Taylor Knibb olympic races

Knibb didn’t win a medal, but took the title for most spectacular crash with that mechanic assistance.
I hope she didn’t destroy her chances in tri - both physically and mentally could be a challenge.

Looks like with three crashes and a bike change ended up 1.5 min behind Vollering. That looks like an overall win. But you have to stay up so you can’t be subtracting all that.

also surprised by ellen. but hasn’t she been off on mat leave? (and a fractured ankle or something?)

also surprised that lotte is already down to 4th; figured she’d be good for a podium but there are several girls yet to finish!

Ellen is still in a walking boot. She had to be helped onto the bike and into position. I don’t even know how you can ride with a fracture like that.

Even with the crashes, Taylor can see where she matches up with the pure cyclists. I do not fault her for wanting to race, but today was a disaster and hopefully it doesn’t impact the rest of her races.
But in fairness when she rides in works series races she looks like an age grouper on the bike , so I guess one you can’t expect much
B she still beat a few pro cyslists.

Looks like with three crashes and a bike change ended up 1.5 min behind Vollering. That looks like an overall win. But you have to stay up so you can’t be subtracting all that.

Lots of people here were claiming she was a medal contender, but now finishing 3:25 down in 19th is considered an “overall win?” Huge bummer and unexpected that she crashed 3x, but expected ST gaslighting is off to a good start.

Ya, it was a disaster. Feel really sorry for her. Those crashes can be hard to shake. I have to give it to her as she still went for it after crashes, which shows her resiliency. Didn’t just easy bike to the finish, but fought all the way through. I just hope that doesn’t get in her head and especially hope all the bruises and road rash she picked up can be overcome.

So far, outside of something long term catastrophic having happened, it’s hard to imagine a worse possible race.

Really disappointed for her.

Yes not a great showing, except to show her tenacity to keep fighting. It really sucks for the ladies that the course dictated so much of the result today, and not the actual athlete. I’m sure that it affected a lot at different levels, and no one got to ride the power they were training for. I have raced in the rain on many occasions, and it just messed with your head so much, that thinking about going fast becomes secondary…

Of course you race what you got, and some shined through the conditions and rocked it… But not normal by any means…Hope she is ok and just has the usual road rash, that shouldn’t slow her down for the triathlon coming up. Probably put a fire in her belly to really go after it, this has to weigh heavy on her mind going down 3 times in her olympic debut…

Frustrating for to me to watch she went down 3 times and I here have a broken clavicle just falling once. Who knows her physical condition though.

Seeing her get up each time and begin to hammer again, I would guess she is ok physically. Dont think any broken bones, but could be a hematoma or something of that sort that would not be good. Road rash is easily manageable, it hurts of course, but can be ignored once the gun goes off…

Looks like with three crashes and a bike change ended up 1.5 min behind Vollering. That looks like an overall win. But you have to stay up so you can’t be subtracting all that.

Lots of people here were claiming she was a medal contender, but now finishing 3:25 down in 19th is considered an “overall win?” Huge bummer and unexpected that she crashed 3x, but expected ST gaslighting is off to a good start.

You are coming to just pick a fight about a rider who fell three times and her mechanic fell on a bike change. All considered, a decent performance when she was moving. Just 90 sec down on Vollering with three crashes.

Knibb didn’t win a medal, but took the title for most spectacular crash with that mechanic assistance.
I hope she didn’t destroy her chances in tri - both physically and mentally could be a challenge.

As much as it sucked for Taylor, I feel like here mechanic falling over is very memeable, something like “when men try to give you gear advice”.

As an Australian, I just have to say it’s a great day for Grace Brown and Ash Gentle!

Yes not a great showing, except to show her tenacity to keep fighting. It really sucks for the ladies that the course dictated so much of the result today, and not the actual athlete. I’m sure that it affected a lot at different levels, and no one got to ride the power they were training for. I have raced in the rain on many occasions, and it just messed with your head so much, that thinking about going fast becomes secondary…

Of course you race what you got, and some shined through the conditions and rocked it… But not normal by any means…Hope she is ok and just has the usual road rash, that shouldn’t slow her down for the triathlon coming up. Probably put a fire in her belly to really go after it, this has to weigh heavy on her mind going down 3 times in her olympic debut…

She was also the fastest moving rider up to that point in the places where she went down. By the time other fast moving riders were coming through, I assume news filtered back on where to take some speed off. It’s still on her to stay up, but you’ve lead races and been the guineau pig for others following. My guess she was the first person testing the course in that rain at that speed.

