
Has this been posted before?

Has this been posted before?…?si=h8dL8OkH9ujzF5qW

Just came from YouTube myself to see if there was a discussion.

Looks like Super League is rebranding and expanding. I like Super League racing, minus the “complicated” team aspect and the short chutes, etc. I wonder if that will be brought over to the age group racing.

For as good a job as they do with editing and voice overs and epic audio tracks, I was a little zoned out with disinterest. Is this a rebrand in the name or did they actually say they are going to have age group racing in this format? Pretty chaotic if so, but it could be fun.

For as good a job as they do with editing and voice overs and epic audio tracks, I was a little zoned out with disinterest. Is this a rebrand in the name or did they actually say they are going to have age group racing in this format? Pretty chaotic if so, but it could be fun.

That’s what I understood from that promo. AG racing but they don’t say in what format, but some kind of super print distance racing.

Also, at 2:00 they say “the most brutal triathlon in the world”. I mean, yeah it definitely looks very hard, but come on… talk about tooting your own horn. XD

Not replying to you directly, but I think they should bring back the format from Hamilton Island in 2017 (1st one I think?). In my opinion, that’s been the best Super League race to date.

Having 3 days of back to back racing looked brutal, and seeing them absolutely banjaxed between stages in the micky mouse pool was hilarious!

did they actually say they are going to have age group racing in this format? Pretty chaotic if so, but it could be fun.

I chuckled to myself envisioning age group triathletes doing criterium style racing inside a triathlon. No one would get out alive. In any case, any age group format that makes it impossible for weak swimmers to compete is going to be DOA in my opinion. Since the video seemed to highlight the Chicago event and maybe Austin too along with Malibu, I assume they are looking at doing professional short course racing alongside some bigger already existing events, which would presumably remain standard non-drafting oly distance.

Super League did actually have age groupers race the enduro format (a continuous race of 2 supersprints) in a few locations several years back, in addition to the standard amateur racing formats. The difference was 2 SBR legs instead of 3 and no drafting on the bike. Still, I regret not doing it. I was waiting to learn how to swim properly until they gave it up.

The Long Beach edition (since booted from Malibu) will feature you’re classic sprint and Olympic distances.

Also so there is no confusion anymore with the European footie Super League.

So maybe the smart play is to run this pro thing alongside those large olympic distance events for awhile and then create enough of a demand for limited numbers of age group slots to race “what the pros” are doing. They won’t need to have 500 people registered, just make it exclusive enough and say there are only 100 slots open sorta thing and sell out quick. Add 50 more every year as excitement and word of mouth spreads.

A separate brand identity will set the tone for mass participation, which offers the continuity of individual event brands but with common visual identity, putting at its heart supertri’s belief that participation celebrates triathlon for all, whether first timer, relay participant or experienced age grouper. Mass participation events will be driven by the same guiding principles of delivering excellence and creating moments. These will be initially delivered across Chicago Triathlon, the biggest triathlon in North America, Legacy Long Beach Triathlon on the course of the 2028 LA Olympics and the New York City Triathlon. The company is also committed to exploring further opportunities to expand this series.

Sounds like the AG races will be completely separate and standard Olympic distance, non-draft format.

Your not going to be able to put that number of people on that type of circuit from a safety prospective. The general idea isn’t necessarily to get AG’ers interested in the actual format, but more the “event” overall (AG separate course all to themselves + pro “ST” event). They could continue their “CEO” challenge or VIP program to allow 20 AG’ers to “race” the format, but this isn’t some idea to create AG waves of the short circruit style racing.

I have to say, I enjoy the team dynamic and hope they keep it.

Can’t imagine they’ll do “AG Supertri” but having an AG event alongside their race sounds awesome.

Also so there is no confusion anymore with the European footie Super League.

Were lawyers involved to force a change of name? Its what I’d suspect.

Where can I watch Supertri? Hopefully it doesn’t involve a subscription, I can’t add more tv subscriptions. I also can’t find a race calendar on their website.

Where can I watch Supertri? Hopefully it doesn’t involve a subscription, I can’t add more tv subscriptions. I also can’t find a race calendar on their website.They have not published a schedule - but assume it’s September/October. In Europe/UK it’s been on Eurosport (sub required). Also assume that Wilde will race (which is why he refused a T100 contract: he’d have needed to race Ibiza (late Sep) and Las Vegas (late Oct) which would clash).

E games in April just announced.

5 outdoor events. Same as last year, minus Malibu (thankfully), plus Chicago and Boston.


i have to admit i don’t understand the concept yet. Neither on the website nor in these videos is much information (distances, rules etc.). I can only make some guesses: Drafting allowed, closed circuits, short…?
Sooo…is there anybody who can enlighten clueless people like me?

Can be in Boston in person!!