Summer Rappaport on Michigan 70.3 Start List

Just saw the TTL video with Paula and Summer training, and she’s on the official start list.

Michigan 70.3 Start List

I believe this is her debut at the middle distance. This is going to be fun.

nice one she should do well in that race

She posted a while ago when she got the TT bike that she was doing a 70.3.

She quietly switched back to PS for coaching a good few months ago and has been training with Paula and a few other LC riders.

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Given Rappaport is an excellent swimmer (one assumes will have a lead out of the water) and a swift runner (10km) the overall result with her on her lonesome in TT bars will be down to how she can hold up on the bike, which I believe is her troublesome weakness in SC. Maybe the reduced level of bike handling skills required will be to her relative advantage. If she can keep the gap down to Metzler at T2 she ought to run her down.
Best of self-made luck to her. One assumes the furrow she’s been ploughing in SC is over.
Similarly interested to see how Spivey fares in Ibiza 17 days hence.
TTL Findlay/Rappaport training link:


Paula really doesn’t look like she enjoys triathlon, and comes off as a real snob sometimes. Unfortunately this is a byproduct of putting yourself out there in these videos. I feel bad for Eric, she has him by the balls.

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She has addressed this in the past, where people complain about her “resting b face”, but I think she’s just a bit awkward in front of the camera. These aren’t actors, nor athletes with PR firms or PR training. Some do a better job than others.

I like their videos, and out of the two she’s the one that has had more success at racing, so it makes sense that she’s on camera.

And to your last comment, “You feel bad for Eric” ?? Do you know who I feel bad for? Me. I feel bad for myself because I made it to this point in my reply without realizing I was replying to buzzsaw. How sad am I???



Judging by my family. It’s a red hair thing.


But seriously, what you said reveals more about you than her.

She’s honest. Without guile. Not hiding her feelings.

And crap posts like that just encourage her to shut her mouth and say the same banal crap that everyone says to not be offensive. You can tell they already bite their tongues at time to avoid the mob.

When you stick a camera in front of someone’s face when they are doing hard things, and likely always hungry, whether they know it or not, you’re not getting their happy kind charitable side.

And I might be wrong, but I’d guess Eric is happy right where his balls are. No need to feel sorry for them.


Some firmly based stuff from @TulkasTri and @Lurker4.

Maybe the 70.3 will suit her? Didn’t Henderson say he was quite surprised how high her power output is when she started training with him.

Maybe she is a strong cyclist who just doesn’t like being in a large group at high speeds? Don’t know much about her but she has the potential to be up there close to the podium.

Give her a few races to adapt and I think she will be much happier.

She actually smiled a few times in this video

That’s real progress!!

Agreed. Look how not happy in their videos people like Sam Long, Ditlev, Ruth Asle, Lionel Sanders, LCB, Blu, Gustav. Etc etc etc.

Dang it where is the pink font


I’d like to think I’m an okay guy, but if I were on camera in the days and hours leading into a big race or just after it, I often wouldn’t come off very well. And I’m a nothing AGer who isn’t putting anything near as much into it as PF. It’s clear from the videos that she’s often anxious before races; some races don’t go well, and she takes it hard. Their videos provide us a window into the occasional struggles of the pro life, and I appreciate the authenticity.

I think it’s easy for us AG’ers to judge pro athletes when our livelihood (paying bills, mortgage/rent, food, etc) aren’t on the line when we race.

I know when I’m deep in training and very fatigued, my wife is not my biggest fan. And when training isn’t going well, the same thing applies.

You can only fake it for the camera for so long. After a while, you say screw it, I’m going to speak how I truly feel and don’t care what anyone else thinks.

Wasn’t it just before a race?

She has openly discussed pre-race anxiety in the past.

Hello Slowtwitch,
I don’t love visiting here but was made aware of this thread, and for some ridiculous reason feel the need to explain myself. When Eric records clips for our videos he is literally rolling the camera real-time as I’m about to do extremely hard sessions, 1-2 weeks out from racing. Of course the tension is high as I’m sure It would be for anyone who really cares about what they do. It’s unfortunate that it comes across like I don’t enjoy triathlon (although for sure at times, I don’t), but I am not an actress or influencer and my job is to win races, not pretend like every second of training and racing is fun and enjoyable.
Saying that I have Eric by the balls (I don’t actually know what this means) but I can assure you that he loves his life and we both feel extremely lucky every day to be able to race triathlon, run TTL, support development athletes, make beautiful videos, and run a successful podcast :smiley:
Anyway, thanks to those who understand and obviously it’s impossible to make everyone happy. We do put ourselves out there and completely realize that criticism is part of the game.
Thanks for the support and Go Summer (the original, and most important, point of this thread).


Good self-made luck tomorrow, Summer: enjoy!
Try a bit more mepathy @buzzsaw

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Thanks for posting. I feel weird about the fact that one of the forum trolls had to post something ridiculous about you for you to come here :joy: good luck!!!


I felt it likely you or Eric would end up getting baited here with the ridiculous criticism, but disappointed the reply wasn’t more like a pithy comment about Eric’s balls.


I blame Nick for lurking on Slowtwitch and never posting.

Sad this is what caused you to chime in, but glad Eric has his balls exactly where he wants them.

Lionel, Paula. Seriously - what is your freaking problem? Say something - anything positive like…once.