Swing state blues

We are bombarded daily with mail from Trump/Republicans. Can’t watch commercial t.v. without wanting to throw a brick through it for all the Trump adds. Been staying on Britbox just to escape it.

Some point in the near future I hope to never hear the name of the former guy ever again or see his ugly, ugly face on t.v.
Thank you for listening.

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Michigan checking in :angry:

See? Feels good.

Canadians are so blessed…

We think so. We have our fair share of dickheads as well, but none rising even close to T****

thank you for not typing that name.

Michigan here, what’s a commercial? I love streaming services.

yes, but if you watch any network t.v (football, ect) don’t you get commercials? I have YouTube t.v. and I get them.

Your virtue has been noted

Are you so fucking mentally weak you can’t see the name Trump in writing?

I love you too snookums

It’s called humor. Try it sometimes.

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Say what you want about Kalifornia here, but not one Trump ad to be seen, and come to think of it, not many others either. I like that both parties realize running ads is a waste of money around these parts…Imagine a lot of sewed up states are enjoying the same too, but do feel for you swingers…

We are across the border from Michigan. Apparently Trump is going to defund all public school education from k-12. Slotkin (democrat) says, “We have gotten pretty comfortable with throwing trillions of dollars around” That quote totally out of context.

Also MI. We don’t have a television, so miss out on the yelling and screaming, but the number of former ecosystems delivered to our house as campaign junk mail is even worse.

Nevada. Streaming isn’t a panacea. The Vuelta live feed has ad breaks which have been nearly 100% political. Mostly for down-ballot races. They’ve got me geographically dialled pretty well.

I don’t know how it is in Michigan, but here in PA for every 10 T____p propaganda mailings/commercials, there seems to be about one from the Harris campaign. Harris needs to step it up and at least balance out the b.s campaign.

Flipped to PSU game yesterday on BTN…lots of PA political ads

Indiana here. I don’t watch a ton of tv but I’ve not seen any trump ads.
Given we were the first state to go red last time, he prob doesn’t need to do much here.

I, on the other hand, am happy to see Trump mail. Because I know that cost them money to send that to me. It drains their funds for absolutely no gain to them or real cost to me.

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:+1: one way of looking at it.