Vote here on the new forum format

If that’s what it takes to get page numbers back…

Lot to unpack here.

1.) The majority of functionality is still here. We post threads. We comment on them. There’s a WYSIWYG text editor. You can send messages to users. Email forum notifications (if you want them). That’s all here. The vast majority of millions of pieces of content are here. (more on this in a second.)

2.) It’s visually quite different. I give you that. In a lot of ways it is easier. In others it’s more difficult.

3.) Now, look. It hasn’t been as smooth as I think any of us anticipated. There are still some select ISPs that haven’t picked up on the DNS changes so they’re hitting the old versions of the front page and forum. That’s not ideal. There are certain usernames that did not translate. We should have reached out to people about that to let them know it was coming. And we’re missing some threads and DMs – they aren’t lost, they need to be synced here.

4.) As a reminder to some who’ve been around the block – I think this is iteration 4 of the forum? Each prior time we lost all the old stuff. This time we kept almost all of it.

5.) Given that I don’t think we ever could have put in a production freeze on the forum (we did on the news site) – some stuff was bound to get missed. We initially had targeted having a firm cutover and brief outage, but timing didn’t shake out, and then we wound up having to evolve the forum migration as we went. We’ve tried to be as transparent about that as we can.

As we go forward we’re going to continue to tweak, evolve, advance, explore the platform. But we need to first finish getting the house in order, IMO – finish moving into the new place, so to speak, before we start working on the addition.

Yes, miss the pages a lot. If not signed in and just lurking it was an easy way to get back to where you last looked at a discussion. Also, haven’t looked at the new forum layout much yet, but is there maybe a FAQ that give instructions on how to navigate the new look?

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I fiddled around a bit and I guess I’m on board.

There is a “jump to” button for pages.

On mobile, if you select the blue box at the bottom right that shows the post number/total posts, you can quickly move to previous or more recent posts.

I imagine you can do the same on non mobile version.

The concept of a ‘vote’ infers a democratic process, whereas “Regardless – there’s no going back. It’s a matter of making the most of our new home.” infers anything but. Regardless…

Like others, I dislike change to anything that has long term familiarity. The old blue and white stripes were to me, uniquely ST. That’s gone. Now it’s apparently just like many other forums.

The old site may have had its antiquated quirks, but as a simple user, it worked. It would be sad if long time users moved away as a result of this change. Certainly, the owners can do what they want, but a forum is only as strong as its user base.

In fairness, I do like that dark mode has worked for me right off the bat. I might be able to fall asleep quicker after reading in bed.


So evidently can’t keep a running update of football games going…insert Eyeroll emoji



i find it bothersome to have to scroll through all the replies, instead of going to the last page
among other things…


You can pull the scroll bar all the way down in just a sec.

Initial impression is that I prefer the old format, but I’ll give this one a chance.

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Same here

As well as the avatars

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What, and where?

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As Walter White once wrote, I contain multitudes. What can I say.

I am crankily adapting to the new format. I do like the avatar option and some other features. It still feels like a Mac OS to DOS transition but there’s some value in that from a functional aspect.

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This is weird but this feature only shows up on my IPad not my laptop. Lower right hand corner there is a blue box with numbers click that and it opens up another box which allows you to jump to another page.
Don’t see it on my laptop but there is a scroll bar I can drag down. That is a nice feature.

I’m on my ipad now and I don’t see that.

Lower right corner right below your post?
It goes away once you hit the reply button.

Try going back to the main LR page and pick a thread with lots of replies. It doesn’t show unless there is more than one page.