USAT AG Nationals 2024 location?

I think they did but Ironmans website still says a date is pending so makes me think it’s still alive

The RD has directly stated there is no more AC 70.3 after this year.

Glad I went to Milwaukee this year.

Zero chance I’ll go to Atlantic City.


Less than zero chance I’ll go to AC. I thought I read they had a record turnout in Milwaukee last week. Beyond dumb to move a successful race to a sh#t venue. Put another nail in the triathlon coffin.

I would only counter that at some point, everyone would get tired of it being in the same location, and it would be forced to be moved anyways. As I said, I would guess about 4 years would be the max you could keep. it one one location, without it wearing on. a lot of the parties.

How much of this “record turnout” that everyone keeps referencing have to do with the increase in categories at this race? Non-binary, draft legal, we’re not part of this AG nationals a few years ago. Turnout will ebb and flow, going to AC will not kill the sport. It has survived Cleveland and Shreveport.

I think folks in this thread are being too harsh on AC. I’ve raced the 70.3 there and had a very enjoyable time. Swim was great, bike was fun being on the tollway, run was amazing on the boardwalk next to the ocean.

I also thought bader field was a fantastic place for transition. Plenty of on site parking and easy access to a good sized transition

I wouldn’t hesitate to sign up

20% of the “record” came from the juniors, that with this timeline and the scuttlebutt behind the scenes, won’t be apart of the event moving forward. There seemed to be waaaaay too much on the event staff over the 3-4 days of full racing. Which likely will make for a much more enjoyable nationals for everyone even if not “record” numbers. attending.

I would only counter that at some point, everyone would get tired of it being in the same location, and it would be forced to be moved anyways. As I said, I would guess about 4 years would be the max you could keep. it one one location, without it wearing on. a lot of the parties.

Oddly that doesn’t seem to pertain to public opinion on Kona. Having a centrally located, affordable and extremely well suited for the sport location would seem to be the prevailing thought. I’ve seen facts stating the midwest races are the most popular and best attended. This year certainly bolstered that fact. The city wanted the event, the race directors did a great job, the location suits the event extremely well, everything is within 2 blocks, even parking $15/day across the street. Silly to want to move from that. USAT always has had a death wish of sorts…

You really are bringing up Kona that is THE mecca place in our sport to support your case, ok cool. We’ll just agree to disagree on a “permanent” fixture for USAT. As I said, I would think about 4 years would be the max before location fatigue would start to kick in for multiple sides of the equation. And here’s the thing, USAT can go back to MKE for what a 3rd or 4th time after AC. Nothing is “permanent” here lol; which is the whole point.

Rumors say 3 years in AC. I’m guessing that might kill the race. The comments I’ve seen in many places from AC residents state it’s a nightmare. Like the move to Zone 3 for Tri kits, this looks to be a real dumb move. As I said, USAT seems to have a penchant for screwing up good things.

USAT’s premiere event is not going to get killed off because of a shitty location. Again this year’s event had a combined total that won’t likely be seen at future sites, so the likely “goal” or health should be around 4k athletes. I would say anything less than 3k is a “bad” weekend for that race. I would think the east coast location accessibility will pretty easily get that even if it’s a “shitty” location.

We’ll agree to disagree then. Maybe not killed off, but far less of a presence than MKE and in that regard, a failure. I was in MKE and the energy was amazing and the comments on accessibility was so positive. A bar set very high and I hope I’m wrong, but I’ll bet a fair sum that I’m not.

But again what’s going to be the judgement? Race numbers were inflated this year with the juniors adding roughly 20% registrants. Thus a likely goal of 4k would be an fair number to judge it against MKE’s “success”. That’s fair right? And being centrally east coast located, I dont think that’ll be too difficult even if the course “sucks”.

Year 2 will be the key. The online comments have been not good on the move, but we’ll see. I’m betting it will bear out that it’s a BAD move. I know you’re a USAT fan, and I’d love to be as they have some awesome people there. They just keep doing dumb moves on so many fronts that I can’t have any confidence in them.

It has nothing to do with being a usat fan. It’s the premiere event, that is going to carry a lot of weight and the fact that it’s an east coast location is going to carry numbers. The fact that it’s a short term 2 or 3 year max contract pretty much works in favor of the event not getting stale or getting screwed over for a “bad” location.

I thought the move to adding the juniors to the AG event was a terrible idea. USAT heard from plenty of people on that move. I think after going through it 1 time, I think they realized it’s A LOT on their staff when that many races are going on over 1 weekend. Again if they keep the juniors with the AG event in the Sept time frame, they will kill the junior race. But based on the timeline it doesn’t look like that is the case, and the juniors will again go back to that 1st of Aug race weekend (which is the perfect time for it before school and fall sports starts for those athletes).