Yes not a great showing, except to show her tenacity to keep fighting. It really sucks for the ladies that the course dictated so much of the result today, and not the actual athlete. I’m sure that it affected a lot at different levels, and no one got to ride the power they were training for. I have raced in the rain on many occasions, and it just messed with your head so much, that thinking about going fast becomes secondary…

Of course you race what you got, and some shined through the conditions and rocked it… But not normal by any means…Hope she is ok and just has the usual road rash, that shouldn’t slow her down for the triathlon coming up. Probably put a fire in her belly to really go after it, this has to weigh heavy on her mind going down 3 times in her olympic debut…

She was also the fastest moving rider up to that point in the places where she went down. By the time other fast moving riders were coming through, I assume news filtered back on where to take some speed off. It’s still on her to stay up, but you’ve lead races and been the guineau pig for others following. My guess she was the first person testing the course in that rain at that speed.

She lost control but stayed upright. That was the first sign.

She proceeded to crash 3 times. Did she really need someone up front to tell her it was slippery ?

It was either lack of experience or a decision to go for broke. Either way, congrats to her for getting to the start line and fighting until the end

No, I’m pointing out how the goalposts moved; I don’t recall any talk about how successful it would be to finish within :90 of Vollering. Finishing upright is part of bike racing, conditions were the same for everyone.

Before you resume Devsplaining, while I was not in favor of her racing RR I was certainly cheering for her in TT, just with realistic expectations of her going against pro cyclists.

Ya that’s my thought. I think she figured she was there to go for broke. It was a long shot, but maybe it was the best long shot she had for gold if it worked.

I don’t know about anyone else, but my experience with hydroplaning my body across asphalt I recovered from pretty quickly. Maybe it’s something about the water reducing the drag on the body across the road surface. But I’ve never done it 3x in a row. I hope shes getting rest and professional attention to her body

No, I’m pointing out how the goalposts moved; I don’t recall any talk about how successful it would be to finish within :90 of Vollering. Finishing upright is part of bike racing, conditions were the same for everyone.

Before you resume Devsplaining, while I was not in favor of her racing RR I was certainly cheering for her in TT, just with realistic expectations of her going against pro cyclists.

Devsplaining working exactly like her bike change went…

No, I’m pointing out how the goalposts moved; I don’t recall any talk about how successful it would be to finish within :90 of Vollering. Finishing upright is part of bike racing, conditions were the same for everyone.

Before you resume Devsplaining, while I was not in favor of her racing RR I was certainly cheering for her in TT, just with realistic expectations of her going against pro cyclists.

The only goal posts are whatever are her own. What everyone says does not matter. Jim Manton came here and said at best she would be 60 seconds behind the favourites. Well if we take Grace Brown out, then Jim seemed provide a realistic view, she under executed by half a minute relative to what Jim said inclusive of the crashes. Not bad.

My point was about taking wins when a race does not go perfectly. Of course after a race, if you flat/mechanical/crash, you look at the things that went went well to take away positives. That’s not moving goal posts, that’s just introspection of what the relative win for the day is. She can take that aspect of “win” to her next events, assuming not too banged up to run.

No need to make it personal using derogatory personalized attacks. We can stick to the topic, You don’t need to like what I wrote, but just stick to the topic.

LOL! I don’t think you can try and tease out “she would have won if…” when she was clearly riding too fast for the conditions.

I think it’s easy for us to criticize when we weren’t there. According to her interview her brakes were bad after the first crash and she didn’t slow down to compensate. She also lost her garmin in the first crash. She also said she crashed 4 times plus then had a bike change. Definitely a disaster, worse case scenario. I just really hope she’s okay for the tri, but going down that many times is going to affect anyone.

LOL! I don’t think you can try and tease out “she would have won if…” when she was clearly riding too fast for the conditions.

"Hope " - as in ‘I hope I stay up’ - “is not a strategy”

Knibb suggests brake failure. (I say: what the actual F? Did this failure occur before or after the first crash?)
