T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

Wasn’t a wildcard offered to Salthouse for San Francisco, but she declined to race and win Boulder 70.3? If the wildcards are purely based on rankings, then she should get it but I’m not sure how PTO will view athletes who’ve previously declined wildcard spots. I think it was Mark Matthews who mentioned how there people from PTO who are questioning why points from IM events are significantly influencing PTO rankings.

Ironman events don’t significantly influence PTO ranks, every IM race is rated as less than a PTO race.

Non-PTO events still factor in significantly into the rankings. Otherwise, the T100 series becomes a closed league outside of wildcards.

Knibb is currently ranked no. 1. Her top 2 PTO points are obviously from San Francisco and Milwaukee. But her IM points from 70.3 worlds and Oceanside are quite significant. LCB’s highest scoring race is from Kona. Kat Matthews’ second and third highest points come from 70.3 worlds and Texas. Paul Findley’s highest scoring race is from Mont Tremblant. Laura Phillip is ranked 6 with only one PTO race and a bunch of IM races.

On the men’s side, Lionel is now ranked 11 from 32 last year without any T100 races. Ditlev’s score lots of points from Roth and Nice. Kyle Smith is now ranked 3rd with help of his score from Samorin.

Wasn’t a wildcard offered to Salthouse for San Francisco, but she declined to race and win Boulder 70.3? If the wildcards are purely based on rankings, then she should get it but I’m not sure how PTO will view athletes who’ve previously declined wildcard spots. I think it was Mark Matthews who mentioned how there people from PTO who are questioning why points from IM events are significantly influencing PTO rankings.It was in Salthouse’s weekend interest to race Boulder (for a gutsy win) rather than #10+ in T100 San Francisco: she earned more (plus any 70.3 win bonuses from partners). Medium term she sacrificed T100 points but reasonable to assume she’ll not finish in the T100 top 15 so any Tour bonus will be low. I think every wildcard refusal will count against an athlete when the PTO/WorldTri panel are choosing who gets each T100’s wildcards.
I reckon that Chura will be offered a wildcard: she has raced two T100s really well already (as opposed to Salthouse’s single #10 in the least competitive of the three so far). And Visser, with her #3 in Singapore, should be another racing in 31 days. The USA is a substantial spectator market (NB overlap with start of Olympics and the Women’s ITT).
Your next post illustrated that wins (or at least podia) at the Ironman Pro Series races (all Gold except the two WCs) and main Challenge races (‘Championship’ Samorin and Roth) are likely to be one of the top (3) scores in the majority of top athletes’ PTO ranking points, come December).
On ProTriNews Kyle suggested that all the three top scores per athlete in the rankings were going to be T100s. Matthews pointed out the contraindications (as you have done with examples).
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-168-whos-going-to-the-olympics/id1559781865?i=1000660186037 @62:00
In WPro, only Gentle and Byram in the top 20 draw their 3 scores from PTO/T100 results (both 'cos they’ve raced no other A or B races).
I think that the PTO heirarchy are (or ought to be if well informed) gratified by the balance between T100 score hegemony and other events making contributions. Emasculates the ‘closed shop’ argument and offers pathways to ‘promotion’ to T100 2025 and benchmarking across event providers.

Men’s start lists published:
https://triathlon.org/...d_tour_london/638337Weiss and van Riel not there so two wildcards available. Presumably to Keuren and Noodt (didn’t Smith say he would not be up for London?) unless there’s a non-Paris-selected athlete chosen eg Luis, Stornes?

does anybody remember the process hoITU athletes that have 0 PTO points get into the raceI seem to remember that world triathlon can push for one or two is that correct or was that only for the hotshots.
they are obviously not getting in via the published waiting list as the waiting list is quite long and mostly europeans .Dragging this across from the ITU thread.
For the first time PTO have actually created and published a start list on “the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event”! (3.2 below) Hurrah!
Essentially (this is my interpretation) and this Annex V to the World Tri rules is sloppily/opaquely written imho:
Every contracted athlete (includes ‘hotshots’) who wishes to race gets a start (3.3a.). Then a PTO/WorldTri panel decide which x athletes are to be offered wildcards, and in what order (3.10). If the start list is still not filled they go to the ‘waiting list’ (hasn’t happened so far)(3.11).