It was far from “stale” this year. I was **there **and it was definitely not that despite being there a number of years off and on. It simply works for the event. I understand with your coaching you need to be cautious but I’m away from the politics and it doesn’t affect me. I can say as I see it which may not be valid. That said, being there and hearing the comments daily from hundreds in the expo tends to sway me. Going 1 year to Cleveland and another to another location (I forget where) obviously did not teach them as they scrambled back to MKE and the comments I heard about those failed attempts surely mirrored my feelings. Costs will also be a huge factor so the $$ will determine the victors. This event had racers from Cali to Boston, Alaska to Florida, so unlikely it was a hard spot to justify and supper easy and inexpensive flights to MKE or ORD. I’ll be surprised if it lasts the contract length as they’ll bail on the sinking ship.

MKE was super successful this year because so many events got added to the event list that has never been part of the “AG” designation. Thus why it’s no longer “AG” nationals but USAT Nationals (atleast for this year). If you compare the races from '22 to '23, the net sum was I believe 21 people more signed up for this year than last year. The “record” numbers came from the fact that so many other events were added to the docket. Which was a blessing to the event because they had “record” numbers, but a curse on the staff because I think they were severely overwhelmed and stressed. So I think again at some point location fatigue is a real thing for most events, and as I said to me it would be about 4 years for this type of premiere event.

And AC might “suck” by the end. But again in how short the contracts are, it’s not like it’s going to go from 3500 people to 1200 people in 1 year or even the last 2 years of the contract. Which is kinda my whole point, by them moving it around it kinda keeps it “fresh” and basically eliminates any really sinking ship type of numbers from ever actually happening.

I was there at MKE after what I am assuming was somewhere in the range of 20 years away from Oly Nats, and agree the venue was pretty damned east to get to, centrally located, and easy logistics to get around town. The hotel rooms were $$ but stayed at the 4-star Drury so that was my choice, as little was available without a car, walking distance.

The numbers and all the races combined–were overwhelming as a spectator too, as something was always going on all day long. The PTO Open race was a HUGE draw, and possibly the 20% increase you were speaking of, were in fact not just juniors, but may have drawn more AG’rs due to some wanting to see the PTO race (I don’t know, just guessing). It wasn’t a factor for me as I found out upon arrival at packet pick up that the pro were racing–all the big stars of the sport. It was a pleasant surprise. Hell, I didn’t even know where the “World Championships” for the qualifying slots were for–location that is…it wasn’t a deciding factor to enter either.

I went to go to a place I’ve heard about was a good race, and location, and was not disappointed. I DO think, that the zig-zag last dog-leg section thru the neighborhood badly needs to be relocated or maybe entirely repaved, it was an obstacle course around patches and cracks, holes and–you get the idea. Aside from that, the staff performed outstandingly I felt, and I would not hesitate to race there again. If you must have AC in the 3 year contract–maybe have it 3 yrs but alternate those 3 with other place such as MKE for sure as one of them.

I don’t think the concern (at least not mine anyway) is that AC will suck by the end.
The problem is that AC sucks NOW.

Why bring a national event to a S*** hole city that is horrible for racing?

Full day racing in a tidal bay? Where the water levels at low tide are less then a foot?
Sounds great

Biking on terribly paved industrial roads? Sweet

Running amidst all the drunks and strung out druggies… perfect

Hotels that are litterally crumbling and disgusting.

Nothing about AC is good for racing or our sport.

They should be trying to find cities that display our sport well l, make for consistent great racing and are conveniently located for the masses.

AC is none of those things

I think folks in this thread are being too harsh on AC. I’ve raced the 70.3 there and had a very enjoyable time. Swim was great, bike was fun being on the tollway, run was amazing on the boardwalk next to the ocean.

I also thought bader field was a fantastic place for transition. Plenty of on site parking and easy access to a good sized transition

I wouldn’t hesitate to sign up



I know AC has it’s issues, but I think it’s a great location for a race. Tons of hotels, restaurants, etc.
The lapped bike course is rough, but I think that’s the way long course races are gonna go. Less and less are outlying communities going to suffer the traffic impacts.

The only thing is the construction at Bader. Not sure how that is going to work. I wish they would find a way to get off Albany Ave or at least lessen the impact.
Both IMAC and Tri AC completely snarl traffic on that road, especially where it hits the intersection with Ventnor. And the frustration is palpable…

Not arguing, just clarifying - Cleveland hosted in 2018 and 2019, then COVID in 2020, then Milwaukee.