The ugliest car in the world

I just realized that - when we made them in Boy Scouts - the “pointier” end was in the front

If they just turned it around …

They were just trying to make sure that you remained a virgin.

I was also going to post the Pacer and was looking to see if anyone else posted it first.

One persons fugly wagon is anothers 6 second beast…lol

i never understood why people cared so much about how a car looked on the outside. a car never defined me, car doesn’t make me manlier, or straighter. does that mean i can’t appreciate good looking cars? nope.

but when it comes to ownership. how a car drives, and how the interior looks is way more important to me than how the exterior of a car looks.

for example:
4th gen supras were really good looking for their time. but the interior looked and felt like shit.

meanwhile a 325xit was a “lesbian” vehicle, a station wagon. but that interior was so tasteful. especially when paired with the 3 pronged steering wheel.

give me interior design/comfort over what the car looks like on the outside anyday, i can’t see the outside of a car when i’m driving it.

the tesla truck is “ugly” imo, but i do like that it does exactly what most trucks can do, and sometimes more, and looks completely whack.

For car folks, it’s the complete package that counts - inside, outside, performance.

Most folks at least care about their car color (see, exterior). But another tell of a true car person is that they may wash their own cars, fastidiously. And then step back and admire it. Even beyond color, its the curves and surfaces and how they play with light at various angles, etc. So it absolutely matters what it looks like. And if those curves and shapes are functionally tied to performance, then it’s even better. Ideally, it’s a complete package.

Re: Cybertrucks. I’ve seen a bunch of them already where I am (DC / NYC). Never seen one being used as a truck.

  • I’m a car guy. I’ve done the above on all my cars. And I’ve been known to just stare at my bikes too. But that’s other forum stuff…

If you are spending $20, 80, 150k on a vehicle, why not care?

There’s always the original Fiat Multipla

That car reminds me of this fish.


i think the average person would call me a “car guy”. my garage has essentially everything i need, outside of a damn lift.

i vacuum my car weekly, and wash my car monthly and apply ceramic coating to it. i also wash the under carriage every other week in the winter when the roads are salted.

there are cars that i think are much more visually appealing than others. but maybe i’m too practical.

sure, if all things equal, i’ll choose the car that is prettier to me, but often times, all things are not equal.

i’ve had multiple chances when buying cars, and i have always chose the car that has a better interior over exterior. i spend way more time inside my car (when i was commuting 90-120 mins each day) than i did staring at it from the outside.

the reality is that more often than not, people get this little ego boost, thinking about how strangers are perceiving their look in the car.

that’s how you end up with dudes, driving lifted diesel trucks to the grocery store.

that ugly fiat is not competing against an 80, 150k vehicle. the competition of that car is what?

my guess would be pontiac aztec, maybe first gen rav 4, mazda mpv, honda element.

those are not exactly lookers either. if i was in the market for a 5 door sport utility vehicle (assuming it has a hatch, looks like it does) the looks of this car, despite being a disaster, would not remove it from contention if it drove well, was built well, and had an excellent interior.

i can’t say it’s likely to win out against the rest, but the exterior look is just part of the equation. though scoring a 0 might not do much for it overall anyways, lol.

My car-related embarrassment started when I was in first grade. My parents drove barely-functioning VW vans & bugs. My mom would say, “hop out and push, kids!” when they wouldn’t start. And then after we pushed it for several blocks, “keep pushing! I forgot to turn the starter!” I swear, she was just messing with us.

In third grade, my parent’s friend gave them a baby blue Ford Pinto. (That friend was in the army and played tuba in an all-women marching band. She played for jimmy carter at the White House. She’s a classic MT woman.) I actually felt like her Ford Pinto was an improvement! lol

Things got better eventually. :slight_smile:

Although I don’t think you can’t buy one, the new mail delivery vehicles deserve a mention.

I presume the design there is at least a nod to fuel efficiency and increasing visibility for the type of driving the USPS typically does. Found an AP article on them - wow, the old trucks are pretty rough across the board (9mpg, no AC, bad visibility).

The no AC was inexcusable IMO. They must have made a decision to cut costs. I felt so bad for the older USPS delivery guy at work. He’d come in soaked in sweat and just hang out in the air conditioned office for a few moments.

However, the old Grumman was available in AWD and they were little tanks when the snow got deep. You could chain them up and they’d go almost anywhere. It’s hard to imagine that big van getting around when there’s a foot of snow in the ground. I know they’ll have other vehicles in the fleet, but that would be a real limitation of the big van.

I saw a cool looking vehicle last week that I’d forgotten even existed. I don’t believe they made the Vehicross for more than one production year. Love it.

(Apologies to BLeP for not taking it to the other forum, wherever that is.)

Whoa dude, that’s the Garth mobile, party on mck414. :metal: :metal:

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I saw two Cybers while driving today. Now that it’s no longer unique, it just looks stupid!


Function over form of this one. Learned the height is so mail folks can stand up inside and retrieve stuff to be delivered

I think you win. Pacers where a phenom

If you told 13 year old me I won, I’d have looked at you like you had a dick growing out of your forehead.

That’s hard to argue with. My girlfriend in high school had an AMC Gremlin that looked way better than the Pacer.

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