2.4. Any non-utilized slots at events will be allocated based on procedures under point 3., and include Invitation Athletes (Wildcards) and Waiting List Athletes.
3. Start Lists and Waiting Lists management procedures:
3.1. National Federations may include athletes in the waiting list at any moment.
3.2. Start lists will be created the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event.
3.3. All athletes entered in the **waiting list ** will be sorted as follows:
a) First by Athletes offered permanent qualification slots.
b) Then Athletes without permanent qualification slots but ranked according to the PTO World Ranking points.
c) Then Athletes without permanent qualification slots and not ranked according to the PTO Ranking points. They are sorted as one per National Federation in alphabetical order of the IOC country code, starting with the host National Federation. Once one athlete (from this group of athletes without PTO ranking points) of every National Federation is on the Waiting List, a second one is included to the Waiting List, with the same principles as above. Then a third athlete, and so on.
3.8. No more athletes are approved in the start list until the invitation (Wildcard) process is completed.
3.9. Until Friday after the creation of the start list National Federations may request invitations (Wildcards).
3.10. Saturday after creation of the start lists, invitations (Wildcards) are awarded by a panel composed by PTO and World Triathlon.
3.11. The start positions not filled by the invitation panel are filled by the next eligible athlete on the sorted Waiting List

and yes i forgot about the itu pto committee since i have no idea how this works as it is so nontransparent

in a way this is kind of the worst of both worlds itu and feds get their hands into the game but then the athletes still have no clear idea if they get in as there is no clear proccess , as the waiting list does not mean much
i have no issue pto giving wildcards my problem is that there should be a clear process that is transparent
ie wildcards are an extra to the 20 slots just like in itu where they have to increase the size of the field from 55 if they want to give wild cards. or there should be a clear rule that says if you finish top 8 in a pto race you are into the next race.

the same with the permanent wildcards i think is great that athletes that perform get a preference ie keulen, smith
noodt and chura and lucy b . at the same time should this be at a cost for the people on the waiting list…

i think i would like to see that after half the series the 2 or 3 worst athletes per gender, that have not performed should get relegated.

use the 2 highest point scores out of 4 races and the 3 with the lowest score are out.

and to make it a bit fairer with injuries and a spell of bad form atheltes can use their their highest score form last year minus 50 percent to eliminate the worst score of the 2 from this season . so for instance if you won a pto race last year that gives you 17.5 points and i guess that would not relegate you but if your highest score was only 7 and you shill perform badly in th current season you are likely out.

that would also make sure that contracted athletes take it more serious. and that would add another plot as already after 2 races you could have a narrative , who might be relegated . and then you could give people that perform the contract rather then just being a wildcard. injury is obviously a difficult part in this but overall we have seen to many contracted athletes that take the micky from those contracts.
i think what is clear as of now there is no real narrative. so that would be a good way to get one with a midway cut off.

ps and of course we have no idea who takes the mickey and who was maybe begged by pto to sign a contract despite the fact that they had no interest to sign up.

does anybody remember the process how ITU athletes that have 0 PTO points get into the race
the published waiting list as the waiting list is quite long.Dragging this across from the ITU thread.
For the first time PTO have actually created and published a start list on “the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event”! (3.2 below) Hurrah!
Essentially (this is my interpretation) and this Annex V to the World Tri rules is sloppily/opaquely written imho:
Every contracted athlete (includes ‘hotshots’) who wishes to race gets a start (3.3a.). Then a PTO/WorldTri panel decide which x athletes are to be offered wildcards, and in what order (3.10). If the start list is still not filled they go to the ‘waiting list’ (hasn’t happened so far)(3.11). i forgot about the itu pto committee since i have no idea how this works as it is so nontransparent
“is so nontransparent”
By design and allows PTO to stay in charge while showing cooperation with World Tri.

“this is kind of the worst of both worlds: itu and feds get their hands into the game but then the athletes still have no clear idea if they get in as there is no clear process”
I suggest in practice this process has worked so far. Bit more challenging post Olympics, but the PTO will decide. They really don’t care that “athletes have no clear idea if they get in”. Any interested athlete has to express that interest via NatFeds: they know the dates/venues of the races. If they’re offered a wildcard (30 days ahead) they can accept or refuse. Please try to explain a protocol for how a “clear idea” might be realised. There are two cohorts from which wildcards are drawn: short course and long course.

“the waiting list does not mean much”
Correct, as I think I said in February in the run up to Miami. Just World Tri and PTO trying to set up a WT rule which has similarities to the other WT Rules.

“I wildcards are an extra to the 20 slots just like in itu where they have to increase the size of the field from 55 if they want to give wild cards.”
No, start list is limited to 20. Wildcards fill the slots that, by contract design, all regular season races will have. The rule for wildcard starts in the Grand Final has been rehearsed but not specified. Roughly I believe it’ll work roughly: all contracted athletes get a start, and any others who have a T100 score in the top 20 will get start too. No random wildcards in the GF.

" . . permanent wildcards should this be at a cost for the people on the waiting list?"
Not sure what you mean by “cost”: pseudo-permanents (Keulen, Smith) are effectively the first in line for wildcards. And anyway, no athlete is getting into the races from the “waiting list” (thought that was clear (above)).

“after half the series the 2 or 3 worst athletes per gender, that have not performed should get relegated.”
Not going to happen: clue’s in the word “contract”. The Tour bonus scheme encourages all athletes to compete.
Apoart from Neumann and Haug, which contracted athletes do you think are not takining it “seriously”?
"overall we have seen too many contracted athletes that take the mickey from those contracts.

" as of now there is no real narrative" Give it time.

