Trump tells GOP congress don’t solve the border crisis

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Is this the telephone game now or did Romney actually these words come out of Trumps mouth. Or was it more like, someone heard Trump say something about the border, that person told someone who knows Romeny about something Trump said about the border and then it was Romney saying he heard Trump said something about the border.

this is getting nutz with the covering every second of what someone says all day long.

Surprised no one is talking about is speech after he beat Haley in NH. He went off on her and said if she were to win the nomination, she would be investigated immediately because of things she has done, and he knows what they are, but he won’t’ say them. Again, acting like a little punk on the playground, but it’s his MO. Surprised that was not covered more.

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Is this the telephone game now or did Romney actually these words come out of Trumps mouth. Or was it more like, someone heard Trump say something about the border, that person told someone who knows Romeny about something Trump said about the border and then it was Romney saying he heard Trump said something about the border.

this is getting nutz with the covering every second of what someone says all day long.

Surprised no one is talking about is speech after he beat Haley in NH. He went off on her and said if she were to win the nomination, she would be investigated immediately because of things she has done, and he knows what they are, but he won’t’ say them. Again, acting like a little punk on the playground, but it’s his MO. Surprised that was not covered more.

this is simply an extension of the program being run by this admin since day 1 and supported by Romney and about 90% of people in this room

  1. tell the voter you want to be in charge of the country and you can do better (ie. be an adult in the room, return us to “decency” etc etc)
  2. get voted in
  3. makes immediate changes to the policies which “were not working”
  4. have control of the WH, the congress and the senate for 2 years (plenty on time to “fix” anything you want like, the border or codify abortion laws or whatever) while pretending there is nothing wrong with the policies you’ve enacted
  5. have the situation (in this case the border, in others the economy, Afghanistan, the middle east etc etc) go to hell on a rocket sled because of the policies you’ve enacted.
  6. take no responsibility for the mess you have created and blame “the Congress” who was voted into a R majority (barely) almost 24 months after you took office and changed policies
  7. wait until 10 months before an election where this issue is clearly one being hung around your neck (for good reason) and then add blame to “Trump” in addition to “the congress”.

In this specific case I think this collective circle jerk is just gaslighting themselves. I don’t think the average voter is buying the bullshit on this particular subject.

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Was this a Trump quote? What i heard him say last week was not to fall for the Democrats negotiations trying to pass immigration law as part of the budget process. He said Biden can fix this himself by reimplementing the Trump era policies. This could have been anytime in the last three years. He was saying don’t give them anything when they are in full control.

I am honestly confused by this position. There is close to bi-partisan support for a border control package. Trump has told the GOP not to pass it, so they can say that the democrats are doing nothing regarding the border.

If this was actually a pressing need - an actual invasion - you would want to stop it now. I am also confused by how the wall that trump built didnt control the border (trump said the wall was built, and that it would control the border).

This is so absolutely typical of trump.
Power at any cost.

Fck the nation, fck the border, f*ck the rule of law, as long as it serves trump.

I am honestly confused by this position. There is close to bi-partisan support for a border control package. Trump has told the GOP not to pass it, so they can say that the democrats are doing nothing regarding the border.

If this was actually a pressing need - an actual invasion - you would want to stop it now. I am also confused by how the wall that trump built didnt control the border (trump said the wall was built, and that it would control the border).

Who did he say that to and when or where? I don’t doubt he may have, but have not seen the quote or when it happened. Other than Romney said. And I highly doubt Romney has spoken personally to Trump in years.

I am honestly confused by this position. There is close to bi-partisan support for a border control package. Trump has told the GOP not to pass it, so they can say that the democrats are doing nothing regarding the border.

If this was actually a pressing need - an actual invasion - you would want to stop it now. I am also confused by how the wall that trump built didnt control the border (trump said the wall was built, and that it would control the border).

Who did he say that to and when or where? I don’t doubt he may have, but have not seen the quote or when it happened. Other than Romney said. And I highly doubt Romney has spoken personally to Trump in years.

As well as Romney publicly saying this is what Trump has communicated to Senate Republicans (which presumably can be verified by others), the Hill yesterday reported that a source told that paper that “Senate Republicans who support the bill think the concessions extracted from Democrats would be “huge wins” but that it’s becoming clear Trump opposes the package, which could prevent its passage in the GOP-controlled House.”

The Hill specifically quotes the source as saying:

“The Trump people want to kill it and run on the issue.”

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Was this a Trump quote? What i heard him say last week was not to fall for the Democrats negotiations trying to pass immigration law as part of the budget process. **He said Biden can fix this himself by reimplementing the Trump era policies. ** This could have been anytime in the last three years. He was saying don’t give them anything when they are in full control.

Like most of what Trump says this is complete nonsense. There are no Trump era policies that would “fix this”

Here are some of the key points of the deal on the table
raise the bar for asylum-seekers to come to the U.S., grant additional powers to the executive branch to remove migrants and control the border restrict the use of parole to admit certain migrants as they await processing for their cases.
Here are some direct quotes from Republicans working on the deal.

“To get this kind of border security without granting a pathway to citizenship is really unheard of”
“To those who think that if President Trump wins, which I hope he does, that we can get a better deal, you wont”
“So to my Republican colleagues, this is a historic moment to reform the border.”
-Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.,

“It will be by far the most conservative border security bill in four decades,”
-Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, lead GOP negotiator

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Is this the telephone game now or did Romney actually these words come out of Trumps mouth. Or was it more like, someone heard Trump say something about the border, that person told someone who knows Romeny about something Trump said about the border and then it was Romney saying he heard Trump said something about the border.

this is getting nutz with the covering every second of what someone says all day long.

