The MAGA mind

Ha! I didn’t realize I was on the clock. Been working too much.

No, that was directed at xeon…in your spare time you did his job for him.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student

If you’re talking about Laken Riley, any murder is tragic and ought not to have happened. But to take that one murder and claim it shows that the border should have been closed or that all illegals should be deported immediately makes as much sense as claiming that a single fatal shooting means that all guns should be seized.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Yeah. Ok. Well I’m sure that crack you’re smoking is lovely.

you’re right Trump has lost a ton of support. Probably all in the 3-5 states that decided the election by 40-60k votes. I’m sure the 10% swing below will not be important in November. I’ll just smoke crack until then and pretend this isn’t true. Maybe if I just keep lying about the border it will go away, right?

Biden support slides in latest polls (

83-percent of respondents who voted for Biden in 2020 say they intended to do so again, in contrast to 97-percent of Trump supporters who say they intend to support him again this year. And 10-percent of Biden’s supporters now say they intend to support Trump.

**And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student **

If you’re talking about Laken Riley, any murder is tragic and ought not to have happened. **But to take that one murder and claim it shows that the border should have been closed or that all illegals should be deported immediately makes as much sense as claiming that a single fatal shooting means that all guns should be seized. **

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Yeah. Ok. Well I’m sure that crack you’re smoking is lovely.

well Greg… both parts of your post have aged really well…

yeah Lakin has no chance of being Joe Biden’s Willie Horton. Especially in the very swing state of GA. Although I’m pretty sure Mondale pronounced Wille’s name correctly.

I’m betting people, and most especially Lakin’s mom, are just getting started. Wouldn’t surprise me if this mom ends up making Cindy Sheehan look like Mother Theresa

I would like him to explain what “being into abortion” means.
It’s actually pretty simple, most liberals are for abortion in some form. To be presented with a question… what do you think about Biden oppossition to abortion and then go on without missing a beat… oh yeah we’re for that too is exactly what this thread is ‘about’. Uninformed people holding the party line no matter what and I dare say with no personal morality or public stances.

Sorry I’m not spending my time to dig up videos but they were definitely more prevalent in the algorithms, especially around election time.

Yet another strawman. You are flailing.

Biden is against late term, elective, abortion. Most Democrats agree with him.

What are the odds that every position a presidential candidate holds, you also hold? That would seem like to me to indicate a person who doesn’t think for themselves and just adopts someone else’s, or a political party’s positions.

I voted for Biden last time and I’ll vote for him this time because I can’t see the Republicans putting up anyone who would more closely align with my views.

That being said, I don’t think Biden has any business being president again, but the alternative is almost certainly going to be someone is has orders of magnitudes less business being the president.

The MAGA crowd assumes that the Democrats are the same as them, blind devotion to an all-powerful leader. The reality is the Democrats are a bunch of feral cats with a wide variety of ever-changing positions.

Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, warns Netanyahu has ‘lost his way’ (

here’s another of your “fringe” Dems

Bernie Sanders pushes for 4-day workweek in the Senate. Here’s why (

another feral cat here.

Bernie Sanders pushes for 4-day workweek in the Senate. Here’s why (

another feral cat here.

In case Nutella forgets, thank you for making his point.

Bernie Sanders pushes for 4-day workweek in the Senate. Here’s why (

another feral cat here.

In case Nutella forgets, thank you for making his point.

when the rest of them line up behind this you will still defend this as feral cat won’t you? Because Bernie is just another “fringe” member of the left isn’t he?

you know, kinda like you all laughed when “the green new deal” was proposed, then backed it when it came out as “the inflation reduction act”

I notice you skipped over the Israel hating “fringe” portion of the show. you know, where Talib is just a fringe Congress woman out hating Jews.

But, you probably did notice it, you’re just this disingenuous to not admit the left has gone full socialist. Nutella loves that he just wants it to go further European style. You’re just too full of TDS to not see the effect it’s having.

now, hush sweetheart.

Bernie Sanders pushes for 4-day workweek in the Senate. Here’s why (

another feral cat here.

In case Nutella forgets, thank you for making his point.

when the rest of them line up behind this you will still defend this as feral cat won’t you? Because Bernie is just another “fringe” member of the left isn’t he?

you know, kinda like you all laughed when “the green new deal” was proposed, then backed it when it came out as “the inflation reduction act”

I notice you skipped over the Israel hating “fringe” portion of the show. you know, where Talib is just a fringe Congress woman out hating Jews.

But, you probably did notice it, you’re just this disingenuous to not admit the left has gone full socialist. Nutella loves that he just wants it to go further European style. You’re just too full of TDS to not see the effect it’s having.

now, hush sweetheart.

