Things that make you happy while you're running

I like being 5 miles or so into a long, early morning run and hearing roosters crow. I think to myself “wake up you lazy bastards…”

x2 yoga pants

Dream crushing

The warm 5:30am run, the city is asleep, you can feel the stillness and there’s hardly a sound to be heard, its just you and your old shoes, you start off slow, suddenly you see another runner coming towards you, as you meet you nod a silent ‘‘hello’’ as if afraid to break the stillness with a word, the city starts waking up, a sound here, a light there, longer traffic jams and the stores that start to open, people in line for coffee, now the sun peeks a bit, but you’ve been out for a while and are finding a rythm, your shirt is wet already, a few minutes later, all warmed up and pumped the sun shows its face, there is a long car line at the traffic light and the people in their cars look at you like ‘‘who is this dude?’’, you pass another runner and this time you do say ‘‘good morning’’, you are almost done, the city is up, you are drenched in sweat your legs are tired but a dog who is getting bored of barking at cars finds his distraction in you, whoops! its a big one, you step on it even though you know the dog won’t bite, now there is a hill ahead, a challenge, keep going, don’t slow down, you are almost done, reaching the top of the hill is a spiritual experience, done! slow down, cool off, find a water fountain and rinse your dirty mouth, run slowly home, throw the stinking clothes on the basket and take a long cold shower, come down to the smell of fresh coffee, and if you are lucky well deserved eggs and toast, you are in a mood nothing else in this world can give you now, get out there and kick some.

every damn day.

Although now slow, I can still run.

Prince you’re a poet!
Love the early morning run when someone is cutting grass
Love the run through trees in autumn with the smell of decomposing leaves on the ground and bright foliage above me

  • a starry sky on an evening (or early morning) run
  • hearing my heart pounding in my ears
  • the golf course ice machine just off the bike/ped path during the summer
  • getting nodded to/waved at by cyclists. rock on, friends.

could we be entering the ST “happy season”? i think so!..winter ending, and the injuries and burnout won’t fill the threads til maybe August or so…

so yeah, happy running things:

  1. thinking about homebrewing creations
  2. seeing the signs of the season changes (like blooming avalanche lilies today)
  3. pre-work darkness, post-work lightness
  4. being okay with the lack of speed at this time of year
  5. endocannabinoids
  6. nutella and bacon at the end!
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Running makes me happy.


I just love the feeling of the tip-tip-tip-tip-tip…Just that light touch of floating over the ground.

I haven’t been able to run in a year. This makes me really sad.

Everyone out on the trail moving as able.

I like a sunny cloudless windless 60 degree day.

I like the smell of awesome food that I won’t eat (even if coming back from a 18 mile run). BBQ, bacon, breakfast

I like the smell of stuff blooming this time of year, seems like a lot of jasmine so far.

I like knowing that I am a person that can run six days a week, a person that considers 12 miles a multiple time per week thing, and I like that only a few years ago, I was one of those people that said “I am just not a person that can run”

Seeing cyclists fail to unclip and fall over at traffic lights.

Oh and babies sleeping in Prams.

I like the smell of things I WILL eat: Bacon, BBQ, breakfast.

early morning
first light
Heart beating
Warm skin

Thinking back to when I had cartilage in my left knee and could run like the wind…pain free :frowning:

When the false flat is actually a slight downhill, looking at your Garmin pace and thinking “yeah, I’m crushing it” (before it dawns on you that you are running downhill.)

Starting out with sore legs but finding your form after 5k or so.
Running in a new town or place.
Running in a country where I know no one is packing, running, riding, in their car, any bloody where.
Saying hello to the walkers that you know wouldn’t say hello normally but do because you did.
Running in torrential rain knowing those in cars going past are saying “look at that idiot”.
Being the first to spot the kangaroos, major points!
Hearing a King Parrot or Yellow Tail Black Cockatoo
Seeing the King Parrot or Yellow Tail Black.
Seeing the non runner out there having a go and running.
Run farting and your run partner not blinking an eyelid
Getting the kilometer splits and them being faster than you thought
Running past those still out on a big night and knowing they are at the end of their day and you are at the beginning.
The sunrise.

The warm 5:30am run, the city is asleep, you can feel the stillness and there’s hardly a sound to be heard, its just you and your old shoes, you start off slow, suddenly you see another runner coming towards you, as you meet you nod a silent ‘‘hello’’ as if afraid to break the stillness with a word, the city starts waking up, a sound here, a light there, longer traffic jams and the stores that start to open, people in line for coffee, now the sun peeks a bit, but you’ve been out for a while and are finding a rythm, your shirt is wet already, a few minutes later, all warmed up and pumped the sun shows its face, there is a long car line at the traffic light and the people in their cars look at you like ‘‘who is this dude?’’, you pass another runner and this time you do say ‘‘good morning’’, you are almost done, the city is up, you are drenched in sweat your legs are tired but a dog who is getting bored of barking at cars finds his distraction in you, whoops! its a big one, you step on it even though you know the dog won’t bite, now there is a hill ahead, a challenge, keep going, don’t slow down, you are almost done, reaching the top of the hill is a spiritual experience, done! slow down, cool off, find a water fountain and rinse your dirty mouth, run slowly home, throw the stinking clothes on the basket and take a long cold shower, come down to the smell of fresh coffee, and if you are lucky well deserved eggs and toast, you are in a mood nothing else in this world can give you now, get out there and kick some.

every damn day.


  1. Running with my 3 yr old and hearing her say “faster daddy!”
  2. Running with my 3 yr old and her high-5ing me at the end and she says “good run!”
  3. EARLY long runs
  4. Smell of the grass, sun and warmth
  5. Sweating outside knowing my worst run is better than my best day at my desk
  6. Too many others to write

My 4 year old son telling me to go faster and giving me incoherent training advice
Running on holiday when my wife and son are still sleeping
Seeing and smelling the sea when I run
Discovering new trails in new places
Those rare runs where you find your mind completely wandering and you are able to keep up your target pace with almost no effort at all
Post run coffee and cake or a bacon and egg sandwich
Those amazing cold, clear mornings when you feel like the luckiest person in the world to just be outside and moving through such a beautiful world

And my all time favourite; going back to the U.K (my home country) for a holiday and going to the countryside where I spent all my childhood holidays and running along the tops of the screes above Wasdale Lake in the Lake District. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Awesome thread.