The MAGA mind

It’s actually pretty simple, most liberals are for abortion in some form.

No, they’re not. Hardly anyone (liberal or conservative) is FOR abortion. Most liberals are “for” allowing the pregnant woman and her doctor to make a medically informed choice about whether abortion is the right option. That’s not the same as being “for abortion.”
You’re missing my point… the interviewer said THEIR candidate was AGAINST abortion and they jumped on board with the false assertion. Is that more clear? As you stated many are at least for it in some form, especially liberals.

The interviewer in the video you said you saw, don’t have, can’t find and don’t want to look for?

Getting strong BigJohn vibes here, huh?

I would like him to explain what “being into abortion” means.
It’s actually pretty simple, most liberals are for abortion in some form. To be presented with a question… what do you think about Biden oppossition to abortion and then go on without missing a beat… oh yeah we’re for that too is exactly what this thread is ‘about’. Uninformed people holding the party line no matter what and I dare say with no personal morality or public stances.

Sorry I’m not spending my time to dig up videos but they were definitely more prevalent in the algorithms, especially around election time.

Yet another strawman. You are flailing.

Biden is against late term, elective, abortion. Most Democrats agree with him.

What are the odds that every position a presidential candidate holds, you also hold? That would seem like to me to indicate a person who doesn’t think for themselves and just adopts someone else’s, or a political party’s positions.

I voted for Biden last time and I’ll vote for him this time because I can’t see the Republicans putting up anyone who would more closely align with my views.

That being said, I don’t think Biden has any business being president again, but the alternative is almost certainly going to be someone is has orders of magnitudes less business being the president.

The MAGA crowd assumes that the Democrats are the same as them, blind devotion to an all-powerful leader. The reality is the Democrats are a bunch of feral cats with a wide variety of ever-changing positions.

yes and all one has to do to verify what you just said is look at the basket case that has been the Rep congress in the last 12 months to 4 years. Not being able to elect an original speaker, kicking their speaker out and not being able to vote in a replacement, not being able to impeach mayorkus, kicking santos out and ultimately losing a seat.

All while the Dems held together and impeached Trump twice (with a couple “reps” on the committee), voted multiple times for the same speaker while the Reps flailed around, voted in a block against the Mayorkus impeachment, etc etc.

Do you ever actually think before the bullshit flows onto your keyboard, or is it just written on the piece of paper you follow regularly??

By the way, how big was the “fringe” group of anti semites that followed your “fringe” congress womans orders in MI yesterday? 15%?

The MAGA crowd assumes that the Democrats are the same as them, blind devotion to an all-powerful leader. The reality is the Democrats are a bunch of feral cats with a wide variety of ever-changing positions.

You heard it here folks. A liberal Democrat admits they’re all a bunch of pussies.

There are plenty of videos out there of lots of different people looking very stupid in “man on the street” interviews.

No one is specifically worried about looking very stupid. There are stupid people all over the place of all sorts of political persuasions.

The commentary here is on MAGA or Trump supporters specifically criticizing and arguing against a policy or behavior when they think it’s a Biden position, but then flipping 180 degrees to defend the exact same policy or behavior when they find out it was a Trump position.

There are plenty of videos out there of lots of different people looking very stupid in “man on the street” interviews. This is literally an all sides thing.…?si=gmBEuoQkGGoaUmeb

Great. Lots of videos. It should be easy for xeon to find the ones he is referring to.

Sorry I’m not spending my time to dig up videos but they were definitely more prevalent in the algorithms, especially around election time.

In other words,

The MAGA crowd assumes that the Democrats are the same as them, blind devotion to an all-powerful leader. The reality is the Democrats are a bunch of feral cats with a wide variety of ever-changing positions.

The last 60s years have been pretty simple:

Republicans are a conservative party. For the last 45 that’s morphed into a christian party.
Democrats are a coalition party.

There are plenty of videos out there of lots of different people looking very stupid in “man on the street” interviews.

No one is specifically worried about looking very stupid. There are stupid people all over the place of all sorts of political persuasions.

The commentary here is on MAGA or Trump supporters specifically criticizing and arguing against a policy or behavior when they think it’s a Biden position, but then flipping 180 degrees to defend the exact same policy or behavior when they find out it was a Trump position.

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

News flash: Some people are not that up on the issues.

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

Sounds plausible. Help Brother Xeon out with a video! :slight_smile:

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

Sounds plausible. Help Brother Xeon out with a video! :slight_smile:

some (friendly) advice.

looks like you’ve been a member of ST for a while.

looks like you’ve stumbled, accidently or on purpose, into the LR for the first time (or first time in a while).

lots of shiny objects in here

this room is not your fathers tri forum.

this room is not (in my opinion) for the relatively unprepared. Especially if they espouse a viewpoint like yours.

I suggest you regroup. If you have something to say you best know what that is and be prepared to defend your position quickly and multiply.

Or just use it as a source of entertainment (a few of those you are sparring with here have veiwpoints so radically different than yours that it’s like dealing with an alien).

Most here are good folks with strong viewpoints. Beware, be prepared and have tough skin. Or stick to tri and selling stuff.

Good luck!!
I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

some (friendly) advice.

looks like you’ve been a member of ST for a while.

looks like you’ve stumbled, accidently or on purpose, into the LR for the first time (or first time in a while).

lots of shiny objects in here

this room is not your fathers tri forum.

this room is not (in my opinion) for the relatively unprepared. Especially if they espouse a viewpoint like yours.

I suggest you regroup. If you have something to say you best know what that is and be prepared to defend your position quickly and multiply.

Or just use it as a source of entertainment (a few of those you are sparring with here have veiwpoints so radically different than yours that it’s like dealing with an alien).

Most here are good folks with strong viewpoints. Beware, be prepared and have tough skin. Or stick to tri and selling stuff.

Good luck!!
I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

You bet. Best of luck.


I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

He already told you, do your own research to back up his claim.

I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

Bitch please…

I have really thick skin and I just don’t see the need to have to defend all my points. Forums in general aren’t good places for tough conversations, for many reasons.

They don’t like what I have to say… tough. Guess who’s losing zero sleep over some random forum people.

Appreciate the friendly advice.

He already told you, do your own research to back up his claim.

And he doesn’t feel the need to defend his points. He has made the point, so it is obviously correct. This is a you problem.

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

Sounds plausible. Help Brother Xeon out with a video! :slight_smile:

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

Sounds plausible. Help Brother Xeon out with a video! :slight_smile:

See, was that so hard?

This has been going on for years. They did it all the time will Obama’s policies. They’d attribute them to a Republican and the people would trash the policy.

They’ve done it with Biden, too, taking things he said years ago in the Senate and attributing it to Trump.

Sounds plausible. Help Brother Xeon out with a video! :slight_smile:

See, was that so hard?

Ha! I didn’t realize I was on the clock. Been working too much.