Surprised no one is talking about is speech after he beat Haley in NH. He went off on her and said if she were to win the nomination, she would be investigated immediately because of things she has done, and he knows what they are, but he won’t’ say them. Again, acting like a little punk on the playground, but it’s his MO. Surprised that was not covered more.

SDG, i wish you would come out of the shadows and fully admit you love trump. There is never a trump thread where you aren’t defending him. Just man up and admit you have a mad crush on the orange one.

Ah the hypocrisy of the right.

32 flavors

I am honestly confused by this position. There is close to bi-partisan support for a border control package. Trump has told the GOP not to pass it, so they can say that the democrats are doing nothing regarding the border.

If this was actually a pressing need - an actual invasion - you would want to stop it now. I am also confused by how the wall that trump built didnt control the border (trump said the wall was built, and that it would control the border).

Who did he say that to and when or where? I don’t doubt he may have, but have not seen the quote or when it happened. Other than Romney said. And I highly doubt Romney has spoken personally to Trump in years.

Romney is not the only Republican saying Trump is trying to kill the border deal

Senate GOP pleads with Trump not to kill Ukraine-border security deal | The Hill

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Is this the telephone game now or did Romney actually these words come out of Trumps mouth. Or was it more like, someone heard Trump say something about the border, that person told someone who knows Romeny about something Trump said about the border and then it was Romney saying he heard Trump said something about the border.

this is getting nutz with the covering every second of what someone says all day long.

Surprised no one is talking about is speech after he beat Haley in NH. He went off on her and said if she were to win the nomination, she would be investigated immediately because of things she has done, and he knows what they are, but he won’t’ say them. Again, acting like a little punk on the playground, but it’s his MO. Surprised that was not covered more.

SDG, i wish you would come out of the shadows and fully admit you love trump. There is never a trump thread where you aren’t defending him. Just man up and admit you have a mad crush on the orange one.

Asking for a source is a mad crush? Well OK. I won’t be voting for him so think what you will. I do think he has a very good chance at getting elected v Biden.

As for the border bill, it is good, but should also include a provision that allows Texas to institute border measures it sees fit. Should not be so much wrangling between Texas and the Feds on the border. The Feds need to back Texas or get the heck out of the way and let Texas handle it how they wish.

I am honestly confused by this position. There is close to bi-partisan support for a border control package. Trump has told the GOP not to pass it, so they can say that the democrats are doing nothing regarding the border.

If this was actually a pressing need - an actual invasion - you would want to stop it now. I am also confused by how the wall that trump built didnt control the border (trump said the wall was built, and that it would control the border).

I know you are

Per Republican Senator Mitt Romney:

“The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Is this the telephone game now or did Romney actually these words come out of Trumps mouth. Or was it more like, someone heard Trump say something about the border, that person told someone who knows Romeny about something Trump said about the border and then it was Romney saying he heard Trump said something about the border.

this is getting nutz with the covering every second of what someone says all day long.

Surprised no one is talking about is speech after he beat Haley in NH. He went off on her and said if she were to win the nomination, she would be investigated immediately because of things she has done, and he knows what they are, but he won’t’ say them. Again, acting like a little punk on the playground, but it’s his MO. Surprised that was not covered more.

this is simply an extension of the program being run by this admin since day 1 and supported by Romney and about 90% of people in this room

  1. tell the voter you want to be in charge of the country and you can do better (ie. be an adult in the room, return us to “decency” etc etc)
  2. get voted in
  3. makes immediate changes to the policies which “were not working”
  4. have control of the WH, the congress and the senate for 2 years (plenty on time to “fix” anything you want like, the border or codify abortion laws or whatever) while pretending there is nothing wrong with the policies you’ve enacted
  5. have the situation (in this case the border, in others the economy, Afghanistan, the middle east etc etc) go to hell on a rocket sled because of the policies you’ve enacted.
  6. take no responsibility for the mess you have created and blame “the Congress” who was voted into a R majority (barely) almost 24 months after you took office and changed policies
  7. wait until 10 months before an election where this issue is clearly one being hung around your neck (for good reason) and then add blame to “Trump” in addition to “the congress”.

In this specific case I think this collective circle jerk is just gaslighting themselves. I don’t think the average voter is buying the bullshit on this particular subject.

  1. show genuine confusion as to why, after spending 3 years breaking an immigration system that was fixed and giving the middle finger to those not in power to do anything about it, the people you gave the middle finger to don’t want to help you fix it at the 11th hour so you can take credit for it while ignoring the 8M who crossed illegally when you had it broken because “polls show people want it fixed”.

The Feds need to back Texas or get the heck out of the way and let Texas handle it how they wish.

So ignore the Supreme Court?

, after spending 3 years breaking an immigration system that was fixed ".

wait, you think the immigration system was fixed by 2020?

The Feds need to back Texas or get the heck out of the way and let Texas handle it how they wish.

So ignore the Supreme Court?

If the feds don’t challenge what Texas is doing, there is no need for SC to weigh in. Feds should take a position of respect to Texas and let them deal with it directly with money and support from the Feds. Or in the alternative, the Feds come in and start shipping an equal amount of immigrants to each other state of the Union ( all 50 get some) and share the burden equally.

show genuine confusion as to why, after spending 3 years breaking an immigration system that was fixed.

Umm, not sure what parallel universe you live in, but, in the real universe, the immigration system was not in any way even remotely “fixed”.