one is chicken, roasted garlic and mushroom with a pecarino white sauce.

Bottom one is prosciutto topped with arugula.


This afternoon’s view. It’s hot.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists at The Metro in Chicago

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Algonquin Park with the oldest son. Caught some pike. Caught a nice view on a cliff lookout.

Caught a nice sunset.


The view out my kitchen window kinda looks like that, except mine has the upgrade with bats - not just for Halloween, either … if there are bugs out there to gobble, the bats come for them, so they’re here about half the year or more


We were baiting bats last nigh at dusk. We seem to have the most luck with Kix cereal. Kids had a blast.

I have to say, that’s fucking cruel

Bats are our friends, and I most heartily disapprove, sorry

Why is it cruel? There are tons of bugs to eat and they’re eating them. We just diverted them occasionally from their nearby flight paths along the apple orchard.

No bats were harmed in the making of that good time.

Ok, as long as they weren’t being tricked into eating the cereal instead of bugs, I can (sort of) live with it

Have you never done this? They hone in from a distance and break away when they identify it as non edible. Just close enough to get a good look.

You think our country ass bats are out here eating dry coco puffs?

Honestly, I have never; I guess I’m still too citified and just watch them in amazement = “how to they TURN like that!!!”

Our neighbor said he’d flick bottlecaps, though

I’ve never heard of doing this either but it sounds cool, how big is the colony, how many divert?

My view was pacing first ever border crossing race San Diego to Tijuana. I made front page of the local newspaper!