Unusually high long run HR (191 for 10mi)

I’ve never experienced or heard of this before, so I thought I’d seek some advice. The past 2 weekends I did a long ride Saturday followed by a long run Sunday. The ride was 3:30 and the run was 10 mi. Before the weather improved to get real outside time on the bike, I was doing 2:30-3:00 on the trainer and 12 +/- 2 on an outside run, so these past two weekends are not a huge jump. The past two Sunday runs my HR avg was exceptionally high (191 today), and the pace / RPE do not match the HR. I felt like I was running easy (but with heavy legs). I don’t think my watch is broken because it worked (or at least the HR matched my PE and pace) the week in b/w the long runs. My best guess is that the elevated HR is related to fatigue from the ride. However, 191 for 10 mi’s seems impossible.

Is this something that will work itself out as I adapt on the bike?

Any advice or thoughts as to what is going on are appreciated.

I would be highly suspect the HR data is wrong, specifically since you said it does not jive with PE.

HR strap or direct from watch?

My watch shows horrible inconsistencies compared to a strap

Did you check your pulse manually during the run?

From the watch. If it is error, it’s an odd coincidence that it was two Saturdays in a row with no other noticeable issues ever.

When that’s happened to me it’s typically begin because of a problem with my HR strap (either the batteries or the sensors were failing) though once it was because I was anemic, so if it continues with another HR strap it may be worthwhile to see a doctor.

I did not manually check my pulse. That would have been the smart thing to do. My excuse for the mental error is that it was raining sideways.

As someone else said, check your pulse. Right there will tell you if the monitor is off or not. If it is correct, then 191 would be normal for someone with a 215+ max. Do you know you’re max? I coached an athlete that would jog 8 minute miles at 190 HR, but she still had a lot of beats in the bank, max was about 250…

my garmin watch is about 10-15% off from my actual (chest strap) HR monitor - i will never trust a watches HR

How old are you? 191 is really high and I can hold 175 for one minute max. Did you take anything during the ride? Pain killer, salt pills and stuff? They bring my HR slightly up but not that high though.

i’ve seen 183 very briefly…was on the border line of passing out. my guess is that the 191 was a watch issue - no one is pacing at that HR and then living to tell about it.

** no one is pacing at that HR and then living to tell about it. //**

You really should learn about HR and how it relates to training. It is a basic thing to know that the variance in different people can be huge. 191 for some people might be ironman pace…

Sounds like cadence lock

My Garmin Fenix 5 reports as much as around 40 beats high. Basically I am running on Zwift at 8:10 pace and my chest strap shows 126 heart rate, but I look at my watch and it says 170 heart rate. :slight_smile:

From the watch. If it is error, it’s an odd coincidence that it was two Saturdays in a row with no other noticeable issues ever.

maybe for a 13 year old pacing over 190 doesn’t scream skeptical or a medical condition.

i’ve seen 183 very briefly…was on the border line of passing out. my guess is that the 191 was a watch issue - no one is pacing at that HR and then living to tell about it.
Not true.
It may be unusually high but it’s not outside the bounds of possibility.
A friend of mine has averaged in the 180-190bpm range for multiple marathons and half marathons. I did suggest he check it out since I don’t think his max HR is high enough to explain that, and his cadence is too low for it to be cadence lock…but his highest averages were several years ago and he’s still not dead.

ETA: I’m pretty sure he’s averaged in the 190s for 5km and 10km races.

When I was younger, I used to be able to hold 188 beats per minute for a six hour bike ride.

maybe for a 13 year old pacing over 190 doesn’t scream skeptical or a medical condition.

Max HR 208(max sustained I’ve seen outside of reading blips)
AVG HR in Half Marathon 2 weeks ago 193

I spiked at 204 at the end. 193 average for 91 mins. I had more in the tank, legs held me back.
3 years ago I held 197 avg for 2 hours in the same Half.
My IM HR is around 165-170.

Why am I not dead?
Answer: Genetics. Just because it’s not what you’re used to or it’s uncommon doesn’t mean it’s not common for that person. What is concerning is if HR is outside the norm for the individual, not outside the norm of 220-age.

chest strap HR monitor?

Yes, and I have tested manually when I’ve been 200+ to verify. It is hard to do as I can’t put that effort in and manually check at the same time and it drops very quickly when I stop to check.