The Official, All-Encompassing September Swim Thread

Skuj again gets credit on the title

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Looks like a lot of fishes swimming upstream with this new format, I finally made it up the river escalator to get in my 1st for the month. Had two really good speed days last week, so body has come around after the meet to normal, and today at the low desert pool that is 82, so loving that. Just did a moderate get acquainted swim, tiny, tiny shoulder pinge going onā€¦

5x100buoy@1;40(1;25 to 1;23ā€™s)2x100frog@2;00(1;54/53)3x100back@2;00(1;32/30/28)10x100p@1;30(1;16 to 1;14ā€™s until last 1;10)3x100frog@2;00(1;51/50/47)2x100back@2;00(1;30/27)15x50@1;00 as 4buoy(39/38ā€™s)free(34)4pull(36/35ā€™s)free(35)frog(55/53ā€™s)free(35)3x50 dolphin@1;20(67/62/57)3400SCY in 63 minutes

nice. Iā€™m still just doing PT exercises :frowning: trying to manage load to build strength
hopefully some sidestroke soon. Hip pain is making me hesitant to try sidestroke right now.

got in and gave it a smack today after warm up

15x200 on 3 mins. took about 3 or 4 to get things loosened then held 231s or so and 228 and 225 last two

was trying to keep stroke long and smooth but started to creep up a bit last few. average around 31-33 strokes

3400 SCY

1000 FR 14:33/200IM kick
10x100P on 1:30 (1:13-18)/200 IM kick
8x50 on 60 (38-39)/200 IM kick/ 8x50 on 60 (38-40)

Jumping back in after some time away from posting. Must be the new formatšŸ˜€

9/2, first post covid swim. Pool at 7K elevation and 25M so everything was all weird

300 ez
300 buoy band
200 ez
200 buoy band
16 x 100 on :15 as
8 buoy band paddles
4 buoy band
4 swim

2600 SCM in :50 or so

geez 7k elev for first post covid swim

main set today was 5 rounds of 6 x 50 hard on 15 - 20 rest 200 good stroke count swimming on 3:00

Still chlorine free. That makes 4.5 months now. Kept it rolling with an across the lake affair at Whonnock. Almost too warm for the wetsuit.

I remember that pool in mammoth, but did most my swims in the indoor gym pool at 9000ft!!! That was the hardest swimming I ever had to do, while barley moving in the waterā€¦

Got in today and did a fly set from last week, think I will make this my 200 test set going forward. Went a bit faster today, you start to get the feel for what you can do, but I was completely gassed on the last 50 and had to take a minute to catch my breath:

3x(3x100buoy or pull@1;40/2x100frog@2;00/2;10/4x50fly@1;10, last set 1;20)buoys(1;25/24/23)pulls(1;18/16/13/16/15/12)frogs(1;54 to 1;48) flys(44/41/40/38-2;43ā€“40/39+/39/38ā€“2;36Ā±-39/38/38+/38ā€“2;33+)
2950SCY in 57 minutes

Really like this set for 200ā€™s fly, but need to be able to do them at 1;00 and less to be able to hold that fatigue stroke flat on the waterā€¦

Our condo is in the Snowcreek complex that has the Athletic Club with that indoor pool, but for some reason owners canā€™t access without a fee. Not quote 9K though, but still freaking hard. Actually, itā€™s fine just cruising, but any extra curriculars on a flip turn and you feel it immediately

Didnā€™t swim today, as it is the last day for Whitmore and they were having some sort of breakfast social, figured weā€™d leave it to the locals. So MTBā€™d for an hour or so before work

Iā€™ve been in the pool twice this week (first time since the beginning of August).

Knee is already feeling better and I didnā€™t need the pull buoy today.

Happy to have my usual lunch swim back, even if the pool is too warm. The lifeguard welcomed me back too. :slight_smile: (lunch swim goes away for kid swimming lessons in the summer)

Finally got my log in squared away and thought Iā€™d update a bit. Still streakingā€¦today was 256 straight days of swimming. Part of the deal was that, outside of races, I had to go at least 1000 a day for it to count. There hadnā€™t been too many days that short until the last week, which is obviously a sign. Weā€™ll see how much longer I stay with it.
I raced a couple of sprint tris in August winning the age group in both and staying in the top 18 overall. Total for the season has been 12 races, 9 wins, 2 seconds and 1 third. Only two more left here in the Midwest with outdoor swims and Iā€™ll finish off at the end of September with a pool swim tri in Wisconsin.
TC, Iā€™ve been following your journey in the accountability thread and wish you well with everything. Hang in there!

