Taylor Knibb olympic races

It’s not like she hasn’t already raced T100. She’s seen flat (Milwaukee) and interesting (San Francisco).

I wish we could have seen her in Kitzbuhel…

The WTCS courses are all basically the same boring courses in a different country every month or two. All terrible.

There used to be lots of interesting courses. Kitzbuel, Stockholm, Madrid etc

I don’t really remember a time when we equated the relay medals with individual medals.//

You mean the whole other “1” time??? (-;

It is a brand new event so there is no real history as of yet how they are treated, perhaps that could be standardized this time around…

I was speaking more generally. In track and field a relay medal is nothing close to the same marketability and prestige as an individual medal. Same as swimming. I don’t think last year they extended the invites to the relay team but we should bend the rules for Taylor I suppose.

And to your point. She chose money over validating so I don’t see how she should be rewarded for that with a wildcard.

I don’t really remember a time when we equated the relay medals with individual medals.//

You mean the whole other “1” time??? (-;

It is a brand new event so there is no real history as of yet how they are treated, perhaps that could be standardized this time around…

I was speaking more generally. In track and field a relay medal is nothing close to the same marketability and prestige as an individual medal. Same as swimming. I don’t think last year they extended the invites to the relay team but we should bend the rules for Taylor I suppose.

And to your point. She chose money over validating so I don’t see how she should be rewarded for that with a wildcard.

I agree. She chose T100 $$$ over supporting the IM race series perhaps banking on Olympic gold to get an invite but did not get Olympic gold , so now she cannot do Nice. Were there no other 70.3 options before Oceanside or after Oceanside before T100 SFO? From what I recall 70.3 Tremblant was on a weekend where she was not racing at all. I think St. George overlapped with her travels to Yokohama and TT nationals.

Ironman should not invite her. A relay medal has minimal marketing value in this context of giving a wildcard to a gold medalist

The marketing value is in the Taylor Knibb brand IMO, not in a medal - individual or relay.

If you don’t want to see Knibb in Nice, fine, great. If we started a poll with this question (Would you like Taylor Knibb to race IMWC 2024?) among triathlon fans and made bets on the result, I’d remortgage my house to maximize the stakes placed on a “yes”.

Maybe she shouldn’t get a wildcard because it would be “immoral”. But it would do the sport more good than bad IMO. Mark Matthews says that Kat, who obviously has been racing her butt off in 140.6s in stark contrast to Knibb, totally wants Knibb to be there because she wants to race the best.

The marketing value is in the Taylor Knibb brand IMO, not in a medal - individual or relay.

If you don’t want to see Knibb in Nice, fine, great. If we started a poll with this question (Would you like Taylor Knibb to race IMWC 2024?) among triathlon fans and made bets on the result, I’d remortgage my house to maximize the stakes placed on a “yes”. .

Yes please!

Yes please!//

Dont worry, Dev has been wrong every single time he makes a comment on what Knibb should do, or how her prospects are going to be… I feel good now that he has made his absolute declaration, Knibb is going to Nice!!! Ironman want her there, seems like her direct competition want her there, we want here there, only ones on the other side are a few curmudgeons…

I find it funny you believe kat and mark. Mark is on a podcast with her agent so he has to say that. And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way. Most of the women just want the rules applied to everyone the same. I’m sure Kristian feels that way too.

As you appear to want to jump in to pick a fight, long before any of this last week of crashes, I wanted her to do Nice even before she did Oceanside and just get 2x70.3 done to secure that (you can see that in old threads here).

I just don’t think Ironman should give her a free pass, when it was so easy for her to validate a long time ago and other competitors bent their schedules to accommodate Ironman’s process.

But they made a big deal about Sam Laidlaw and bent the process for him and I see them doing it again. Having said that she has a legit position for UCI ITT worlds this year from what I understand with no process bending for her. She just has to commit to that and show up and has said she would if she cannot get into Nice.

And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way.//

I guess I just dont have your mind reading capabilities, so I have to rely on what they actually say. You must be a terror at the poker table…

And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way.//

I guess I just dont have your mind reading capabilities, so I have to rely on what they actually say. You must be a terror at the poker table…

I guess we are back to believing social media 100%? I would bet everything I own that if you took an anonymous poll of the pro women at nice they would not feel she should be there.

I find it funny you believe kat and mark. Mark is on a podcast with her agent so he has to say that. And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way. Most of the women just want the rules applied to everyone the same. I’m sure Kristian feels that way too.

