Today's feel bad message - women of Barbie get snubbed, but not the men

I’ve been seeing a meme about this shared quite a bit.

Ryan Gosling gets an Oscar nomination while lead actress Margot Robbie and director Greta Gerwig do not. “Way to justify the plot of the movie!”

If you’re looking for a boogie man to be mad at, it’s this. The guy gets the credit when the girls don’t. And he’s only a supporting actor. WTF?

Except Margot Robbie wasn’t competing against Ryan Gosling, and she wasn’t competing against ANY male actor, nor any supporting actor. She lost out to 5 women who played lead roles in other movies. Don’t worry, feminists, a woman will definitely win the award for best actress for the 96th year in a row.

Additionally, America Ferrara his nominated for best supporting actress, and though the female director didn’t get a nomination, the movie about girl dolls with a fairly progressive feminist plot got nominated for best picture.

Gosling’s full statement, as provided to CNN:

“I am extremely honored to be nominated by my colleagues alongside such remarkable artists in a year of so many great films. And I never thought l’d being saying this, but I’m also incredibly honored and proud that it’s for portraying a plastic doll named Ken.

But there is no Ken without Barbie, and there is no Barbie movie without Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, the two people most responsible for this history-making, globally-celebrated film.
No recognition would be possible for anyone on the film without their talent, grit and genius.

To say that I’m disappointed that they are not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement.

Against all odds with nothing but a couple of soulless, scantily clad, and thankfully crotchless dolls, they made us laugh, they broke our hearts, they pushed the culture and they made history. Their work should be recognized along with the other very deserving nominees.

Having said that, I am so happy for America Ferrera and the other incredible artists who contributed their talents to making this such a groundbreaking film.”

  • Ryan Gosling, “Barbie”

Needle threaded.


I’ve been seeing a meme about this shared quite a bit.

Ryan Gosling gets an Oscar nomination while lead actress Margot Robbie and director Greta Gerwig do not. “Way to justify the plot of the movie!”

If you’re looking for a boogie man to be mad at, it’s this. The guy gets the credit when the girls don’t. And he’s only a supporting actor. WTF?

Except Margot Robbie wasn’t competing against Ryan Gosling, and she wasn’t competing against ANY male actor, nor any supporting actor. She lost out to 5 women who played lead roles in other movies. Don’t worry, feminists, a woman will definitely win the award for best actress for the 96th year in a row.

Additionally, America Ferrara his nominated for best supporting actress, and though the female director didn’t get a nomination, the movie about girl dolls with a fairly progressive feminist plot got nominated for best picture.

I can see the irony of a female director not getting nominated for a film about male patriarchy, but the fact is I’m not qualified to determine which films are Oscar worthy. I suspect a lot of those that have an issue with this fit in the same category.

If they are going to put Scorsese on there for just saying, hey epic cast, go do your thing, then I think Gerwig absolutely belongs on there for crafting and weaving the story as she did.

If they are going to put Scorsese on there for just saying, hey epic cast, go do your thing, then I think Gerwig absolutely belongs on there for crafting and weaving the story as she did.

Once you’re a big name you ride on your laurels. Same thing happens with the Grammys, sports all star teams, etc.

If they are going to put Scorsese on there for just saying, hey epic cast, go do your thing, then I think Gerwig absolutely belongs on there for crafting and weaving the story as she did.

I can only judge on my own opinion, but I thought Flowers was a far better movie. What do I know? Asteroid City was my favorite movie of the year and it got completely shut out. I was also surprised to see Air get shut out.

If they are going to put Scorsese on there for just saying, hey epic cast, go do your thing, then I think Gerwig absolutely belongs on there for crafting and weaving the story as she did.

Would it be Gerwig? Or would it be the 6th best director, whoever that is?

It’s the Euros fault. (sorta pink)

Good explanation. Payne was snubbed too (The Holdovers).

I don’t know. I am not part of the academy. I am just sharing my opinion. I thought the movie was clever, unique, deep, and the way the story was told created an different experience for me. I think the litmus test for me is I am disappointed to not see her as a nominee way more that I would be surprised if she was.

