T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

Specialized have given Coldwell a TT bike, she’s never been on one before so she’s now got a few weeks to get herself used to it.And here’s a picture of her new (UCI legal) steed: https://www.instagram.com/…-Y7MFVi/?img_index=1
21 days! And entries for the European 70.3 champs are open for a few more days (Tallinn in late August).

Specialized have given Coldwell a TT bike, she’s never been on one before so she’s now got a few weeks to get herself used to it.And here’s a picture of her new (UCI legal) steed: https://www.instagram.com/…-Y7MFVi/?img_index=1
21 days! And entries for the European 70.3 champs are open for a few more days (Tallinn in late August).

Is it true? I mean, she is an ITU athlete but has she never tried before? I think she was enroled in a cycling team a couple of seasons ago…

By the way, Gomez just said in the spanish media that he pushed his best record in watts in the 1st hour in StFrancisco but was not enough… Hope he can do a top 5 before the end of the season will be hard. My opinion, and he is kind of early announcing it, is that he will retire at the end of this season.

Specialized have given Coldwell a TT bike , she’s never been on one before so she’s now got a few weeks to get herself used to it.And here’s a picture of her new (UCI legal) steed: https://www.instagram.com/…-Y7MFVi/?img_index=1
21 days to T100 London!Is it true? I mean, she is an ITU athlete but has she never tried before? I think she was enroled in a cycling team a couple of seasons ago…Never had a TT bike: why would you? She has been racing top level short course (going up through junior > U23 > senior) since 2012 (when 17).
The road cycling team she was on ‘part time’ in ?2022 was strictly to get racing experience beyond that an athlete can gain by SC racing. I thought that particular additional skill would be a factor in her favour when the selectors sat.
Her TT bike was literally built up a few days ago DAMHIKT.

Anne seems to confirm she will be at London and that the series “means a lot to her” in this post Roth Bob interview.
Around the 7:30 mark.

I am sure she will say that, but she has not showed up for any of the races nor talked about how excited she is about it since forever!

She is pretty much focused on Roth and WC every year and I doubt that has changed or will change for the remainder of her career

On another note has anyone noticed KZ added to the waitlist for London?Well spotted on Zaferes (implicitly on there since 28 June).
But the protocol for T100 startlists i:

  1. Contracted athletes
  2. Wildcards chosen by a PTO/WorldTri panel
    and only then (and I think out of PTO’s hands):
  3. The Wait List (and then in athlete order)

Zaferes is Wait027. Madsen and Kivioja are clear front runners if we have any more drop outs.

Haug, Philipp and Matthews are all racing fulls in the next 9 days. I hope Pierré will be fit enough but her run at Les Sables seemed to have been a struggle (she ran 1:30 but she is a sub-1:20 on good days). And who knows whether Sodaro will be OK to race?Well Findlay has withdrawn (it’ll be her second tour ‘miss’). Madsen has been given a wildcard as her replacement.
Ranked #18 currently: https://stats.protriathletes.org/athlete/laura-madsen
#9 in T100 SF she won 70.3 Les Sables ten days ago.

Madsen and Kivioja are clear front runners if we have any more drop outs. Though seeing Zaferes in London would be wicked: she was just too late into triathlon to race in London 2012 (Bennett, Jorgensen).
Haug, Philipp and Matthews are all racing fulls in the next 9 days. I hope Pierré will be fit enough but her run at Les Sables seemed to have been a struggle (she ran 1:30 but she is a sub-1:20 on good days). And who knows whether Sodaro will be OK to race?Madsen a fortnight ago and now Kivioja have been added to the start list. Haug still on the list, as is Sodaro. Might Visser, after her amazing back-to-back Roth-Vitoria, have decided to give herself a break?

Super annoyingly, having been given a wildcard to race T100 London, Learmonth has pulled out injured.
Replaced by Grace Thek who was #4 in Mont Tremblant last month and #12 in San Francisco (PTO ranked #30)

Super annoyingly, having been given a wildcard to race T100 London, Learmonth has pulled out injured.
Replaced by Grace Thek who was #4 in Mont Tremblant last month and #12 in San Francisco (PTO ranked #30)

Pity, hope she gets another chance this year!

Mathis has also withdrawn, another wild card announcement soon

Super annoyingly, having been given a wildcard to race T100 London, Learmonth has pulled out injured.
Replaced by Grace Thek who was #4 in Mont Tremblant last month and #12 in San Francisco (PTO ranked #30)

Pity, hope she gets another chance this year!
Mathis has also withdrawn, another wild card announcement soonYes Margirier has pulled out with an ankle problem. Stratmann is next on the wait list so I assume will get the call, with Koolhaas next after him.
Edit: Barnaby has accepted this replacement wildcard.

Let’s hope the airline IT systems are back up and running after the weekend. I’d be tempted (assuming both in Europe) to mitigate the risk by driving and ferry.

Yes Margirier has pulled out with an ankle problem. Stratmann is next on the wait list so I assume will get the call, with Koolhaas next after him.
Edit: Barnaby has accepted this replacement wildcard.

Let’s hope the airline IT systems are back up and running after the weekend. I’d be tempted (assuming both in Europe) to mitigate the risk by driving and ferry.