The HABS club is such a horrible podcast. What they say gets to be so dumb. Also, there has to be a better agent than Lemieux for a two time silver medalist at this point.

@anApple And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way.//

@monty I guess I just dont have your mind reading capabilities, so I have to rely on what they actually say. You must be a terror at the poker table…I guess we are back to believing social media 100%? I would bet everything I own that if you took an anonymous poll of the pro women at nice they would not feel she should be there.

You’re cosy with Chelsea aren’t you? (insights to how hard it is to ride T100 London on a new bike, and that it’s flat so at 52kg she’s at a disadvantage, and insights on her ride in IMNZ and that beastly McCauley woman who was difficult to draft behind).

Is she one of those who you think, anonymously of course, feel that Knibb should be given a pass, to improve the quality of the field, despite deliberately NOT validating?

Knibb at Nice could fly the stars and stripes and take the mental strain off Sodaro.

And publicly if you ask any of the women they would certainly say they want her there. But deep down they would at least want her to get there the right way.//

I guess I just dont have your mind reading capabilities, so I have to rely on what they actually say. You must be a terror at the poker table…I guess we are back to believing social media 100%? I would bet everything I own that if you took an anonymous poll of the pro women at nice they would not feel she should be there.You’re cosy with Chelsea aren’t you? (insights to how hard it is to ride T100 London on a new bike, and that it’s flat so at 52kg she’s at a disadvantage, and insights on her ride in IMNZ and that beastly McCauley woman who was difficult to draft behind).

Is she one of those who you think, anonymously of course, feel that Knibb should be given a pass, to improve the quality of the field, despite deliberately NOT validating?

Knibb at Nice could fly the stars and stripes and take the mental strain off Sodaro.

I know of her training and system more than other pros but I don’t know how she feels on the subject of Taylor. I’m just speaking logically. A world championship in long course is life changing for these athletes and to let someone in who deliberately chose not to validate is a pretty big slap out the face to those who did it how the rules were laid out. Season planning and travel to validate or qualify isn’t cheap. Like I said before it’s great for the fans and obviously they would want her to compete but it’s also these women’s livelihood which definitely does not last forever in sport. I can see why Im would let her in. I would be curious though what this would set for the next few years with t100 around after she did that instead of a validation.

There are 12 relay medalist, should they all get a wildcard to Nice and Kona? Of course not, totally opposite ends of the sport.

There are 12 relay medalist, should they all get a wildcard to Nice and Kona? Of course not, totally opposite ends of the sport. //

And the gold medal winner is on that opposite side too, so why them??? It would be easy, and as you said different athletes for the most part, and perhaps 2 at most would take those 12 slots, so not a big deal. But those that do, even though on the opposite side as you say, could actually win it all on the other side, so not so opposite for some, and basically a different side of the same coin…

There are 12 relay medalist, should they all get a wildcard to Nice and Kona? Of course not, totally opposite ends of the sport. //

And the gold medal winner is on that opposite side too, so why them??? It would be easy, and as you said different athletes for the most part, and perhaps 2 at most would take those 12 slots, so not a big deal. But those that do, even though on the opposite side as you say, could actually win it all on the other side, so not so opposite for some, and basically a different side of the same coin…

I mean we clearly know where you fall on this from this thread and others so I don’t think it’s possible to convince you otherwise.

It is laughable that you think the medalists should be in Kona/Nice.

The 3 men have committed to SuperTri so no way they would consider. The women 2 have definitely committed to SuperTri and the 3rd will probably be included in a team.

I can’t wait to see Lindemann in 70.3/T100. She is one strong beast of an athlete.

I find it funny you believe kat and mark. Mark is on a podcast with her agent so he has to say that.

Why? Her agent is working for her, not the other way round. She doesn’t answer to Pat. And she is known for being an ambitious, gritty racer - not because of what she says but because of what she does. A “yes bring Taylor to Nice and let the chips fall where they may” answer would be completely in character.

If Ironman want ppl to race their events then they can’t just randomly kick all that chose to race them in the guts and give a spot to someone who chose otherwise. An individual gold medalist I can see the attraction for IM but just a relayist, nope. What precedent will it set, if you are a big enough name you can just come in and get a start, she chose not to validate so that’s on her. She has plenty of years left to do the right thing to qualify to race IM world champs, let her wait.

If Ironman want ppl to race their events then they can’t just randomly kick all that chose to race them in the guts and give a spot to someone who chose otherwise.

if Ironman want who exactly to race their events?

Who will skip the IM WC or indeed any Ironman race because Ironman is handing out PRO slots to some while others must qualify or validate?