Where are you swimming that you have so much access to a pool Mark?? I used to live in a community with two lap pools and it was awesome, swim whenever you want and the gym was right next door. But now, well take my hour when I can get it and dont complainā€¦

Felt the effects of yesterdays fly day so took an easy one today with steady stuff only:

5x100buoy@1;40(1;29 to 1;24)200frog@4;00(3;45)
18x50@1;00 as 2buoy/1backā€“buoys(43 to 40ā€™s)backs(44/43/43/43/43/42)
3500SCY in 59 minutes

thanks, MarkM. Iā€™m tryingā€¦
still doing my PT exercises. Iā€™m four weeks post botox injection in my shoulder; the thing thatā€™s keeping me from trying some sidestroke right now is hip pain. I just donā€™t dare do the sidestroke kick (even w the painful leg going back instead of forward - if painful leg went forward it would definitely hurt) and risk more pain as Iā€™m already in so much pain nearly all of the time. I see a hip specialist Thurs and am hoping they have some ideas. Insurance is being annoying about another MRI (I had one in early April) and my PCP is hoping the specialist saying ā€œshe needs another mriā€ will convince them to get their heads out of the sand.

thank you. Iā€™m glad your streak is still going. Iā€™m happy you can do that.
I go to Panera daily for coffee :slight_smile:

Sorry for my absence in posting in the fish threads. Been super busy, and now I come back to a whole new site.

Weekly yardage totals since beginning of August:
14k (race week)
14k (race week again)

Here are some key swim sets from the last couple of weeks.

500 build (5:33)
10x100 threshold on 1:20 (avg 1:05 flat)
500 pull strong (5:14)

8/11 - Otillo Casco Bay. 1st place overall. ~7.5km open water. Decent chop this year, swims were not super easy.

6x100 ankle band + paddles
3x800 pull smooth/DPS plus descend (8:47-40-34)

8/18 - swimrun practice. ~3k open water + 10mi trail running

Attempted to actually taper into the Otillo race, so week before was only 5.6k swimming, and that was two easy sessions in the pool before travelling to Sweden, about 4500y total, then about 1k in a swimrun shakeout session with Team Envol and most of the American contingent for the world champs to get a feel for the trails and rocks that would be on the course. Pinched a nerve in my shoulder a week before the race doing a couple of max-effort breakouts that had me worried, but rested it enough to not be a issue during the race.

9/2 - Otillo SR World Championship - 10km-ish swimming. Almost all water was under 60F, and the long swims were rough and choppy. Also pulling a partner via the tether. Finished 16th menā€™s team, should have been 7th though I think. Got a calf contusion from a tree branch that eventually pushed some swelling into my knee and forced me to walk most of the last 15 miles. Learned a lot though. got humbled by a few other swimmers; I was not mowing down the field during the swim legs here. We were actually going back and forth with some teams where they would catch us on the swim and we would actually out run them on land, which is backwards from what Iā€™m used to. Based on observation of other top teams, need to ditch the tether and find a partner who can just hold my feet (any motion on the tether is a negative load/drag and I can feel it when swimming).

Swam easy a couple days ago, definitely need more rest. Shoulders also feel wacky since all the swimming for the last week or so has been with paddles/shoes/wetsuit.

Iā€™m very lucky with access. The local Yā€¦where Marc Dubrick grew up swimmingā€¦has a very nice 8 lane scy pool thatā€™s open for laps 5 am till noon and right next door at a hospital affiliated wellness center is a 4 lane scy pool thatā€™s open from 5am-9 pm with a reservation system. It is open with shorter hours on most holidays. Andā€¦both have adjacent workout centers with bikes, treadmills, running track, rowers, etc. Between the two availability is very goodā€¦and I canā€™t even remember the last time Iā€™ve had to share a lane!

FWIW, I would have to go all out hard freestyle to hit 3500 in 59 minutes!:man_swimming:t2::blush:

This all must be so frustrating for you and I admire your strength in dealing with it step by step. I know how much we tend to rely on the athletic side of things and itā€™s so tough with these chronic issues. I hope the process leads to a good outcome!
Canā€™t believe I never looked at the calorie count on those Panera cinnamon crunch bagels back in the day! Sure were good though!:blush:
All my best!

Iā€™m convinced theyā€™re not really bagels. Theyā€™re a cinnamon roll in bagel shape rather than ā€œrollā€ shape.

Thank you for your kind words.

Ya we train in two different ways, but Iā€™m going to take a little of your consistency with 3 sports for the next 5 weeks and try and do another triathlon. Havenā€™t run or biked since last year really, so will see how much my training memory kicks in. Run 1 was 11;45 miles, run 2 11;10, and 3 was 10;50ā€¦So tomorrow shooting for sub 10!!

todays swim was in prep for a 10 mile relay at the end of the month where I have to swim 2 of the miles with a break in-between. So a good amount of yardages in a short time frame:

2x(500/400/300/200/100buoy@1;30 base, pull at 1;25 base with 200 frog@4;00 after each)buoys(7;17/5;40/4;11/2;42/1;18)pulls(6;38/5;15/3;54/2;33/1;12)frogs(3;39/3;41)
2x(3x50buoy@;50/100frog@2;00)buoys(42 to 40ā€™s)frogs(1;49/48)2x50back easy
4000SCY in 63 minutes

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Today was a rare double starting with a bike ride, so my swim was mostly medium HR distance stuff to get in the yardages:

100/200/300/400/500/500pulls@1;30 base/400/300/200/100 half frog@2;00base/halfpull@1;30baseā€“(1;20/2;40/3;59/5;19/6;33/6;29ā€“3;43/2;38ā€“2;45/1;56ā€“1;49/1;15ā€“53/33+)100SD
3600SCY in 58;30