Half way through that post I was worried you were going to say socialist, not European socialist. Nice work keeping it new!.

Bernie Sanders pushes for 4-day workweek in the Senate. Here’s why (

another feral cat here.

In case Nutella forgets, thank you for making his point.

when the rest of them line up behind this you will still defend this as feral cat won’t you? Because Bernie is just another “fringe” member of the left isn’t he?

you know, kinda like you all laughed when “the green new deal” was proposed, then backed it when it came out as “the inflation reduction act”

I notice you skipped over the Israel hating “fringe” portion of the show. you know, where Talib is just a fringe Congress woman out hating Jews.

But, you probably did notice it, you’re just this disingenuous to not admit the left has gone full socialist. Nutella loves that he just wants it to go further European style. You’re just too full of TDS to not see the effect it’s having.

now, hush sweetheart.

It is fine for Schumer as a citizen to think Israel needs to call for elections and replace their government. I think it is not his place as Senator Schumer to say that. I am sure Netanyahu will give it all the consideration it deserves and ignore it.

How many have agreed with Bernie pushing for a 4 day work week? I like Bernie a lot. But not this. I could do my current job with a 4 or 5 hour day better than 4 days a week.

What Democrats of note have joined up with Tlaib? I’m not of note, but I don’t agree with her. I also don’t agree with the current Israeli actions in Gaza. But that doesn’t mean I hate Israel.

You continue to make the point when you bring up positions people don’t join and proposals that don’t go anywhere.

Now let’s get to the Green New Deal Part. First we have to define it since there are more than a few things called that in many countries.

I’ll start here. Pulled from the authority of all authorities Wikipedia.
“Guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States.”“Providing all people of the United States with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.”“Providing resources, training, and high-quality education, including higher education, to all people of the United States.”“Meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”“Repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including . . . by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible.”“Building or upgrading to energy-efficient, distributed, and ‘smart’ power grids, and working to ensure affordable access to electricity.”“Upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.”“Overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in – (i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing; (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; and (iii) high-speed rail.”“Spurring massive growth in clean manufacturing in the United States and removing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing and industry as much as is technologically feasible.”**“Working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector as much as is technologically feasible.”

Which of these do you disagree with as goals? I’ve got to tell you, I don’t laugh at any of these.
I would flesh out the first into a workfare kind of scenario where if you can’t find a job on your own we will give you one, but you may not like it. You are free to not take that job but then you don’t get paid. Guaranteeing a job is different from a universal basic income. The first I like, the second I don’t.
The rest? I have no problem with them being aspirational goals but the devil is in the details to implement.

This cannot be real. Of course this is real.

This cannot be real. Of course this is real.

That was pretty funny. “Does oral count as incest?”

They can’t criticize him because he’s one of them. He wasn’t wrong with his quote about shooting somone wouldn’t cost him any votes.

This cannot be real. Of course this is real.

Can you imagine watching this and seeing one of those guys like the one in the light blue shirt and realize he is dating your sister or daughter. Holy crap….

This cannot be real. Of course this is real.

Can you imagine watching this and seeing one of those guys like the one in the light blue shirt and realize he is dating your sister or daughter. Holy crap….

Worse, figuring out you had a daughter with him and what he is planning to do.

This cannot be real. Of course this is real.

Can you imagine watching this and seeing one of those guys like the one in the light blue shirt and realize he is dating your sister or daughter. Holy crap….

Come on, what guy hasn’t thought about putting cameras in underage girls’ locker rooms?

I wouldn’t call my inlaws MAGA, but they’re immutably anti-Democrat and supporting Trump by default, so they tend to overlook the crazy/malignant/incompetent bits and focus on how much better they think he was than Biden. Last night my FIL asked me if I thought Trump was going to be convicted in this trial. We never talk politics but the TV was on (Fox News) in the kitchen during a swim outing with the kids and he struck up a conversation.

Over the course of maybe ten minutes, he established that he didn’t think he’ll be convicted, that it’s an illegal trial because the statute of limitations had run out, that Biden was directing the prosecution, but beyond that knew absolutely none of the details or key players.

I said I thought the strongest case against him was the classified documents/obstruction case in Florida. He said he doubted he’d be convicted there either because Biden did the same exact thing and that the FBI let him keep what was there and told him to secure what they were leaving behind. I explained the details about the differences among his, Biden’s, and Pence’s document handling, Trump’s lawyer’s sworn statement that he’d turned over all documents even though he knew he hadn’t, that his employees have gone on record saying he ordered them moved and security footage manipulated or deleted, etc. He said he’d never heard those details and asked where I got that information. He turned the conversation at that point to Hillary’s emails.

