T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

Fantastic additions. A fired up Coldwell + Learmonth + Chura will keep the swim pace honest! I imagine everyone racing T100 suddenly added an extra few swim sessions to their training plan :slight_smile:

LCB must be quaking in her boots that the swim pace will be kept honest in London;)

Think Learmonth can definitely swim with LCB, I think Coldwell should be able to hold the toes, be nice to have three Brit girls lead from start to finish in a home race!

Fantastic additions. A fired up Coldwell + Learmonth + Chura will keep the swim pace honest! I imagine everyone racing T100 suddenly added an extra few swim sessions to their training plan :slight_smile:

LCB must be quaking in her boots that the swim pace will be kept honest in London;)

Think Learmonth can definitely swim with LCB, I think Coldwell should be able to keep the toes, be nice to have three Brit girls lead from start to finish in a home race!

Agreed, but I suspect they won’t go any faster than LCB would if she was just on her own.

Great to see legends like Javier Gomez and Alistair still in the mix. Impressive careers already, and especially awesome to still see Gomez go at it.

The issue is that if the top 10 athletes only occasionally compete as wildcards and consistently beat the lower-ranked contracted athletes, it would highlight the inability of the T100 series to attract the best talent regularly. This would undermine T100’s reputation as the premier triathlon league, as it would appear that the real talent only participates at their convenience. This scenario would make it difficult for T100 to market itself as the top-tier series in the sport.

As it stands now some of the top 10 athletes never compete and most are consistently beat by wildcards.

Coldwell on paper seems to be a strong contender , but there is no data or records of her in a middle distance race, right?
PTO website is selling the race with Alistair as a favourite…is it me or that is a big call? Honestly, I cannot see that happening
A favorite to what, get injured?

Fantastic additions. A fired up Coldwell + Learmonth + Chura will keep the swim pace honest! I imagine everyone racing T100 suddenly added an extra few swim sessions to their training plan :slight_smile:

LCB must be quaking in her boots that the swim pace will be kept honest in London;)

Think Learmonth can definitely swim with LCB, I think Coldwell should be able to hold the toes, be nice to have three Brit girls lead from start to finish in a home race!

Learmonth and Coldwell came out of the water with LCB back in Leeds 2021 and I believe also in SLT Malibu that same year.

Jess mentioned in a podcast episode with Chelsea Burns that she’s not swimming much after the pregnancy though she still managed to lead that 70.3 swim despite going off course. It won’t be surprising if the Brits go 123 out of the water.

Think Learmonth can definitely swim with LCB, I think Coldwell should be able to hold the toes, be nice to have three Brit girls lead from start to finish in a home race! Learmonth and Coldwell came out of the water with LCB back in Leeds 2021 and I believe also in SLT Malibu that same year.

Jess mentioned in a podcast episode with Chelsea Burns that she’s not swimming much after the pregnancy though she still managed to lead that 70.3 swim despite going off course. It won’t be surprising if the Brits go 123 out of the water.More positively, it will be a surprise if the first three out of Victoria Docks aren’t all English. Lee (also Brit), Chura and Simmonds (Cheltenham Ladies) next best.
ETA: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8yuSHOCMnh/

Sheesh. Injury or not, I can’t see why next year the PTO doesn’t insist on full exclusive participation, or insist that non-PTO races can only be raced if you skip a PTO race, injury or otherwise.

From the outside (to me) it seems all the top top tier athletes who signed with PTO are taking them (PTO) for a ride for the $70k base they are being paid and using the T100 for training weekends and actually focusing on Kona / Nice - now they realize that perhaps the T100 distance is a bit too hot compared to an IM distance event they would better excel at.

We have Sam Laidlow, featuring no where in the T100 - but from Insta looks like is training hard for Kona. We have Lucy saying one thing (T100 100% in 2024) and now defending her title instead. Anne saying she is unable to race San Fran, but turning up at Nice a week later to race in the AG race. PTO must be fuming.

