USAT AG Nationals 2024 location?

Honestly I really hope it’s Milwaukee again. Looking at last participation numbers MKE has consistently pulled in the highest number of athletes.

The size of the city, fast race course, climate, altitude, etc just work really well for a national championship.

I agree. I did AG Nationals in Milwaukee in 2013 & loved every aspect of it!

I’ve spent plenty of time in AC and near by in ventnor. AC itself is trash and has gotten way worse since 2020 just not a place to venture beyond the hotel you’re in. Food options are pretty sparse and just lots of sketchy stuff going on. That said, it’s really easy fill hotels and there are some nice beach towns close by to spend the long weekend. If they do it on an off weekend in the fall I could see USAT taking over the entire town which would be really cool and the boardwalk lends itself to an awesome finish line environment. Perhaps the biggest benefit is the fact that AC is within driving distance of NYC, Boston, Philly, and DC so it would present a great opportunity for those in the northeast to have better access to a race which would be awesome for the region.

I’ve got to think they wouldn’t have junior nationals during academic calendar, the 1st of Aug timeline is just about perfect for that event.

Yes. Going back to at least 2013, it’s always been the last weekend of July or first weekend of August…

There was a lot of good and a lot of bad from the weekend is what I’m hearing. I think they have to reconfigure the race schedule to get the juniors on a similar timeline as in years past (2 days of racing vs 3 this year). I think the PTO event while hugely beneficial for the juniors to see their hero’s race in front of them caused the timeline to get compressed a little too tight.

I understand why they did the events on same weekend to save money. But if USAT is going to a mid Sept timeline for AG Nats, there is no way they are attaching Juniors to it. The early AUg is the preferred timeline and has worked since basically year 1. Especially as I think USAT understands ane values what the junior pipeline means. Go look at how much they are pumping out HS info to get those numbers up so much. So I’ll wait for the official announcement but there is no way they go Junior Nats in Sept timeline. There is just no way, all the parents of juniors would revolt and the junior coaches wouldn’t even have to say much. Lol the parents would totally revolt against usat.

I think the combined can work w early Aug date and doing an calendar such as:
FRi- Juniors DL+ Youth AG events
Sat- Sprint AG + Jr MTR
Sun- AG Olympic

Of course if PTO is attached it only gets tighter- PTO required complete transition revamp with individual racks va the standard long line single file race in DL.

Was it the biggest event they ever had? Will the juniors refuse to show up if it’s the same?

It would be foolish to have your biggest ever event and then change it because… some divisions felt they didn’t have premium time slots?

It was a great event. If they do AC it will be clear that all they care about is the travel council revenue they can extract and not their customers. MKE is surely a profitable event for USAT.

It boggles the mind that anyone would take a profitable event that just had its biggest year ever and move it to the unknown.

I suppose they can convince themselves they’ll pull more of the north east corridor driving distance customers?

But AC is a sketchy dump. Once in my life is enough.

Anyone know if the location has been decided for 2024 yet? I overheard some folks this weekend saying it was going to be in Atlantic City but haven’t seen any official announcement yet.
Officially no, which is unprecendented in recent years. It has been announced at awards when moving to a new city historically.

I heard it mentioned by a few and there was a web page that went up and was taken down but you can still get a cached description of the page… essentially AC and Sept. 13-15. Those dates would be bad for the youth stuff… honestly Nationals was quite busy this year with the normal AG stuff, added youth/juniors and PTO events.

IF they continue this sort of stacked event, bridges… then need to add them for better site flow.

It does look to be either AC or maybe they’ll stay in MKE? The fact they had someone drum up a web page for AC… my money is that it will be AC.

Was it the biggest event they ever had? Will the juniors refuse to show up if it’s the same?

It would be foolish to have your biggest ever event and then change it because… some divisions felt they didn’t have premium time slots?

It was a great event. If they do AC it will be clear that all they care about is the travel council revenue they can extract and not their customers. MKE is surely a profitable event for USAT.

It boggles the mind that anyone would take a profitable event that just had its biggest year ever and move it to the unknown.

I suppose they can convince themselves they’ll pull more of the north east corridor driving distance customers?

But AC is a sketchy dump. Once in my life is enough.