Barbie was a zillion times better than it should have been. That’s 100% due to Gerwig and Robbie. That movie in the hands of another director and female lead would have been a cheesy disaster.

I said this in the Joker thread and before she got snubbed yesterday.

I don’t think Robbie gets the credit she deserves as an actress despite the accolades. She’s so ridiculously good looking that I think she often gets overlooked for her great acting ability.

I thought the movie was clever, unique, deep, and the way the story was told created an different experience for me.

I agree! Which is why Greta is nominated for best adapted screenplay.

She is not, however, getting nominated for best director, and I think most of what you wrote above applies better to the adapted screenplay category than the director category.

Barbie was a zillion times better than it should have been. That’s 100% due to Gerwig and Robbie. That movie in the hands of another director and female lead would have been a cheesy disaster.

I said this in the Joker thread and before she got snubbed yesterday.

I don’t think Robbie gets the credit she deserves as an actress despite the accolades. She’s so ridiculously good looking that I think she often gets overlooked for her great acting ability.

Especially when you consider that almost all of her roles are done with an American accent.

I thought the movie was clever, unique, deep, and the way the story was told created an different experience for me.

I agree! Which is why Greta is nominated for best adapted screenplay.

She is not, however, getting nominated for best director, and I think most of what you wrote above applies better to the adapted screenplay category than the director category.

I will point out Spielberg got a Director nod for West Side Story, which was adapted. The academy didn’t deem her worthy, that is fine. She made bank and there is no misunderstanding of how talented she is. Maybe she doesn’t care. Just think it is worth noting that in this industry, what is considered the highest level of accolade still seems subjective.

Just think it is worth noting that in this industry, what is considered the highest level of accolade still seems subjective.

It’s art appreciation, of course it’s subjective.

I’m actually surprised at how hung up people seem to get on these awards, both as creators and consumers.

I couldn’t care less who wins what, only that my time and money invested as a viewer was well spent. I don’t think I’d feel much differently about it if I were in the business, either. Setting aside of course the financial aspects of what it may confer in terms of future contracts etc.

I’m actually surprised at how hung up people seem to get on these awards, both as creators and consumers.

It boggles my mind how much attention we pay to watching celebrities getting patted on the back by each other and by organizations seemingly mostly created for the purpose of patting them on the back. Award show after award show after award show,…

Yeah. I didn’t feel like going back and editing. But rethought immediately and arbitrary was a better word.

And I don’t feel that strongly. Just felt like arguing a bit for the sake. I like her from prior work and thought this was a good movie. I thought it was artful because beyond superficial story, there was an emotional reaction. Different than, but similar to the reaction you get beyond the superficial story in Joker. Which I agree with btw.

She got paid big time money and will get lots more work. But, when it comes to an industry and there is an accepted standard for excellence, then we can debate who and what meets those standards.

But awards shows exist. Why do we have playoffs at the end of a sports season? I enjoy watching sports for the actual enjoyment of watching the game. And I can enjoy a good game for what it is, and be annoyed at a bad game.

In art, this is sort of their version of competition. It is imperfect for sure, and can seem a bit silly, But at the end of the day, it is a way to demonstrate exceptional. I mean, I know you appreciate this. You critique movies.

I don’t remember reading a post about her getting snubbed for I, Tonya.

Now that was some quality acting.

But awards shows exist. Why do we have playoffs at the end of a sports season? I enjoy watching sports for the actual enjoyment of watching the game. And I can enjoy a good game for what it is, and be annoyed at a bad game.

In art, this is sort of their version of competition. It is imperfect for sure, and can seem a bit silly, But at the end of the day, it is a way to demonstrate exceptional. I mean, I know you appreciate this. You critique movies.

We have playoffs at the end of sports seasons, because the very nature of sports is competition. That’s not the very nature of making films.

We watch and get upset or excited at sports because we can see the score and tell a winner, even with subjectively judged sports.

The same can not be said for films, yet people watch and discuss and wait for the nominee announcements, and talk about snubs, and talk about what they wear, and, and, and…

Like I said, it baffles me a bit.