Tua’s 3rd concussion

Tua Tagovailoa left the game tonight with what is now apparently his 3rd concussion. He’s a grown man and can make his own decisions, but at some point, I hope someone is telling him that he needs to consider whether or not this is the right thing for him to keep doing.

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Third NFL concussion. Certainly he’s had more in his life.

He needs to retire. He had a concussion at Alabama in 2020, in 2022. He had two official concussions and a third hit to the head, and now this one. And who did he run into last night? – Demar Hamlin.

He said he thought about retiring after his second concussion in 2022. I hope he listens to the advice he will get and makes the best decision for his future health

I would hope this doesn’t enter into it, as he already got his $43 mio (ha!) guaranteed, but…

For Tagovailoa to retire and see the full guaranteed value of his contract, he’d need to be medically forced into retirement. He’d have to continuously fail concussion protocols and be unable to return to the field.

If Tagovailoa is cleared but still decides to retire after his injuries, he’d forfeit the remaining $124 million on his contract unless the Dolphins agreed to settle with him on a payout.

The talking heads on ESPN were alluding to this this morning, saying that he’s got to choose between his health and taking care of his family. I thought, wait, didn’t he already get something like $40 million? How is his family not taken care of? Hopefully the money isn’t the primary concern, but i think we all know it will be near the top of the list.

Assuming half that 43 million went to taxes and whatever, and he lives 60 more years, that’s $350,000 a year (no interest). He would have to live like a human, not Scarface, but his family would be fine. I often shake my head at the “has to take care of his family” stuff. The lack of perspective is glaring. Who here wouldn’t be able to live of $350,000 a year after tax?

Or just suck at football (on purpose)

I do hope he does take his health and his family into condisteration. I stopped after my JR year of college. I had two concussions that year and knew my future certainly was not in football.

I could maybe see if he was on his own, but with a wife and children I want to think that family would be the strong motivating factor in walking away. I know that would be the decider in my decision. Money shouldn’t be a deciding factor. His previous earnings should have him setup nicely.

On a side note, he does a lot of great work for the keiki in Hawaii’s youth football scene. I love to see the continued effort he puts into his communities.

50% to taxes, 10% to agent, 10% to medical

leaves it probably closer to 12 million (and I am surely not including everything, oh whats his finance guys cut)

anyhow. I don’t think folks realize how quickly those big numbers fall down to much smaller numbers.

Agent gets 3% max. And his probably gets lower than that since they know the contract will be huge. (I am a failed but certified NFL agent).

Alright, lets make it 10 million. The fact is, for 99.9% of people in the world, that is a lot of money. If he lives like the vast majority of people in this world live, he and his family will be fine. If he wants to buy 3 carat diamond earrings, and 6 million dollar houses, he will be in trouble.

Put it in fucking munis at 5% and live off of 500K tax free

You all assume he still has that money. It is much more likely he is close to broke, as in less than a few million left. These guys(young professional athletes) who get these big contracts, most often blow a huge portion in a very short time. There was a good documentary on this awhile back, they spend like it will never end. Their posses swell, they buy all sorts of big ticket items for friends and family, and just wake up one day broke…

Yes if he actually had the proceeds of 40 million as cash on hand, he could easily live the rest of his life high on the hog and taking care of his family. I highly doubt that is the case though, just going off of odds in his category…

I think some people forget that $12 million is still a big number. If you gave me $12 million free of additional taxes today, I’d never have to work again.

Yep, and if that is the case, tough shit. You made your choices.

There is a big gap in how the vast majority of people in the world live, and buying diamond earrings, and 6 million dollar homes.

But sure he’s 20 something so 70 years. Just under $142k a year without interest. sure today in middle america that gives you a decent life, assuming his interest takes care of inflation, he can live a decent life. But I don’t think many in his social circles consider living in the midwest on $150k a year is great life or the life they wanted.

Now maybe he can get a sports broadcasting job and still make a decent living. But its not like he can retire on that money and even keep living in the house he owns now.

You got a muni right now that will pay me 5% a year over the next 5 or 10yrs?

He also would get a pension.

Ok, so if this is about taking care of his family, the quote should be, “He has to think about taking care of his family, and the manner in which he wants to take care of his family, few of us can identify with.”
Life owes us nothing. Play or don’t, but if you aren’t making the money you thought you were going to, plans are going to have to change.