He said if he is convicted in any of the trials he’ll pardon himself so he doesn’t need to worry about much but to get elected. I told him he can’t pardon himself in the Arizona election fraud case because it isn’t a federal charge and that POTUS can’t pardon people charged at the state level. He was unaware of both the charge level and the limits of pardon power. I said the phone call asking for Raffensperger to find11k more votes doesn’t work well in his favor. He was unaware of the phone call or that the AZ SoS was Republican and had certified the vote for Biden or that the recount put even more votes in Biden’s column. He asked if I’d heard of the film 2000 Mules or saw the videos of thousands of write in votes being shuffled around in boxes. I said all of the evidence brought to court in these challenges, somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 cases, have failed to demonstrate any meaningful voter fraud and that lawyers arguing for it have faced sanctions for bringing frivolous cases before the court. He was unaware of these cases reaching court or how they played out. He turned the conversation to how Biden is “not innocent either.”

He wrapped it up by saying we can’t survive another four years of Biden in the WH and despite his personal and professional record (he was also unaware of his bankruptcies, liabilities, Trump University fraud, Trump Foundation fraud etc.) that everything he did in office was for the good of the country.

I have a very good relationship with my in-laws despite our politics and it was a respectful conversation, and informative. They’re not Trumpers, but they buy into the things he says and what he and Republicans say about Democrats and Biden’s record. All of it comes through Fox News, which he watches and listens to frequently. It was most glaring in terms of what he had never even heard mentioned.

A good example that confirms the fact that propaganda works and echo chambers are real.

I have a very good relationship with my in-laws despite our politics and it was a respectful conversation, and informative. They’re not Trumpers, but they buy into the things he says and what he and Republicans say about Democrats and Biden’s record. All of it comes through Fox News, which he watches and listens to frequently. It was most glaring in terms of what he had never even heard mentioned. ///

Ditto to your entire experience here, and not just with inlaws, but with other friends who I have known and respected for a very long time. And I believe it is FOX news that is most responsible for this indoctrination and mis information influence. IF that is all you watch and listen to, then of course you know nothing of the actual details and why Trump is getting hauled into court for all of these cases, and losing…

Sphere, you sure we’re not related by marriage? Your description fits my in-laws almost to the T. Unfortunately, my MIL we believe is in serious cognitive decline, even dementive. She believes Trump calls her daily, that his sone (won’t say which one) call her daily. They offer to fly her to Mar-a-lago or Paris. She believes it as sure as the sky is blue. In reality she does or did have someone supposedly from the Trump campaign calling/texting her daily to solicit donations, which she happily signed up for to the tune of $40 a week or month (I don’t remember which). Thankfully my FIL looks to have either taken or hidden her credit card and put a limit on her phone.

It’s so bad, when my wife talks to her over the phone, if my wife says anything remotely non-trump let alone anti-trump, my MIL says to stop talking, because Trump can hear them.

The best part…my MIL voted for Clinton in 2016. But she lives in Polk County FL, which from my perspective is about as MAGA as it gets. The echo chamber is real there.

We talked about that too. I said I never would have guessed twenty years ago that the end result of easier access to information would be an increase in misinformation and disinformation, and yet here we are. He said he ventures over to CNBC now and then but mostly watches Fox.

At this point in life (he’s 70) he’s a creature of habit and comfort. He won’t seek out new sources of information even if you showed him video of his favorite Fox hosts calling their news “entertainment” or their content customized to meet their audience’s expectations. It’s sort of the Trump loyalty phenomenon; they’re so deeply ingrained and comfortable believing certain things that nothing could shake them from that belief. No amount of evidence will erase their reasonable doubt and gut feeling that what they believe is true, and Fox exists for the sole purpose of profiting off of reinforcing that bias no matter how far afield they move from truth or responsible reporting.

He and I did agree on one thing, though, that we’re likely too far gone to return to normalcy.

A good example that confirms the fact that propaganda works and echo chambers are real.

It was most interesting that he cited Trump’s record on the southern border as him doing what’s best for America.

I asked him what he thought about Sen. Lankford’s border bill and how the GOP was for it before they turned against it and why. He’s never heard a word about it.

The echo chamber is equally good at keeping inconvenient information out as it is amplifying the convenient narrative. The basic facts and contextual details he was completely unaware of, on issues he’s formed forceful opinions on, reinforces the reality warping power of the echo chamber.