T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

Triathlon sure loves its blood money.

As does golf, F1, FIFA, etc. etc.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.Are you talking about a particular person here? I can’t see even a gradual change: with admirable consistency and endurance: ‘Moritz Events’ is a bad bad thing (and repeat and repeat . . . ) and blood money that.

A nation is made up of people. Ruling classes of nations are made up of people. The sultan has family who has family who work in various fields. Those people work with outsiders who respect basic human rights like due process and equal treatment under law, etc. Overtime (generations) that awareness and willingness to change is more likely to occur as we work with them rather than tell them, “We aren’t trading with your nation until you change”.

There will inevitably be a pendulum swinging thing, but progress gets made. China today is better than when Mao was around after Nixon “opened” it. North Korea, not so much, same problems, rinse and repeat. We can look at Iran for another example of enduring issues (although we do play the on again off again game there). If we insist on treating every nation like North Korea, we will get a lot of North Koreas.

I wasn’t making any comment about anyone at Mortiz. Although, obviously that could be applied that way too (refusing to work with them has the potential to make change less likely – ahem, Slowtwitch policies, although, that’s a one off policy, not changing an entire nation’s culture).

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.Are you talking about a particular person here? I can’t see even a gradual change: with admirable consistency and endurance: ‘Moritz Events’ is a bad bad thing (and repeat and repeat . . . ) and blood money that.I wasn’t making any comment about anyone at Mortiz. Although, obviously that could be applied that way too (refusing to work with them has the potential to make change less likely – ahem, Slowtwitch policies, although, that’s a one off policy, not changing an entire nation’s culture).I fear my clearly over-cryptic (ST) reference to one of our brethren was not decoded. Never mind.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.Are you talking about a particular person here? I can’t see even a gradual change: with admirable consistency and endurance: ‘Moritz Events’ is a bad bad thing (and repeat and repeat . . . ) and blood money that.

Who said I think it’s “bad”? I think that Adamo and Renouf (still here) didn’t really play well in the sandbox, and some people on this site thinks it’s ok for them to be antagonists when this sport is incredibly small. The PTO for like 8 years was an angry burner account on Twitter. And then one day Michael Moritz gave them a grant which allowed them to start. Then he seed funded, then he funded in the Series A. But over a very fast period of time it was clear that they were not an athlete representative body, and there is still some masquerading of being one.

Do I watch their races, yeah. But triathlon in general from Ironman to Bahrain Endurance (or do we say Victorious) does all sorts of things with people who have suspect human rights records. UAE has a government like Saudi Arabia that is trying to modernize it’s value system, yet they also have loads of citizens that don’t exactly look kindly towards us. So it’s an interesting balance, do you like how the modernists there treat their people? Dunno.

I read that Smith is keen to race at least two races of London, Ibiza and Las Vegas T100s, if he’s offered wildcards there (which seems a no-brainer for the PTO).
But then will not race Dubai and the GF (both Persian Gulf) because he wants to get back home and properly prepare to win Taupo (and beat compatriot Wilde in so doing!).
Reading between the lines he reckons those contracted to race the GF a fortnight before Taupo will be at a disadvantage to the top contenders who concentrate on Taupo.

The London start lists are up on world tri. Minus wildcards it appears as 19 men and 16 women so far

The London start lists are up on world tri. Minus wildcards it appears as 19 men and 16 women so far

I’m counting 18 men, but nice to see this many contracted athletes show up (as of now). Youri Kuelen and Kyle smith Wild cards? Doesn’t Kuelen have a contract now?

No, that Kuelen rumor about a contract does not seem to be true.

It’s kind of wild how hard of a time the PTO has had getting all the best ladies to line up.

The London start lists are up on world tri. Minus wildcards it appears as 19 men and 16 women so far

If they all show up, it will be the best line-up for 2024 to date!

It’s kind of wild how hard of a time the PTO has had getting all the best ladies to line up.

Female runners are 17% more likely to be injured than men.

Females are twice as likely to be depressed.

And also most importantly in this case, females are infinitely more likely to be pregnant than men.

So maybe the PTO should take the airline approach and overbook their contracts and offer even more slots to women.

25 for men and 30 for women.

It’s kind of wild how hard of a time the PTO has had getting all the best ladies to line up.

And also most importantly in this case, females are infinitely more likely to be pregnant than men.

Thank you for providing the study to back up this statement.

The London start lists are up on world tri. Minus wildcards it appears as 19 men and 16 women so far

If they all show up, it will be the best line-up for 2024 to date!

Only missing knibb to have the strongest female lineup ever.

The men are much more scattered across IM/t100 etc.

