The Official, All-Encompassing September Swim Thread

Did something to my shoulder when I was up in the mountains. I usually get some upper tricep (?) discomfort when upping some yardage, then it resolves pretty quickly. Had a little of that, but only swam 800 of my 2600 set with paddles last week, and not particularly hard. That day or the next SUP’d in the evening, super easy on a lake. Driving home my shoulder started getting real tight. If it’s one one position too long, and I move it just the right way, there is an audible and painful “snap,” Swam this morning and it was uncomfortable most of the swim. Tried out an easy 200 paddles, probably 199 yards more than I should have.

Today 2600 scy, :50
400 ez
6 x 50 on 1:00 descend 1-3. 4-6
300 pull
4 x 50 on 1:00 descend
200 pull / paddles
2 x 50 on 1:00 descend
2 x 50 on 1:00 ascend
200 pull
4 x 50 on 1:00 ascend
6 x 50 on 1:00 ascend 1-3, 4-6

I’m on a similar tact. All swimming for the past 8 months.

Went back to running last week. Horrible!

Bike in the other had wow. Seems a good deal if aerobic carryover from the swimming. Happy to say

dont know what it is but my shoulders are tight as a fishes arsehole when i start swimming. i need to start with backstroke, then a few laps of one arm before i can even get them to roll over into freestyle without a crunching sound. then they are fine. i need to do more foam rolling even if only for a few minutes each day.

DO THE FOAM ROLLING so you don’t get hurt.
A tennis ball to roll on might be good too - and is very portable.

tricep pain can be tendonitis - referred pain that is from the rotator cuff that you feel in the tricep. It’s good it goes away, but just know that’s possibly what it is, and that doing more rotator cuff strength might prevent it

ive never tried the tennis ball, I am sure i’ve got one around here with the cat toys somewhere. I been just doing 30 rolls (10 high back, 10 right lat area and 10 left lat area) every day or so as its quick and achievable and it makes a difference. hurts like hell but good hurt. i take the foam roller on trips away… i heard lance armstrong does that too… we all love lance >.>

my friend did a nice set for us today. We went 3 rounds of 300 as medium to strong effort , 2x100 strong , 2x50 fast. not short but not long rest either. then i did 2 more for my sins

Well if any are watching the news, you probably have seen the CA fires. One of them is 5 miles from Dan and my place, but for the moment staying put. We have been told to evacuate but with all the animals here and a now direct line to the flames, we are in watch mode. I was in Coachella the past few days and the smoke there is bad, several fires blowing that way, but smoke here is good for now with easterly winds. So made it to the pool today, water was hot, but just happy to get in and do some swimming;

6x(3x100buoy or pull@1;40 or 1;30/100back@1;50/100frog@2;10)buoys(1;27 to 1;22) pulls(1;18 to 1;16’s)frogs(1;13 to 1;47’s) backs(1;32/30/31/30/29/31)
2x(3x50p@;50 easy/50fly easy/2x50frog@1;15)pulls(39/38’s)frogs(55/54’s)fly(40/39)
3600SCY in 66 minutes

So did our fishes thread fall off the main forum and only show up here now? Seems like still a lot of confusion going on, and I see old threads just pop up at the top that are months old with no new replies. Anyway got in today thinking I will start working on my 400 free which I entered in the world senior games. It is not an event I swim and have no idea how to go about it, but it just fit into the schedule and seemed like it might be fun. So with that in mind did two broken 400’s with lots of rest just to start to feel out paces:

2x(3x100buoy@1;40/200frog@4;00/broken 400, 50’s@1;00/100frog@2;00) buoys(1;27/25/23/24/23/21)frogs(3;44/40)400’s(4;59--39/38/38/37+/37/37/36+/35+)(4;50—37/37/36+/36/36+/36/36/35)
2x(200p@3;00/50frog@1;15/50fly hard@1;15)pulls(2;41/39)frogs(55/54)fly(35+/34+)
6x50 kick, dolphin(66/63/61/62)flutter(61/59)100SD
3900SCY in 76 minutes

Dont know why but felt really good today, 50’s swim were much faster and easier than I had thought I could do…

Working toward my first SwimRun next week.

SCY 3400
1000 (14:33)/200K
10x100P on 1:30 (1:15-9)/200K
8x50 on 60 (39-40)/200K/8x50 on 60 (40s)

Realized a few weeks ago I needed to be doing more speed work so ending every session with 16 50’s with ~20 sec rest and it’s definitely making a difference. It’s a lesson I continually have to “re learn”, as a self coached swimmer swimming solo workouts.

woohoo for SwimRun. If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer.

made it to the pool twice last week, nothing special. Kinda a down week for me, need to get my motivation back and enter some more races.

Tues, 9/10: 3800scy
800 warmup
3x[400 pull, 100 kick, 400 swim, 100 kick]

Fri, 9/13: 4200 scy
800 warmup
32x100 on 1:20, alternate 8 swim with 8 pull. 2nd round faster than the first
1st swim set ~1:06
1st pull set ~1:02
2nd swim set 1:05 to start, down to 1:03
2nd pull set 1:00 avg, last one 59
4x50 easy

@Monty yes it’s harder to find this thread now. The swimming category isn’t visible without an extra click - because most folks won’t customize their Categories, and the overall Topics view is littered with Lavender room crap.

