Support for new forum issues?

Because Jim at Beyond needed somewhere to comment… :wink:

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I had this same issue until I tried switching the space to an underscore when trying to login and then I was able to. Saw some other people mentioning the underscores so tried that.

When I tried to reset my password and used my original username with a space… It would tell me that account didn’t exist.

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Yea this is an annoyance for me too. Takes up space where newer content used to be.

I get enough “suggestions” of content “you might also like” on Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, instagram, etc."

I’d rather just see more recent topics that are being discussed or profile options/legends there.

it seems the only way to login is getting a password reset email, or email login link. The new password doesnt seem to work when relogging in. I can see spam filters not liking this

I was told Barks&Purrs didn’t exist.

So I logged in converting to Barks_Purrs, instead of Barks&Purrs, and using my original password, and it worked fine. It has worked in all subsequent log in attempts.

Converting the space to an underscore resolved the login issue for me. My old password works - just had to change Dapper Dan to Dapper_Dan. Thanks for the tip.

I took unfortunately have to do the same. Is anyone’s password working? I’m guessing it’s an encryption/decryption thing. Password only works when it complains you are using old password on reset link

Least you didn’t change it to FOP

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The login thing is by far the worst issue. I got force logged-out several times today, and to log back in, I had to do the “send a link” thing. That’s not great, but it would be manageable if I didn’t work in a government building where it’s hard to get your personal email without leaving the building to go outside to check your phone.

I have changed the space in my username to an underscore. However, I still can’t log in to the forum without going through the reset password link and get to forum via my email. This is a TEDIOUS process!

I have been reading the slowtwitch forum since 1999, but unless the login procedure improves I will end up becoming a former user of this website.

Anybody with a login issue:

Please email with your username on here so that our tech team can investigate.

I did that, but since I didn’t instantaneously receive immediate positive resolution, I will continue to whine and bitch, as is my internet right, nay,…my internet duty.