It’s got nothing to do with premium timeslots, the juniors can, have and will race in any timeslot. The issue with moving jr nats to September is the clash with school schedules for travel. In the summer, it’s less of an issue to factor in travel and racing around a packed weekend, and possibly put a few days around it, in the school year, that’s a much tougher sell.

I don’t think it was the largest ever, but it was a very good weekend post Covid and the “health” of the sport. The bigger issue isn’t the location it’s the event date. But if you’re going to combine the event you can’t force junior families to come m an extra day early and stay an extra day later due to your race schedule. But again the pto race forced the issue more than anything.

There were some cool things combining the event, and there are some things they most certainly will learn from, or we hope they do. But a sept junior nationals will be a non starter for families. Full stop! So that future date suggests to me they are moving juniors off the weekend again. But AC was chosen for a very specific reason from what I’m being told. But it’s why the sept weekend projected date doesn’t make sense.

Inquiring minds want to know. Or at least I do. What’s the specific reason of which you speak that AC was chosen?

The september date is likely rumoured, since I believe that’s the historic date for 70.3 AC, which is not returning in 2024, and many just assumed that Nationals would take over that event on the historical weekend… We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out, as to whether they try from that weekend, or stick to the traditional dates.

The date was included in their web page that went live… but it’s all unofficial.

I raced the OLY distance in Milwaukee this past weekend. Will someone please post a link to the “official” AG results. I’d like to review them before I post a rant on how dissatisfied the timing was at this event.

So an ocean swim. Has AG Nats ever been an ocean swim? I think that might be daunting for some AG athletes.

So an ocean swim. Has AG Nats ever been an ocean swim? I think that might be daunting for some AG athletes.

IMAC70.3 is done in a protected bay, still saltwater but no serious waves. There was jellyfish the year I did it.

A very brief note now appears to the AGN page, AC appears to be confirmed w/o any details

“Heading to Atlantic City next year!”

Results are unofficial until 10 days post-race…

USA Triathlon Nationals results

Nice that it’s in a protected bay - that is a great aspect of Milwaukee. Even with that, I would think that saltwater & jellyfish would pose a new challenge for a large portion of the AG athletes. Interesting selection for a Nat’l Championship. Again, have AG Nats ever been in an environment like this before?

A very brief note now appears to the AGN page, AC appears to be confirmed w/o any details

“Heading to Atlantic City next year!”

So do we think the AGNC and IMAC70.3 will be all combined to a single weekend? Whose up for the triple crown?

Results are unofficial until 10 days post-race…

USA Triathlon Nationals results

Thanks! The results I’m interested in are the same as their phone app which is incorrect. Unfortunately, my time (raced as a biological male) is assigned to a female age grouper who is in second place in her age group. I think that sucks for everyone else in her age group that didn’t get the right placement for the awards ceremony. I didn’t place in my AG but I still wish I had a time assigned to me.

Why have an awards ceremony on the same day of the race if the results are not official?

I don’t think it was the largest ever, but it was a very good weekend post Covid and the “health” of the sport. The bigger issue isn’t the location it’s the event date. But if you’re going to combine the event you can’t force junior families to come m an extra day early and stay an extra day later due to your race schedule. But again the pto race forced the issue more than anything.

There were some cool things combining the event, and there are some things they most certainly will learn from, or we hope they do. But a sept junior nationals will be a non starter for families. Full stop! So that future date suggests to me they are moving juniors off the weekend again. But AC was chosen for a very specific reason from what I’m being told. But it’s why the sept weekend projected date doesn’t make sense.

Ok, I agree. The date in Sept. would be bad for sure.

I do think the traffic to/from the swim start was an issue and they do need to build some bridges to bypass their bike out (or maybe there’s different bike exit they can take) as that was an issue both last year and this year. I think last year it was even worse, but maybe I just got luckier in my timing this year.

There was also an issue of 1000 people standing in line for an hour to pick up their bikes on Sunday that seemed some organization was needed. If there’s any problem I see with USAT and their events is they don’t appear to have any operational manager or someone similar who is pretty much on site and immediately acting to fix issues as they crop up like this. Both of the above issues could have been mitigated (not completely eliminated) if someone was there who had some authority looked at the situation and said, I need to do something about this right now.