USAT AG Nationals 2024 location?

Interesting note, I found out in a meeting last night those “bridges” that they build with basic scaffolding piping to be used for a few days for crossing over roads is $15k. Which would be worth it for an event of that magnitude.

ETA: I wouldn’t have guessed they were that expensive, but I guess they are likely built to specific regulations, etc so yeah I can see why they are that type of pricing.

Results are unofficial until 10 days post-race…

USA Triathlon Nationals results

Thanks! The results I’m interested in are the same as their phone app which is incorrect. Unfortunately, my time (raced as a biological male) is assigned to a female age grouper who is in second place in her age group. I think that sucks for everyone else in her age group that didn’t get the right placement for the awards ceremony. I didn’t place in my AG but I still wish I had a time assigned to me.

Why have an awards ceremony on the same day of the race if the results are not official?

I know there were issues with the numbers inside the packets not matching the outside of the packet… maybe that’s what happened?

I was in that line on Sunday and from what I could tell there were some of the last PC athletes still going through transition and getting out on the run course so they were limiting the number of athletes going in to pick up bikes. Even though the bike cut off was 10:45 am there were athletes going out on course after that point. As my wife put it “nobody with any kind of heart is going to stop ANYONE from that division due to a time cut off” and IMHO rightfully so. However that probably means you shouldn’t have transition open at 10:35 if you’re planning on allowing athletes out on the course after the 10:45 bike cut off.

I enjoyed the weekend but I think if they’re going to have Juniors/Youth/PTO/AG racing on the same weekend they need to think a bit more on how the logistics and timing works.

I raced the OLY distance in Milwaukee this past weekend. Will someone please post a link to the “official” AG results. I’d like to review them before I post a rant on how dissatisfied the timing was at this event.

The results aren’t supposed to be official for ten days (and currently it says they’re still preliminary).

If you click the “live results” button underneath the title at the top, it’ll take you to the results page for all events.

I’m having issues as well and emailed the and got a prompt response that the company is looking through the results to sort everything out. Nothing has yet, though.

But I’d follow up with that email.

I was in that line on Sunday and from what I could tell there were some of the last PC athletes still going through transition and getting out on the run course so they were limiting the number of athletes going in to pick up bikes. Even though the bike cut off was 10:45 am there were athletes going out on course after that point. As my wife put it “nobody with any kind of heart is going to stop ANYONE from that division due to a time cut off” and IMHO rightfully so. However that probably means you shouldn’t have transition open at 10:35 if you’re planning on allowing athletes out on the course after the 10:45 bike cut off.

I enjoyed the weekend but I think if they’re going to have Juniors/Youth/PTO/AG racing on the same weekend they need to think a bit more on how the logistics and timing works.

Sure. And this is where having someone with the ability to make a decision and mitigate the issues would make sense. I’ve been to events that handle these issues. Volunteer/worker escorts one or two individuals at a time back and forth to their bike to get the line moving. You can handle things well without impacting current racers.

Similar issue with traffic flow across the bike exit. They waited for a big gap to let the crowd go because it’s obviously hard to control the crowd. It’s not hard to let one person go at a time though a small entrance/exit though. So they could have opened and closed a stanchion to enlarge/restrict the flow of traffic so you don’t have a pile of 100 people standing there watching a poor biker struggle to get on their bike for 30 seconds 40ft away from the crosswalk. Once that person gets on their bike…suddenly a pack of 3 more show up and repeat the process with everyone still waiting. Working through a queue one at a time works wonders. Likewise, having one-way traffic crosswalks would help solve the issue of people charging from both sides at a gate with a crowd on either end.

These aren’t huge complaints and it is what it is. Just strikes me that there’s no one around looking at people-pile-ups saying, we need to figure out how to fix this right now and then acting on it.

honestly Nationals was quite busy this year with the normal AG stuff, added youth/juniors and PTO events.

IF they continue this sort of stacked event, bridges… then need to add them for better site flow.

Agree with this. I raced the olympic distance on Saturday. Transition closed at 7am, but my swim start wave wasn’t until 9am, so I had 2h to kill. I walked back to my hotel and rested for a bit, then walked back.

To get from bag check (to drop off my shoes) to swim start, you had to cross over the course 2 times! Both crossings were slow and congested since athletes were on course. I barely made it to the start line in time and was rather panicked. (side grumble – they were launching some waves earlier than published in the guide, wtf?). Felt like pretty poor site layout.

Agree with this. I raced the olympic distance on Saturday. Transition closed at 7am, but my swim start wave wasn’t until 9am, so I had 2h to kill. I walked back to my hotel and rested for a bit, then walked back.

This does take a lot of fun out of the event. Who wants to check in and then wait 2 hours.

