T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

And now Matthews (insta) has pulled from San Francisco as well. Racing there a week after Hamburg (which she needs for her second IM in the Pro Series) always seemed doubtful. But having missed Singapore she now must (per contract) race Ibiza a week after Nice (but those two venues are a short flight/long drive apart and same time zone/Mediterranean environment, as opposed to N Germany to W Coast).
Who will get a ‘16 days to go’ wildcard?Ellie Salthouse?Given her PTO ranking (#16), I’d have thought Salthouse has already been offered one and rejected.

Has Moench said she’ll still race (I hope so: to say au revoir)? If not that’s another wildcard.
Moench is ranked #15 so given PTO’s maternity policy one assumes that she’ll ‘stick’ at that ranking and consequently be offered a T100 contract for next season.
I note that Lawrence, through her excellent performance at Miami, hopped up to #9 (from #21) before sharing she was in the club. Quality timing.

Don’t think Moench is racing as she is not exactly training consistently (Insta update)

You are right about Salthouse. Guess if they need two wildcards now, it will go quite far down the rankings. Can’t think of anyone that will make a major impact TBH

Is the maternity policy mean you hold the ranking or hold the points when you go on maternity leave. Doubt it makes much of a difference for Holly but 15th for Moench is borderline

Maybe they’ll offer the spots to some short course ladies not going to Paris after Cagliari this weekend.

Coldwell, Kasper, Zaferes?

Matthews (insta) has pulled from San Francisco as well. Who will get a ‘16 days to go’ wildcard?Ellie Salthouse?Given her PTO ranking (#16), I’d have thought Salthouse has already been offered one and rejected.Don’t think Moench is racing as she is not exactly training consistently (Insta update)Maybe they’ll offer the spots to some short course ladies not going to Paris after Cagliari this weekend.Coldwell, Kasper, Zaferes?Bergsten and Santimaria
https://stats.protriathletes.org/athlete/anna-bergsten (40 seconds behind Madsen at Samorin)

Matthews (insta) has pulled from San Francisco as well. Who will get a ‘16 days to go’ wildcard?Ellie Salthouse?Given her PTO ranking (#16), I’d have thought Salthouse has already been offered one and rejected.Don’t think Moench is racing as she is not exactly training consistently (Insta update)Maybe they’ll offer the spots to some short course ladies not going to Paris after Cagliari this weekend.Coldwell, Kasper, Zaferes?Bergsten and Santimaria
https://stats.protriathletes.org/athlete/anna-bergsten (40 seconds behind Madsen at Samorin)

They actually have a published wait list put out weeks ago on world triathlon and are working their way through it, exactly rhe same as the world tri system. DeBoer will be the next added if anymore drop outs.

The irony is Kat tore her calf from racing in Miami but ran a marathon pretty well in Texas with very little run training.

  1. Depends on what “pretty well” means. She ran 11 minutes slower than last year.
  2. Kat normally races on a relatively low volume of run training relative to her peers, so the post injury period may have been less of a shock to the system than it would’ve been for most pros.

And now Matthews (insta) has pulled from San Francisco as well. Racing there a week after Hamburg (which she needs for her second IM in the Pro Series) always seemed doubtful. But having missed Singapore she now must (per contract) race Ibiza a week after Nice (but those two venues are a short flight/long drive apart and same time zone/Mediterranean environment, as opposed to N Germany to W Coast).
Who will get a ‘16 days to go’ wildcard?Ellie Salthouse?Given her PTO ranking (#16), I’d have thought Salthouse has already been offered one and rejected.

Has Moench said she’ll still race (I hope so: to say au revoir)? If not that’s another wildcard.
Moench is ranked #15 so given PTO’s maternity policy one assumes that she’ll ‘stick’ at that ranking and consequently be offered a T100 contract for next season.
I note that Lawrence, through her excellent performance at Miami, hopped up to #9 (from #21) before sharing she was in the club. Quality timing.