The athletes have spoken - ‘Ironman World Champion’ - is worth so much more than anything T100 related.

From the outside (to me) it seems all the top top tier athletes who signed with PTO are taking them (PTO) for a ride for the $70k base they are being paid and using the T100 for training weekends and actually focusing on Kona / Nice - now they realize that perhaps the T100 distance is a bit too hot compared to an IM distance event they would better excel at.

We have Sam Laidlow, featuring no where in the T100 - but from Insta looks like is training hard for Kona. We have Lucy saying one thing (T100 100% in 2024) and now defending her title instead. Anne saying she is unable to race San Fran, but turning up at Nice a week later to race in the AG race. PTO must be fuming.

The athletes have spoken - ‘Ironman World Champion’ - is worth so much more than anything T100 related

Yep,I would be surprised if the T100 series is still around after 2025.

From the outside (to me) it seems all the top top tier athletes who signed with PTO are taking them (PTO) for a ride for the $70k base they are being paid and using the T100 for training weekends and actually focusing on Kona / Nice - now they realize that perhaps the T100 distance is a bit too hot compared to an IM distance event they would better excel at.

We have Sam Laidlow, featuring no where in the T100 - but from Insta looks like is training hard for Kona. We have Lucy saying one thing (T100 100% in 2024) and now defending her title instead. Anne saying she is unable to race San Fran, but turning up at Nice a week later to race in the AG race. PTO must be fuming.

Actually, the only top top tier athletes who are taking the PTO for a ride are the soon-to-be retirees: Ryf and Haug. These women would have nothing to gain by promoting themselves to the PTO anyway because one has declared this as her last season and the other is 41 years old.

Laidlow missed two races he’s allowed to miss, including Singapore (which I don’t blame anybody for missing) and is racing London. Charles-Barkley, if you haven’t noticed, is leading the series.

Haug is racing Roth. Hilarious.

Ya, I’m completely unconvinced there isn’t some kind of beef behind the scenes. Either there’s quite a few short sighted, dumb, or just pricks in the upper echelon pros (which hasn’t revealed itself to strongly in other circumstances) or something behind the scenes with PTO is not adding up.

Just as we have the leadership at ST feeling snubbed or pressured by the PTO, why would we assume the same thing isn’t happening for other reasons behind the scenes with other athletes?

Haug is racing Roth. Hilarious.Ya, I’m completely unconvinced there isn’t some kind of beef behind the scenes. Either there’s quite a few short sighted, dumb, or just pricks in the upper echelon pros (which hasn’t revealed itself to strongly in other circumstances) or something behind the scenes with PTO is not adding up.

Just as we have the leadership at ST feeling snubbed or pressured by the PTO, why would we assume the same thing isn’t happening for other reasons behind the scenes with other athletes?I suggest Haug chose to sit out Miami (too early, long season, was injured for Singapore (which she raced last year so would’ve confident to race) and then clearly explained her health reason for not racing in SF Bay’s cold water. I’ll be charitable (unlike you lot) thinking that she was fit to race a month ago in California, training’s been going well and guess she decided she was fit enough to race Roth and then London 3 weeks later. Negotiations with Walchshöfer to at least match Lange’s and Philipp’s appearance fee are now resolved (Rodriguez withdrawal creating headroom): and hey presto, she’s on the list. The three missed T100s are behind her: look ahead: Roth, London, Nice.
I envisage that Haug will be asked (and undertake) some T100 marketing activity to make up the third missed race and commit to racing all the rest (including Ibiza immediately after Nice, like several others will).
I was surprised Haug accepted a PTO contract in the first place given her Roth and IMWC focus, but I guess her excellent PTO races in 2023 (#1 and #3 with spare tube ‘penalty’) persuaded her she could race 3 x T100 well enough to win the T100 Tour outright.
I doubt Philipp is super pleased. A head-to-head between them will make the women’s race a whole lot more entertaining.