Nice to see Max on a start list.

Laidlow will DNF.

Just checked the T100 site and it looks as if the wording has been changed for next year. If my memory serves me right, i remember reading a few months ago that the top 10 athletes would get to stay in the T100 tour and that the next 6 would NOT be contracted athletes for 2024 - or something along those lines

Now it reads
The next 6 contracted athletes for 2025 will be decided through analysis of PTO World Rankings and those who’ve shone with standout performances in the 2024 season.

Now it sounds more like a mix between ‘cold numbers’, performances by athletes who may have had 1 or 2 top results but whose PTO score remains mediocre and discretion including the possibilty to keep a contracted athletes.
Say Laidlow for example gets one good T100 race and win at Kona he may bring some value to the PTO more than say Gregory Barnaby or Jan Stratmann (nothing at all against those guys just taking the first names who are top ranked without any T100 races.

Sunday, during L’Equipe french broadcast, Leon Chevalier said he felt inspired by Mont Tremblant course and the Pro Series. He is smart enough to thread lightly but in the past he has been dubious about the PTO sustainability. And he admits that he cannot stay at the peak for months so that would make sense. Weiss, Kanute, Chevalier are those who have been unable to get one single good result and should not be contracted further. Weiss who will try to KQ in Vitoria may think so too.

Ryf out of T100 London (so that’s now 3 missed) but she has not popped off to race since her finish in Miami and her struggled validation in IMSA (April).
T100 start lists (as of 26th):
No wildcards announced yet.

Sheesh. Injury or not, I can’t see why next year the PTO doesn’t insist on full exclusive participation, or insist that non-PTO races can only be raced if you skip a PTO race, injury or otherwise.

I hope she’s able to pull it together on her final season. My sneaking suspicion is she’s doing all she can to make sure she’s ready to crush it in Nice this year and hope she can give the PTO a show in their last couple races.

Sheesh. Injury or not, I can’t see why next year the PTO doesn’t insist on full exclusive participation, or insist that non-PTO races can only be raced if you skip a PTO race, injury or otherwise.

I hope she’s able to pull it together on her final season. My sneaking suspicion is she’s doing all she can to make sure she’s ready to crush it in Nice this year and hope she can give the PTO a show in their last couple races.

If they insist on exclusive, there will be fewer takers. LCB and Taylor will be at Kona next year so they ain’t signing up for any exclusive deals unless there is a 1/2 million bucks on the table

Sheesh. Injury or not, I can’t see why next year the PTO doesn’t insist on full exclusive participation, or insist that non-PTO races can only be raced if you skip a PTO race, injury or otherwise.

I hope she’s able to pull it together on her final season. My sneaking suspicion is she’s doing all she can to make sure she’s ready to crush it in Nice this year and hope she can give the PTO a show in their last couple races.

The only way that works is if they PAY for it. $200k/year contracts+Prize money should do it. They want to be LIV triathlon? They beet put their money where their mouth is.

Ya, lose them and invite those few top ones as wildcards. That’s basically what they are getting now anyway (from some) - a top athlete who only races when it suits them. So invite the number who will commit to all to race all and extend wildcard invites to those top racers everytime. When they inevitably decline, invite someone else.

Where’s the failure in that logic?

The issue is that if the top 10 athletes only occasionally compete as wildcards and consistently beat the lower-ranked contracted athletes, it would highlight the inability of the T100 series to attract the best talent regularly. This would undermine T100’s reputation as the premier triathlon league, as it would appear that the real talent only participates at their convenience. This scenario would make it difficult for T100 to market itself as the top-tier series in the sport.

Female wildcards for London are in:

It’s quite the stacked field. Excited for this race.

Female wildcards for London are in:

It’s quite the stacked field. Excited for this race.

Coldwell is a great wildcard!
Visser and Chura have done well in earlier races and definitely a major threat

Learmonth and Coldwell are great additions to the start list!

Fantastic additions. A fired up Coldwell + Learmonth + Chura will keep the swim pace honest! I imagine everyone racing T100 suddenly added an extra few swim sessions to their training plan :slight_smile:

Fantastic additions. A fired up Coldwell + Learmonth + Chura will keep the swim pace honest! I imagine everyone racing T100 suddenly added an extra few swim sessions to their training plan :slight_smile:

LCB must be quaking in her boots that the swim pace will be kept honest in London;)

Coldwell on paper seems to be a strong contender , but there is no data or records of her in a middle distance race, right?
PTO website is selling the race with Alistair as a favourite…is it me or that is a big call? Honestly, I cannot see that happening

Coldwell on paper seems to be a strong contender , but there is no data or records of her in a middle distance race, right?
PTO website is selling the race with Alistair as a favourite…is it me or that is a big call? Honestly, I cannot see that happening

He’s the London Olympic champion racing at home, of course they’re going to sell him as a favourite, they want to get the British media interested and the crowds out, I’m sure they’ll try the Gomez Vs Brownlee selling point again.