Don’t think Moench is racing as she is not exactly training consistently (Insta update)

You are right about Salthouse. Guess if they need two wildcards now, it will go quite far down the rankings. Can’t think of anyone that will make a major impact TBH

Is the maternity policy mean you hold the ranking or hold the points when you go on maternity leave. Doubt it makes much of a difference for Holly but 15th for Moench is borderline

I understand it that you don’t hold your ranking on Maternity but you are paid for up to 15min the a monthly salary based on your ranking sport at the time of taking maternity which is the end of year bonus for that ranking position divided by 12.

It should mean both drop out of the ranking for the T100 next year and would need Hot Shot slots to get a contracted space.

3 of the top 6 men in the standings are non-contracted athletes now (Youri may have a permanent wildcard). Interesting to see how they’ll manage the start lists going forward if everyone wants to race London. Can’t see how they could deny Kyle or Mika a start if they want to race.

{on ?15 April} Sorry to hear about Kat . It sounds like it’s just cautious to avoid overuse injury. Smart decision. It sucks to think the training volume required to support the high frequency and level of races is going to take its toll.
This review of running injuries wasn’t very conclusive, but it was interesting:
But if you take it at face value the previous injury is more likely to be aggravated from longer runs.
Of course the doctors reviewing apparently thought running more than 20km overall per week was a “long distance” runner.
Still the point stands, more is more.We’ve now seen the DQ in Hamburg, the Escape TO Alcatraz, an impressive bike-run. On the ProTriNews pod which dropped yesterday, husband shared that since getting back to running (after the Miami/Homestead calf tear 500m into the run) that Matthews has averaged 20km a week. And then runs on Saturday at 1:17 half marathon pace (sub 6 minute miles) off a full-on bike
Once you tear a calf/hamstring though, it’s always a vulnerability (damhikt).

3 of the top 6 men in the standings are non-contracted athletes now (Youri may have a permanent wildcard). Interesting to see how they’ll manage the start lists going forward if everyone wants to race London. Can’t see how they could deny Kyle or Mika a start if they want to race.

I think the interesting thing going forward is who gets invites next year and how do they handle the wildcards. I suspect that this year, there’s a higher proportion of wildcards doing well. There’s a few reasons, I suspect, that we have wildcards doing so well, particularly on the men’s side.
Underperforming contracted athletes with higher name recognition (Brownlee, Gomez) means that fewer contracted athletes are scoring "as expected"Everyone is still figuring out how to balance T100 vs IM Pro series - balancing both doesn’t seem to be working for many Where we are in the Olympic cycle, with Paris-bound athletes waiting until after Paris to race most of their races.Singapore tends to draw out weaker fields, and San Fran was a wonky course (short swim, with congestion on the hills) so there’s more room at this stage of the season for wildcards to shine.

3 of the top 6 men in the standings are non-contracted athletes now (Youri may have a permanent wildcard). Interesting to see how they’ll manage the start lists going forward if everyone wants to race London. Can’t see how they could deny Kyle or Mika a start if they want to race.Agree: the PTO ‘must’ offer wildcards to all three: Keulen, Smith and Noodt. Van Riel will not be racing London. Will Neumann? Nobody knows.
Smith’s great race vaults him to #3 in the PTO Rankings. Margerier moves to #4 (all mymaths dependent). Noodt to about #15.

For the women the PTO Ranking points from San Francisco mean that Knibb vaults to the top; Matthews goes up to #5 with Philipp to #6, and Simmonds to #8. Management of the WPro T100 start lists remains straightforward, albeit that they surely want the contracted athletes to turn up. Haug has defaulted: hope London will be OK. Philipp, Sodaro and Pierré have now missed the two they can. And of course we’ve ‘lost’ Lawrence and Moench, so there’s an assured two wildcards in every race hereafter. Spivey, Knibb and Duffy will miss London (obv), in fact Knibb races the Olympic TT the same day.