Thank you, someone has got to be charitable here. Not me!

After Anne demonstrated today she has little interest in actually performing well at T100 races, her earlier health-related explanations re: SF smell fishier than an Icelandic village.

She is free to make her choices to her liking. At this point she doesn’t have to care about the future of pro triathlon or her younger colleagues, never mind the non-German fans.

We are taking the PTO and the “resulting” Ironman Pro Series for granted already.

Thank you, someone has got to be charitable here. Not me!

After Anne demonstrated today she has little interest in actually performing well at T100 races, her earlier health-related explanations re: SF smell fishier than an Icelandic village.

She is free to make her choices to her liking. At this point she doesn’t have to care about the future of pro triathlon or her younger colleagues, never mind the non-German fans.

We are taking the PTO and the “resulting” Ironman Pro Series for granted already.

Not necessarily replying to you as I get you have a hint of sarcasm there.

Re: Anne’s interest in the T100 - She dominated in Ibiza and was on track to win Singapore last year except for the tube mishap. You’d think after crushing all the competitors who showed up that day (which was everyone except Knibb), she’d have an interest in it. The fact that she hasn’t suggests real health concerns or beef.

But the real health concerns are kinda bizarre when she’s not racing any of the races this year in T100 (yet) regardless of hot or cold.

Anne can do whatever she wants and I was fine with her reason for skipping SF, but it’s objectively funny that all these athletes keep punching the golden goose in the face.

Thank you, someone has got to be charitable here. Not me!

After Anne demonstrated today she has little interest in actually performing well at T100 races, her earlier health-related explanations re: SF smell fishier than an Icelandic village.

She is free to make her choices to her liking. At this point she doesn’t have to care about the future of pro triathlon or her younger colleagues, never mind the non-German fans.

We are taking the PTO and the “resulting” Ironman Pro Series for granted already.

You have every right to question it is a free world but back up your insinuations otherwise it is just tittle tattle. She is tested regularly.

On another note has anyone noticed KZ added to the waitlist for London?

After Anne demonstrated today she has little interest in actually performing well at T100 races, her earlier health-related explanations re: SF smell fishier than an Icelandic village.You have every right to question it is a free world but back up your insinuations otherwise it is just tittle tattle. She is tested regularly.
On another note has anyone noticed KZ added to the waitlist for London?I took @kajet’s para-simile as just doubting it was ‘ill-health wot dunnit’.
Well spotted on Zaferes (implicitly on there since 28 June).
But the protocol for T100 startlists i:

  1. Contracted athletes
  2. Wildcards chosen by a PTO/WorldTri panel
    and only then (and I think out of PTO’s hands):
  3. The Wait List (and then in athlete order)

Zaferes is Wait027. Madsen and Kivioja are clear front runners if we have any more drop outs. Though seeing Zaferes in London would be wicked: she was just too late into triathlon to race in London 2012 (Bennett, Jorgensen).
Haug, Philipp and Matthews are all racing fulls in the next 9 days. I hope PierrÊ will be fit enough but her run at Les Sables seemed to have been a struggle (she ran 1:30 but she is a sub-1:20 on good days). And who knows whether Sodaro will be OK to race?

Specialized have given Coldwell a TT bike, she’s never been on one before so she’s now got a few weeks to get herself used to it.

Thank you, someone has got to be charitable here. Not me!

After Anne demonstrated today she has little interest in actually performing well at T100 races, her earlier health-related explanations re: SF smell fishier than an Icelandic village.

She is free to make her choices to her liking. At this point she doesn’t have to care about the future of pro triathlon or her younger colleagues, never mind the non-German fans.

We are taking the PTO and the “resulting” Ironman Pro Series for granted already.

You have every right to question it is a free world but back up your insinuations otherwise it is just tittle tattle. She is tested regularly.

If you mean that you saw a doping allegation somewhere in that post, I have no idea where. It was never my intention, or - I hope - the result to suggest that anybody has doped.