Tomas Rodriguez Hernandez Caught Doping

2024 IM TX Winner.

Unfortunate, though not exactly surprising given that he fell off the face of the earth post-Texas.

This happened like two weeks ago.
Is this just being reported?

Seemed suspicious that he’d make such a splash with a super fast run time at IM TX, then disappeared and DNS’ed Challenge Roth with no explanation.

2024 IM TX Winner.

Link doesn’t work. Try this one

The ITA asserts an anti-doping rule violation against triathlete Tomås Rodríguez Hernåndez

The International Testing Agency (ITA) on behalf of IRONMAN reports that a sample provided by Tomås Rodríguez Hernåndez, a triathlete from Mexico, has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Clomifene (S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators).
The sample was collected under the Testing Authority and Results Management Authority of IRONMAN during an in-competition anti-doping control at the 2024 IRONMAN Texas on 27 April 2024.

The athlete has been notified of the case and has been provisionally suspended pursuant to Article 7.4.2 of the IRONMAN Anti-Doping Rules (IRONMAN ADR).

The athlete requested the opening and analysis of the B-sample, which confirmed the result of the A-sample. The athlete also challenged the imposition of the Provisional Suspension.

The ITA has asserted an Anti-Doping Rule Violation as per Article 2.1 and/or Article 2.2 of the IRONMAN ADR. The case will be referred to the International Hearing Panel, which is IRONMAN’s first instance panel as per Article 8 of the IRONMAN ADR, to hold a hearing on the case.

Given that the case is underway, there will be no further comments during the ongoing proceeding.

well, we’ll always have Paris

Seemed suspicious that he’d make such a splash with a super fast run time at IM TX, then disappeared and DNS’ed Challenge Roth with no explanation.

Agreed. Seemed odd…

So from Texas, so who gets the roll downs and the all important ironman series points now?? And the money of course. Congratulations to the new podium!!

This happened like two weeks ago.
Is this just being reported?

Suspicion started months ago when he pulled out of Boulder after already being there, and then his exit from Roth for “personal reasons”.

The article says his B sample matched his A sample. Is there way to know when the B sample was taken? Assuming it was before IM TX? Pretty dumb to get busted in competition, assuming he went and took a pee right after crossing the line at TX.

They’re taken at the same time but separate vials. Idea is to have a back up to verify the findings in the first sample they test.,the%20accuracy%20of%20the%20results.

The article says his B sample matched his A sample. Is there way to know when the B sample was taken? Assuming it was before IM TX? Pretty dumb to get busted in competition, assuming he went and took a pee right after crossing the line at TX.

It is one sample split into 2 bottles A and B and then sealed. It was an in competition race sample, possibly race day.

A and B samples are taken at the same time, they are the same sample split into two pots

So from Texas, so who gets the roll downs and the all important ironman series points now?? And the money of course. Congratulations to the new podium!!

if he’s stripped, the new podium would be Lange, Mignon, Marquardt.

not sure who took slots/roll-downs there.

Nice to know that some part of the system is working, certainly not perfect, but in this case a race performance from someone that seemed too good to be true, actually was…

I’m not making any justification for using PED’s at any time, but failing an in competition test is laughably stupid to me. You prove you’re not only a fraud but also can’t pass an IQ test.

I’m not making any justification for using PED’s at any time, but failing an in competition test is laughably stupid to me. You prove you’re not only a fraud but also can’t pass an IQ test.
Who said triathletes are smart?

clomifene is a slightly weird choice- i would have thought vector doping is the way forward. to me this is more suggestive of being on a ‘cocktail.’

clomifene is a slightly weird choice- i would have thought vector doping is the way forward. to me this is more suggestive of being on a ‘cocktail.’

His coach is a physician, and in the mexican tri (behind the) scene is know exactly for that: cocktails.

Seemed suspicious that he’d make such a splash with a super fast run time at IM TX, then disappeared and DNS’ed Challenge Roth with no explanation.

I agree it was weird given no explanation but why does this signal doping more broadly? Genuinely curious for yours and others opinions