{on ?15 April} Sorry to hear about Kat . It sounds like it’s just cautious to avoid overuse injury. Smart decision. It sucks to think the training volume required to support the high frequency and level of races is going to take its toll.
This review of running injuries wasn’t very conclusive, but it was interesting:
But if you take it at face value the previous injury is more likely to be aggravated from longer runs.
Of course the doctors reviewing apparently thought running more than 20km overall per week was a “long distance” runner.
Still the point stands, more is more.We’ve now seen the DQ in Hamburg, the Escape TO Alcatraz, an impressive bike-run. On the ProTriNews pod which dropped yesterday, husband shared that since getting back to running (after the Miami/Homestead calf tear 500m into the run) that Matthews has averaged 20km a week. And then runs on Saturday at 1:17 half marathon pace (sub 6 minute miles) off a full-on bike
Once you tear a calf/hamstring though, it’s always a vulnerability (damhikt).

To your last sentence, that study also pointed out, “A previous running-related injury was the strongest risk factor for an injury in long-distance runners.”

Apparently she follows the science!

3 of the top 6 men in the standings are non-contracted athletes now (Youri may have a permanent wildcard). Interesting to see how they’ll manage the start lists going forward if everyone wants to race London. Can’t see how they could deny Kyle or Mika a start if they want to race.Agree: the PTO ‘must’ offer wildcards to all three: Keulen, Smith and Noodt. Van Riel will not be racing London. Will Neumann? Nobody knows.
Smith’s great race vaults him to #3 in the PTO Rankings. Margerier moves to #4 (all mymaths dependent). Noodt to about #15.

For the women the PTO Ranking points from San Francisco mean that Knibb vaults to the top; Matthews goes up to #5 with Philipp to #6, and Simmonds to #8. Management of the WPro T100 start lists remains straightforward, albeit that they surely want the contracted athletes to turn up. Haug has defaulted: hope London will be OK. Philipp, Sodaro and Pierré have now missed the two they can. And of course we’ve ‘lost’ Lawrence and Moench, so there’s an assured two wildcards in every race hereafter. Spivey, Knibb and Duffy will miss London (obv), in fact Knibb races the Olympic TT the same day.

Did Sodaro ever give a reason for her missing basically a home race?

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 8.56.20 AM.png

Actually yesterday on the T100 website the Final was written as Oman Finals, i can’t find it today so not sure if it was a mistake or not

Looking at the starting list there are very few weaker swimmers only Long and Chevalier will team to race from the back, i hope that the coverage manages to show that part of the race which can make for the long bike part which can be boring if only the front of the race is shown
See this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8HJQq6hL7r/

Triathlon sure loves its blood money.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.

Lol wtf, this is just sportswashing. BTW, we could delve into why the UAE government is significantly better than the alternative…a lot of their citizens aren’t exactly keen on western ideals.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.

Lol wtf, this is just sportswashing. BTW, we could delve into why the UAE government is significantly better than the alternative…a lot of their citizens aren’t exactly keen on western ideals.

I’m starting to think that someone in the PTO stole your girlfriend or something like that.
You’re getting pathetic to a whole new level.
Funny though.

I’m starting to think that someone in the PTO stole your girlfriend or something like that.
You’re getting pathetic to a whole new level.
Funny though.

I am beginning to think that with his weird views that he might actually be a conspiratorial ,Flat Earther,Space Denier and Moon Landing Hoax supporter.I am sure there is a party in his head though so if he is happy attaching weird alternate names to established events, good on him.

What encourages a person to change? The silent treatment and a cold shoulder or working with them over time so they gradually change and improve.

It might feel good to throw up the iron curtain and stand self righteously on principle. But will they just dig their feet in and entrench their attitudes?

Revolutionary change without massive turmoil won’t happen in our lifetime, but evolutionary changes will take place bit by bit.Are you talking about a particular person here? I can’t see even a gradual change: with admirable consistency and endurance: ‘Moritz Events’ is a bad bad thing (and repeat and repeat . . . ) and blood money that.