It’s kind of wild how hard of a time the PTO has had getting all the best ladies to line up.

And also most importantly in this case, females are infinitely more likely to be pregnant than men.

Thank you for providing the study to back up this statement.

Holly Lawrence won’t be racing any more this season for this happy reason. Not sure why WT has her on the list.

Here’s the women’s start list for those that don’t want to track it down:


Here’s the women’s start list for those that don’t want to track it down:Here’s the WPRO start list for those who don’t need pictures: https://stats.protriathletes.org/race/london-t100/2024/participants
Lawrence no longer listed.
Contracted athletes absent: Knibb (who races the ITT in Paris that afternoon!), Lawrence, Moench, Duffy, Spivey
So 5 wild cards. There will be a chorus for an Olympic gold medallist to be given one (recently second in a 70.3), and also one for a top 8 ranked short course athlete who has not been selected for Paris.
On the rankings (and otherwise) Salthouse and Visser should be top of the list. Then it’s down to Madsen and Chura. Would be good to have the latter starting so that if/when Sodaro drops out at least there’s one athlete flying the stars and stripes.
Philipp is racing Roth three weeks before and Matthews is racing IM Vitoria a fortnight before (the latter chasing IM Pro Series points, vice Hamburg).
Women race on 27 July starting at 1400 UTC-1. Men a day later.

does anybody remember the process hoITU athletes that have 0 PTO points get into the raceI seem to remember that world triathlon can push for one or two is that correct or was that only for the hotshots.
they are obviously not getting in via the published waiting list as the waiting list is quite long and mostly europeans .Dragging this across from the ITU thread.
For the first time PTO have actually created and published a start list on “the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event”! (3.2 below) Hurrah!
Essentially (this is my interpretation) and this Annex V to the World Tri rules is sloppily/opaquely written imho:
Every contracted athlete (includes ‘hotshots’) who wishes to race gets a start (3.3a.). Then a PTO/WorldTri panel decide which x athletes are to be offered wildcards, and in what order (3.10). If the start list is still not filled they go to the ‘waiting list’ (hasn’t happened so far)(3.11).

2.4. Any non-utilized slots at events will be allocated based on procedures under point 3., and include Invitation Athletes (Wildcards) and Waiting List Athletes.
3. Start Lists and Waiting Lists management procedures:
3.1. National Federations may include athletes in the waiting list at any moment.
3.2. Start lists will be created the first Tuesday before 30 days before the event.
3.3. All athletes entered in the **waiting list ** will be sorted as follows:
a) First by Athletes offered permanent qualification slots.
b) Then Athletes without permanent qualification slots but ranked according to the PTO World Ranking points.
c) Then Athletes without permanent qualification slots and not ranked according to the PTO Ranking points. They are sorted as one per National Federation in alphabetical order of the IOC country code, starting with the host National Federation. Once one athlete (from this group of athletes without PTO ranking points) of every National Federation is on the Waiting List, a second one is included to the Waiting List, with the same principles as above. Then a third athlete, and so on.
3.8. No more athletes are approved in the start list until the invitation (Wildcard) process is completed.
3.9. Until Friday after the creation of the start list National Federations may request invitations (Wildcards).
3.10. Saturday after creation of the start lists, invitations (Wildcards) are awarded by a panel composed by PTO and World Triathlon.
3.11. The start positions not filled by the invitation panel are filled by the next eligible athlete on the sorted Waiting List

so, Coldwell and Learmonth will likely be racing?. Salthouse deserves a wild card, and would nice to see if some other ITU girls, apart from Duffy and Spivey, get wildcards like Derron or Meissner later this season.

It’s kind of wild how hard of a time the PTO has had getting all the best ladies to line up.

And also most importantly in this case, females are infinitely more likely to be pregnant than men.

Thank you for providing the study to back up this statement.

3 contracted women will also be at the Olympics, only 1 ITU male has a contract

Wasn’t a wildcard offered to Salthouse for San Francisco, but she declined to race and win Boulder 70.3? If the wildcards are purely based on rankings, then she should get it but I’m not sure how PTO will view athletes who’ve previously declined wildcard spots. I think it was Mark Matthews who mentioned how there people from PTO who are questioning why points from IM events are significantly influencing PTO rankings.

Wasn’t a wildcard offered to Salthouse for San Francisco, but she declined to race and win Boulder 70.3? If the wildcards are purely based on rankings, then she should get it but I’m not sure how PTO will view athletes who’ve previously declined wildcard spots. I think it was Mark Matthews who mentioned how there people from PTO who are questioning why points from IM events are significantly influencing PTO rankings.

Ironman events don’t significantly influence PTO ranks, every IM race is rated as less than a PTO race.