The Spoilers-Vuelta 2024

pb n skjelly - it could be my only nickname podium.
he won Maryland Pro last year and our gsp picked him at the team presentations the night before - that equals fan boy for 18 months or until he rides defensively at L-B-L bc he now realizes he can’t match the Pogi.
havent tuned in yet - but I expect Soler off the front.

Interesting situation - “battle” for KOM jersey between teammates !!!

Indeed. And I think Soler’s tactical sense might have been permanently damaged as a result of his time on Movistar.

Fast Eddie!

Another gut check passed by Ben O with a huge assist to Felix Gall.

Ben folds not.

If Ben OC could have gotten around Berrade - he could have Ben Folds 5th placed it!

Ben’s best defense was not being on defense in red - nice ride from him.
I was riding - so didn’t see the 2 pt kom jersey battle (drama?).
I don’t know the politics but I sure feel like Soler (power) does a F%*load for the team and deserves it (but he did have the stage win which he rode out of his skin to get). have to think if Primoz didn’t ride away the watts were a bit more sane on this final climb (and everyone’s tired looked very close).

Soler Power has some sun damage.

Yeah. Maybe The Flare is in a contract year and maybe sans contract with UAE?
How else to explain the flare ups? Espana pride, perhaps?

And how did Bora get hammered by salmonella and Rog not? Did he walk down the street for a burger?

So many questions…

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Can we start a rumor that Rog is secretly vegan?

just caught earlly on the replay, CVV saying the salmonella came from drinking an energy drink. hope he has good info there, doubt that will go over well if only supposition. (didn’t even want to type it)

Had to be either the Diablo Shrimp or Buffalo Wings.

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The same items that caused Tommy Dumps issues at the Giro.

Someone submitted video of Primo when Bora’s nutrition woes took a turn

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Some guys don’t need a nickname. Maurice Ballerstedt.

Affini going double disc!

That’s a riot.


Oier Como Va
The Donk
Jungle Bob
The Gnar
de Tank
Waiting for Gaudu
Boogie Nights Yates
Tommy Dumpster
Wright Said Fred
Rocky Biibao
Larry Warhorse
Scuff Healy
Bam Bam McNutty
Zaster Philipsen
King Kung
Top Ganna
Taco- hors nickname
Matty Jorgo
Tony Romo
T Rex
van Baaler
Kaiser Sosa
Kick Asgreen
T Dub
Lil Ricci
Bad Oomen (new)
The Paz
My Verona
Fast Eddie
C Rod
J Venga
Mas Macho, No Mas, Si Mas Por Favor…

And, of course, Ferris

Who did I miss? New entries, anyone?


You’re right. Mo Baller

I was thinking of the most unlikely cycling name and I’m going with Emil Herzog. Sounds like a contemporary of Freud’s.

Dr. Emil Herzog, the famed German Psychoanalyst.

Pretty comprehensive body of work with there.

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You are the hero we need.

Today I hope the peloton collectively says, “It’s Kung’s day.” Not likely, but I’ll roll with it.

Bring back the days of raw power where King Kung was pulling 75% of the time on BMCs TTT squad.

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It’s so hard watching King in the hot seat because he looks so completely crushed when he’s knocked into 2nd. There’s no disguising it with him. And it’s happened a lot.

But I think he’s got this one.

O’Connor’s having himself a good TT.

Agreed. Too many times, but not today! To boot, he has his first grand tour win. I’m really pleased for him.