Barnaby added as the wildcard to replace Margirier. He’s not on the waitlist posted, what is the purpose of the waitlist?

Yes Margirier has pulled out with an ankle problem. Stratmann is next on the wait list so I assume will get the call, with Koolhaas next after him.
Edit: Barnaby has accepted this replacement wildcard.
https://www.triathlon.org/...cs/Waiting_lists.pdfBarnaby added as the wildcard to replace Margirier. He’s not on the waitlist posted, what is the purpose of the waitlist?Think probably to keep World Tri content that the PTO are (very) loosely imitating their startlist publication and waiting list routine.
Only if there are start positions not filled by the invitation panel (composed by PTO and World Triathlon) will a start go to the next eligible athlete on the sorted Waiting List.
In this case the panel invited Barnaby: their choice is not bounded by the waiting list.
Edit: we now see that Stratmann HAS been added (unsure to replace whom).

TRI 2024 Rules (p204: T100 Rule appendix (V)):
2. Qualification
2.1. The specific Qualification Criteria for the T100 Triathlon World Tour are outlined on the World
Triathlon website under the following link:
which links to here:

2.1. Start Lists will contain a maximum of 20 athletes

  1. Start Lists and Waiting Lists management procedures:
    3.1. National Federations may include athletes in the waiting list at any moment.
    3.2. Start lists will be created the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event.
    3.3. All athletes entered in the waiting list will be sorted as follows:
    a) First by Athletes offered permanent qualification slots.
    b) Then Athletes without permanent qualification slots but ranked according to the
    PTO World Ranking points.
    c) Then Athletes . . . sorted as one per National Federation in
    alphabetical order of the IOC country code, starting with the host National
    Federation. . . .

3.10. Saturday after creation of the start lists, invitations (Wildcards) are awarded by a
panel composed by PTO and World Triathlon.
3.11. The start positions not filled by the invitation panel are filled by the next eligible
athlete on the sorted Waiting List.

Yes Margirier has pulled out with an ankle problem. Stratmann is next on the wait list so I assume will get the call, with Koolhaas next after him.
Edit: Barnaby has accepted this replacement wildcard.
https://www.triathlon.org/...cs/Waiting_lists.pdfBarnaby added as the wildcard to replace Margirier. He’s not on the waitlist posted, what is the purpose of the waitlist?Stratmann has now been added (maybe asked but not yet accepted, hence delay and Barnaby announced first). Not sure who has dropped out.

Gomez is injured

Has it been confirmed that more than 20 can race the Championship Final? I assume Noodt and Koolhaas will get at least one more start at Lake Las Vegas, and hopefully more, to get 3 good results in the series. Hopefully Barnaby and Stratmann can possibly get 3 good results. Keulen assume will be near the top of the standings. Kyle Smith said he wouldn’t race Dubai or the Final in order to prepare for Taupo. At least 25 spots for the Final would be ideal.

Has it been confirmed that more than 20 can race the Championship Final? I assume Noodt and Koolhaas will get at least one more start at Lake Las Vegas, and hopefully more, to get 3 good results in the series. Hopefully Barnaby and Stratmann can possibly get 3 good results. Keulen assume will be near the top of the standings. Kyle Smith said he wouldn’t race Dubai or the Final in order to prepare for Taupo. At least 25 spots for the Final would be ideal.When T100 was launched they suggested that there’d be >20. I’m pretty sure the line was:

  1. All contracted athletes are contracted to race the World Championship Final.
  2. Any athletes who, having received one or more wildcards, have scored ‘enough’ points, will be invited to race the GF.

But not clear what the threshold is (and probably PTO obfuscation deliberate).
It can’t be 'more points than the #20 contracted athlete (well it could be, but what if Haug or Neumann or Pierre ends up scoring none through DNSs and DNFs).
Current wildcards higher scorers are Chura, Visser and Buckingham, and in the men’s: Keulen, Smith (you say doesn’t want to - “we’ll see” - money talks), Noodt, Koolhaas.
The T100 bonus (end-of-year) pool ($2M!) pays down to 20, but tails off to nominal for last quarter.
An athlete’s T100 points are the sum of their best 4, which does not have to include the GF score (though there is some conflicting text on that).
So, rationally, any athlete who has enough points (after Las Vegas) who, with a good result in the World Championship Final, could get #15 or better, is likely to get the call. It’s likely some of the contracted athletes will be injured come November (and two post partum), so the actual number starting will not be many more than 20. I do not expect any ‘random’ (short course) wildcards to the World Championship Final (risks derailing the narrative).

Tri247’s men’s preview here:

Thorsten’s T100 London seedings: https://www.trirating.com/london-t100-july-27th-28th-seedings/
Women’s preview (Tri247): https://www.tri247.com/triathlon-news/elite/london-t100-triathlon-world-tour-2024-date-start-time-watch-live-stream-tv-channel-women
“In London, the women’s race is on Saturday July 27 at 14:00. This corresponds to 15:00 in Europe, 09:00 on US East Coast and 06:00 on US West Coast”

The question now is, who’s going to be last minute pull-outs? Given the recent cancellation of Chelsea Sodaro’s collaboration with Canyon, my money’s on her being one of them.

The women’s race will be fairly exciting. I think that we’ll make the trip down from the Shire!