Things that make you happy while you're running

I figured we need some Yang to go with the Yin of the “Things that piss you off while you’re running” thread. :slight_smile:

Some of the things I enjoy while I run:

  1. Having a friendly puppy run along with me for a little while. It’s cute when they try to nip at my heels, as I know they just want to play.
  2. Having people in their cars yell “Run, Forrest, Run!” It makes me happy to think about what was a pretty gosh darn good movie.
  3. Catching the neighbor kids smoking weed. I’ve never met a violent pothead.
  4. Impromptu obstacle courses involving cars always help mix up the workout a bit.
  5. Puddles!
  6. Sprinklers!
  7. Finding inspiration when meeting the really hardcore runners - here’s to you, Mr. “pushing himself so hard he can’t even see me” guy!

Running makes me happy.

yoga pants

The sun.

Gentle downhills.

The smell of bacon cooking

1.Running behind my wife and knowing I’m faster than her, but just enjoying the view!!
2.Running with my dog who will NEVER quit on me!
3.The smell of new shoes
4.The smell of old shoes and remembering all those good times
5.That training run when it all comes together and you think “I could have PB’d any distance today by a long shot”
6.Knowing that one day I won’t be able to run, but that day is a LONG way away…

So get out there!!!

the smell of a wood fire
running with my dog
passing people

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The crossing guard stopping traffic for me when running past the school in the morning

Seeing familiar faces at 5:30am in the park doing their daily thing

  1. Seeing animals (deer, rabbits, horses, etc…)
  2. Seeing a store that sells water after I ran out
  3. Seeing a yard with sprinklers on a hot sunny day
  4. Seeing the timer for my current interval hit zero
  5. watching a Giants touchdown get replayed on the treadmill tv while watching ESPN
  6. of course, Seeing my house when the run is over

Getting to the end of the run ;).

1.Running behind my wife and knowing I’m faster than her, but just enjoying the view!!

YES! Love trailing my wife and enjoying the view. Also love seeing other people working hard…much respect.

Running makes me happy.


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Seeing things on a run that you would otherwise miss. Like going out for an early morning run and seeing the sunrise to the east and the moon set to the west at the same time. I was lucky enough to catch that one morning while on a business trip in Florida.

  1. A 6am run when its warm enough to run without a shirt on.

  2. The smell of the air at 6am.

  3. Seeing someone with a disability working out.

  4. The feel I get when I’m done. It feels kinda like I’m buzzing.

  5. The feeling of being in the zone.

I love optimism

  1. Saving caterpillars
  2. Happy dogs
  3. Smiling drivers
  4. Smiling runners
  5. Catching the sunset
  6. Being outside
  7. Sweating

the homeless lady who often cheers for me like i am winning the boston marathon during my early morning runs. she makes my day every time

Finding a public toilet or a porta-potty at the right time.

great thread and all the posts are fun to read. I agree with a bunch of the stuff already posted.

When I lived in MN and MT I loved running on snow when it was like 10 below zero (or more). I always felt how lucky it was to be able to do it, and the Styrofoam sound of each food fall with everything else being so silent was kinda neat. Great excuse for not worrying about pace - hard to go fast bundled up that much.

finding your inner zen…
…Bandana, minimalist shoes, no shirt, trail run, indian tribal music beating to each footstep… doesn’t happen a lot… but what a treat

Fresh legs!!