Support for new forum issues?

Yeah, my sent messages have loaded from 2012 and earlier. Nothing newer, and no received messages. I assume this is just data coming in batches as they transfer from the old site.

I had to do a password reset. Apparently my old password didn’t meet the requirements of the new system. Once I used a new password I was good.

Works on my phone, but will take some getting used to. My work computer rejected the website earlier today due to security concerns, but that might have just been during the change over.

I’m The_GMAN now. Does the code not understand a space?

When I signed up for a new username to get logged in one of the requirements was that the username could not have a space

I’m getting notifications that there was a reply to a post but when I click the link it says it doesn’t exist or is private

had to create a new account with my other email address too

Every time I try to logon I get the error message that my username or password is incorrect and I have to change my password. I think I’m on my 8th new password in 24hrs or so.

I had the same thing. I stopped resetting password and just click on the “skip password, send me a login e-mail” option until they get that fixed.

As directed, welcome. Nothing against you, but I liked the old JPO better. I too had some password and log in issues but my complete ignorance on all things internet and computer allowed me to get back in. Don’t ask me how I did it though.

Or even easier on PC, then highlight the text you want to quote and THEN press the reply, and it’s automatically trimmed the quote into the box.

I can’t log in with my password. I can log in with the emailed link. But when I try my very well known password it says it’s wrong. So I hit the password change link and try to set my password and it says I can’t change it to the password it currently is. So I try logging in again and says it’s wrong…

Then it logs me out after a couple hours and I have to do this all over again. I want to stay logged in

Is that password at least 8 characters long -and- have at least four unique characters in it? It might be failing the logic we have set up.

@rrheisler I reset my password yesterday, and it prompted me to create a new longer password. It didn’t ask for any specific mix of special characters or anything like that, just said my old password needed to be longer. I did that, and it let me log in, but after that it no longer accepted that same new password on subsequent attempts. On those attempts, it doesn’t say why, except that it’s an invalid username/email/password combination. I know it’s the same password I typed in, because I use a password manager that automatically pulls the new password in when I change it, so it’s not like I’m fat-fingering the password and spelling it incorrectly.

Same here.

I ended up making passkeys for the site. That said @slowguy jsut check the password manager wasn’t using one of the old site passwords as dashlane got a bit confused as to if this was a new site or a replacement.

Just also noting those threads from late last week still haven’t come accross. There were some good posts on Return to Tri after Stroke - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch Forum that are still not showing . Not my posts on their of course, but some other people added some research links additional perspective.
I’ve avoided adding to it so far as I thought that would confuse further,

We just got through importing DM history. Those threads remain on the list.

FYI, I had to create a new account as my previous account would not let me log in. Yes, I was using the correct password. I tried to reset password and it wanted to send it to a old email address that is not valid anymore.

Yep. I double checked. I’ve tried it from the password manager, and typed in manually. Tried with both username and email. None of them work. Seems like several others have had the same problem, so I’ll wait for the admins to work through it.

Same here. Login and password are as I last left them, and can only use the link method.

Why at the end of every thread scroll are there just random topics from ‘23, that seem totally arbitrary?

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