Triathlon with trail run?

A much as possible, I now run on trails & soft surface (age catches up with all of us at some point). Any recommendations for triathlons with trail runs? With the miles I now run weekly, I’d be interested in races with runs of 10 miles or less. I bought a gravel bike last year, but I haven’t done a gravel bike race or triathlon. Any recommendations for a first gravel tri?

Xterra New Jersey allows both gravel and mountain bikes.

Sea to Summit in New Hampshire has a hike to the top of Mt. Washington instead of a traditional “run”.

Ugly Dog in Michigan.

There is a whole series of USAT gravel triathlons, I’m not familiar with all the races but I’m sure the info is easy to find.

The run @ Harvest in MA (mid-June) is a trail (sand) run.

Delta Lake in upstate NY has a run with most of it on trails. (at least it did last time I raced)

If the American Zofingen duathlon is still around - it was 100% trails.

It may be helpful for us to know what part of the earth you plan to race in.

USAT has a gravel series, so check that out. If in the midwest, Tri4 Health puts on a number in Michigan. My favorite race has been the Dirty Mitten, which this year is the National Championship race.

I live in NC, but retired & enjoy traveling in our RV, so I’m up for a road trip to races almost anywhere in the US.

If you wanted an international race, Challenge Wānaka’s run leg is on trails. Beautiful race too.

I’m excited to be racing the dirty mitten this weekend. What’s the run course like? Is it a trail shoe course or did you wear normal racing shoes course (endorphin pro in my case)?

i don’t know where you are but wildflower is coming back (central coast of calif) and that’s always been largely (but not solely) a trail run.

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here’s what the FB group said about the run.

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Thanks. It didn’t occur to me to look for a FB group for the race.

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I also attempted to map the run course in Strava, just to get an idea of elevation profile. Apparently it’s all private land and no pre-race course recon can be done. yay - adventure!

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Alpha Win Ocala 70.3, the run is sand and pine needles. Two loops with only about 1 mile each loop, on pavement. The bike is pavement though.

I don’t use much social media all that much so if someone would be nice enough to post when registration is open for this I’d appreciate it.

I was just going to reply with that option. Glad you bea me to it!!!