Good luck in your swim/run there PP, they are a blast. Wish there were more around locally, they do really help motivate to keep the old legs running. You seem to be swimming well, good pull set going down to 1;09. And funny that I just incorporated that exact same set of 8x50’s twice too on the minute, think that will be a good one going forward…

So today did a very rare 7am swim in the low and cool pool, actually have to take some time and warm up, so that is different:

10x100buoy@1;40(1;30 to 1;17)
5x100frog@2;00(1;52 to 1;46)
5xbroken 200, 150p@2;15/50flyhard@1;15)pulls(1;59/58/58/54/54) flys(37/37/37/36+/36)
4x(100frog@2;10/100back@1;50)frogs(1;53 to 1;48)backs(1;35/32/30/28)
2x(2x100p@1;40/1;50/50breast hard@1;00)pulls(1;22 to 1;18’s) breast(42/42)
4x50 dolphin hard@1;20(64/57/56/52)100SD
4100SCY in 77 minutes

Thanks (and how the hell do I find this thread???). Think it might be that, as it seems to be resolving albeit slowly. Unfortunately can’t pull the plug as I have Otillo Austin swimrun 11/4, and it’s basically my only race of the year. I thought there was only a bit over 4K swimming, but turns out its 4800 meters… But if the water level is like last year, will be less than that.

So, catching up
Last Friday
-afternoon 1K just to see if I can swim without pain… mostly

swimrun session about 2K swimming (all paddles) and 5.5 miles running. A bit sore after but not awful

More of a full set, about 2700 in :50 ish. All 75% or easier efforts
300 ez
500 with fins as alternate kick swim 25/50/75/100
400 buoy/band/snorkel
400 buoy/band/paddles
300 swim
300 buoy/band/ paddles
200 buoy / band
200 swim
4 x 25

Shoulder feels pretty ok today (the next day). Oddly, pulling myself up out of the pool elicited no pain, which I think is good. Hoping to get full 3K in tomorrow, then another swimrun session saturday

On this week’s Road Dog Podcast of all places

Had anyone else heard about this?

a lap of the island, then a nice nap in the hammock… ideal training venue :wink:
Boundary Waters in MN, a lot of canoe paddling but was usually too tired after that for swimming, so did not swim as much as I’d hoped to.

Back in the pool 4x400 IM felt hard.
strange random pains, shoulder unhappy, one new one in the leg which turned out to be a contusion from slipping during a portage and whacking it into a tree.

race on Sun, Octoberfest Tri sprint distance. It’s also the regional college championship so gets a strong field of young whippets.
Had plans for it, life happened. I’ll show up and see if I can still get through transitions…

Man there seems to be a lot of shoulder stuff going on here with the fishes, my twinge is still just that, so putting on some smelly stuff every night and doing the self massage thing…After yesterdays longish swim at sea level, just thought to do an easihish aerobic bit today. Dan wants to do a big set of 200’s tomorrow and I will be doing IM to his free, so I have to taper a bit… (-;

2x(3x200buoy@3;10/200back@3;30/200frog@4;00) buoys(2;59/55/49/49/47/46)frogs(3;40/3;34)backs(3;05/3;00)
5x200p steady descend@3;00(2;39/37/36/36/33)
5x50 kick-3 dolphin@1;10(60/59/59)3frog@1;00(52/51/49)100SD
3400SCY in 58 minutes

So, shoulder was feeling much better yesterday, and during today’s swim was only a discomfort level of 3-4, as opposed to previous 4-6. But afterwards, oooey it’s pretty sore. I think it’s more a tendonitis/soft tissue dealio, as my left neck (it’s my left shoulder) is super tight, and when I used a snorkel this morning, I hardly felt anything. So breathing to the right seems to aggravate it. Unfortunately cannot rest completely (well, i can but don’t want to) and still need to get some paddle work in

I did wreck this shoulder in a 2015 bike accident, broken clavicle, a bit of separation, and to this day I can still feel a grinding sensation when I move the shoulder blade over the rib cage…, probably all related. after getting home I made an appt with my ortho that cut me, to get a sense of what is going on.

All that said, 3000 scy in :53
300 ez
300 buoy band snorkel
8 x 75 on :10 as 25 mod 50 ez
200 buoy band snorkel
10 x 100 buoy band paddle on 1:40
300 buoy band snorkel
300 sw

I’d avoid paddles w a shoulder issue, FYI

I agree generally, but it actually hurts less using paddles as I go pretty slow, and I keep it to a minimum. With a swimrun in early Nov. I need to keep up some paddle work. then again I’ve never been very smart when it comes to injuries and training :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s more a soft tissue thing and as such not doing more damage, as it already feels better throughout the day. but the ortho will tell me in a couple weeks