Things that make you happy while you're running

My 4 year old son telling me to go faster and giving me incoherent training advice

You let your son on ST?

I think that running is the original freedom. I like being free.

Waking up this morning, not feeling the best and deciding to skip my run, seeing this thread and the reasons running makes us happy, getting on the treadmill and knocking out a really good hill workout. That makes me happy and I’ll feel better all day.

I’m pretty sure he’s one of the moderators…

I like being 5 miles or so into a long, early morning run and hearing roosters crow. I think to myself “wake up you lazy bastards…”

5 miles is my long run.

To the O.P. - Coming into transition knowing the 1’st run is over and my bike is waiting for me.

Running in torrential rain knowing those in cars going past are saying “look at that idiot”.

Torrential rain always makes me feel like a badass.

I also love running in the 4 am hour. I have the road all to myself and just run right down the middle of it.

When you are a hour or two into your run and your body releases the endorphins that make you feel like you can run for ever.

  1. Running.
  2. Watching the sun rise.
  3. Running.
  4. Waving to the cops.
  5. Running.
  6. Seeing the other dark-30 peeps.
  7. Running
  8. Deer.
  9. Running.
  10. The smell of toast or laundry at the houses I pass.
  11. Running
  12. Seeing a new runner and encouraging them.
  13. Running. Running. Running.

: ) Thank you OP for this thread. It is making me smile.

MickeyRat wrote:
Running in torrential rain knowing those in cars going past are saying “look at that idiot”.
Torrential rain always makes me feel like a badass.

I also love running in the 4 am hour. I have the road all to myself and just run right down the middle of it.

This. Especially in the spring/summer/fall - If I know a storm is coming, I go running. It makes me think of the old adage about “while you’re resting your competition is getting better” or something like that. I like to think everyone else is napping or watching a movie while I’m out training in bad weather.

Passing cyclists up hills
Guilt free eating after a long run (hello bacon)

Running when it’s still
My breath under total control
and my stride is, too.

Its snowing, but it really doesn’t feels that cold outHaving a group to run withWhen I feel like could maintain my current pace all dayGoing off the planned route because I was just curious as to what was down the road/trail

Thanks for posting this.

There is nothing that makes me much happier than an all out sprint on the track. I can’t do that every day, in fact, I can’t do it most of the time, but the days, I can pull my body together and wind it up and unleash it, feels totally awesome. Other than that, a long hillclimb to the top of a mountain…and the “free speed” on the downhill is just “the best”, although I may not like myself the next day.

One of the best running moments from 2012 running down a 15% grade on the side of a volcano!!!

Pissed off runners make me happy. I’m so happy when I see a pissed off runner.

Kinda hard to explain. I run with my lab, she’s always happy and kinda doofy. When we run in the morning she usually goes to the bathroom so I need to get rid of the bagged present so I don’t need to carry it for 5 miles. We poach a garbage can in a driveway/yard, sneak up on it, throw the bag away and crazy sprint away like maniacs (as to avoid the ire of the homeowner). SHe gets so excited for the whole process, especially the sprint away that I think she’s saving it for our runs now. Once we get a couple of houses away she’ll look at me all silly and be like “we did good, didn’t we!” Cracks me up

Since I posted in the other one I’ll post here too, balance ya dig?

Being able to actually run! Sun or rain. Seeing other people run or being active. A successful snot rocket or loogi. After a good chilly run having the steam coming off of my body with the light hitting it just right, thinking to myself, “awesome run.”

1.) Running
2.) Getting lost on a run.
3.) When a run is going just right and you get that sense of hyper-presence (like being very much in the present moment). I’ve heard it called “flow”. I don’t find that in S&B, but do in running
4.) The emotional release–letting pent up feelings be expressed through assaulting the pavement. I’ve had far too many late-night runs where it was more of a therapy session than a workout (although those runs tend toward being pretty fast too).

That’s a classic. Dogs are the best!

Good idea about the “what makes you happy” thread!
Way better. Here’s what makes me happy:

  • the feeling after you finally break in your new shoes. You can actually feel it when it happens.
  • other people who are running
  • people who look like they want to run as well
  • people who cheer you on like you are in a race
  • older ladies who smile because they enjoy seeing young guys doing sports
  • kids that look at you from car windows and wave
  • dogs that are cool
  • road blocks (or obstacles)
  • girls in bikini’s
  • clouds in front of the sun
  • headwind
  • unexpectedly seeing my girlfriend doing yoga on the beach while I run by. After work i usually go do my workout, so does she, sometimes we end up in the same area and meet without planning. She has water and kisses.

Finding my form, speed and true joy in the second half of a run

Greeting the day, its sunshine, snow, wind and rain. I greet the rain with a little less enthusiasm.

Remembering the races behind me and looking forward to the runs ahead of me.

Passing people who are half of my 50 years and getting passed by people half their age.

What am I doing at work? I belong someplace else right now.

new-mown grass
the redwing blackbirds churring in the wetlands in the spring
great horned owls watching me run by in the evening
well-behaved dogs that run along with me, grinning
in past years, would sometimes run up alongside a pronghorn antelope, who would then accelerate effortlessly away over the horizon… just beautiful
anyone else running