I raced the OLY distance in Milwaukee this past weekend. Will someone please post a link to the “official” AG results. I’d like to review them before I post a rant on how dissatisfied the timing was at this event.

The results aren’t supposed to be official for ten days (and currently it says they’re still preliminary).

If you click the “live results” button underneath the title at the top, it’ll take you to the results page for all events.

I’m having issues as well and emailed the and got a prompt response that the company is looking through the results to sort everything out. Nothing has yet, though.

But I’d follow up with that email.

I emailed Sportstat and received a prompt response that they would forward my email to the timing team (have not heard anything since). Like I said if I was a woman in the age group my time is occupying, and I missed the podium I would be pissed for not receiving the recognition during the awards ceremony specially if this was my A race and I had family there. Maybe as someone said this race was too big for race management to handle.

Honestly I really hope it’s Milwaukee again. Looking at last participation numbers MKE has consistently pulled in the highest number of athletes.

The size of the city, fast race course, climate, altitude, etc just work really well for a national championship.

I think I saw some stats somewhere that AG Nats brought in around $3.5 M to local downtown businesses. That’s a huge stimuli to the city! It was also the coolest thing seeing anyone who is anyone in the pro field racing in the men’s race (unfortunately had to leave the day of my race later on & missed the women’s race).

If it is in Atlantic City, it will not be in early August, when weekend beach traffic is crazy and hotels are at or near capacity with just normal tourism. Mid-September makes a lot of sense for AC - beach traffic drops dramatically and hotel availability goes way up, and the water and weather is still warm.

Have to think you’re right on a september date greg. nice to see some Pat Griskus Tri competitors acquitting themselves nicely. USAT deciding to manage their own Nats, so they’ll need to suffer the same as
every other race director in terms of criticism. seems they do a decent job of it in the overall, congrats to all!

Honestly I really hope it’s Milwaukee again. Looking at last participation numbers MKE has consistently pulled in the highest number of athletes.

The size of the city, fast race course, climate, altitude, etc just work really well for a national championship.

I think I saw some stats somewhere that AG Nats brought in around $3.5 M to local downtown businesses. That’s a huge stimuli to the city! It was also the coolest thing seeing anyone who is anyone in the pro field racing in the men’s race (unfortunately had to leave the day of my race later on & missed the women’s race).

As a local this is great to hear. Had a blast this weekend welcoming pros and age groupers alike in a single weekend.

Nice that it’s in a protected bay - that is a great aspect of Milwaukee. Even with that, I would think that saltwater & jellyfish would pose a new challenge for a large portion of the AG athletes. Interesting selection for a Nat’l Championship. Again, have AG Nats ever been in an environment like this before?

USAT includes Hilton Head, which was a USTS national championship location back in the '80s, in its history of national championships. I never attended but am guessing saltwater & the threat of jellyfish may have been part of the fun.

Did you guys not hear Peyton Manning say, “Omaha” “Omaha” “Omaha”

I heard “Tiger,Tiger,Tiger”!

Did you guys not hear Peyton Manning say, “Omaha” “Omaha” “Omaha”

Ok well maybe just the Multisport national championships which is apparently different from the Age Group National Championships.

Correct. Two different events.

Agree with this. I raced the olympic distance on Saturday. Transition closed at 7am, but my swim start wave wasn’t until 9am, so I had 2h to kill. I walked back to my hotel and rested for a bit, then walked back.

This does take a lot of fun out of the event. Who wants to check in and then wait 2 hours.

Setup bike, jump on $0.30/ minute scooter. Ride 3-7 minutes back to hotel, take a nap, shower, snack, toilet, relax, then head back out on the scooter. I really enjoyed it.

Nice that it’s in a protected bay - that is a great aspect of Milwaukee. Even with that, I would think that saltwater & jellyfish would pose a new challenge for a large portion of the AG athletes. Interesting selection for a Nat’l Championship. Again, have AG Nats ever been in an environment like this before?

USAT includes Hilton Head, which was a USTS national championship location back in the '80s, in its history of national championships. I never attended but am guessing saltwater & the threat of jellyfish may have been part of the fun.

Definitely saltwater & jellyfish in HHI! No other saltwater venue since then though. It seems with the highest attendance figures in the history of the event, USAT would want to keep it in Milwaukee ???

You also don’t want to wear out your welcome with the locals(see Kona).

If you do the same event in the same location every year it’s easy to forget what it’s like to not have the event. If the financial impact of having Nationals in the city is as great as claimed then taking a year or two away should show the value of the event to locals.

That in turn helps encourage them to have a stake in wanting the event to return while mitigating some of the pain over the inconvenience of the events footprint.