Suggestions of features/tweaks of the new forum

Forum support folks likely have a lot on their plate right now, but this can be suggestions of features/tweaks of the new forum. All on a “no rush, but would be cool to have eventually” basis. I will start:

It would be great if in/near the thread subject line if we could see the name (in text, not just an avatar) of the originator of the thread.

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My initial thoughts on some stuff that would be nice to have.

  1. Agree that it would be good to see the username of the latest poster instead of tiny avatars that don’t mean anything to most of us.

  2. Would be nice for admins to add the plugin that gives you signature blocks for your posts.

  3. I hope all our history of DMs/personal messages hasn’t disappeared.

  4. Discourse has a function that puts a line across posts indicating everything that has been posted in since your last visit. That’s helpful.

  5. You can show original poster and when the thread was started under the thread titles. That might be nice.

  6. The color options need to change. All black or blinding white aren’t any good, and purple is a non-starter. Maybe build an option in blue and grey that resembles the previous forum a bit?

I’ll try to paste a snippet of another forum that has some of those layout features.

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This would be nice.

It’s good that you can hide the left menu column, but it would also be good if you could adjust the width of the visible thread column. Maybe there’s a setting I haven’t found, but you end up with a relatively narrow column of content down the middle of your display. Lots of wasted screen space, and much more vertical scrolling than necessary.

I suggest being able to favorite or hide entire threads.

It would be great if we could have (like in the old forum) a signature line(s) at the bottom of our posts.

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This would be incredibly beneficial for those users who have businesses related to the sport or any specific topics. Also beneficial if there are company reps who are users.

I understand the value in some personalization with the profile image/avatar but I’m not looking forward to having to memorize or “hover” each one to see who is posting or started a thread. Especially on mobile version. They will also change I imagine as each poster wants a new picture uploaded.

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Are we only able to see replies that we click on or do they display sequentially in the thread?

Absolutely, being able to tell who is the original poster of a new thread is a must. I find the forum unusable without that function.

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Until they change the layout, you can figure out the originator from the avatar icons. The first icon is the originator. The last icon is the most recent poster in the thread. The icons in the middle are people who posted most frequently in the thread.

Sorry, what I meant was I need to see the full Username, not an icon with the username first initial.

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hover over the icon and the full username appears.

I agree that would be better. Just making sure you know that you can see who started the thread before clicking into it, if you want.

No hovering on the phone, that I’ve found

I’m sure we’ll learn, in time, which “dots” to avoid - until people start changing them, whenever their mood strikes

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mods – could we please have a log out button somewhere visible on page? TY

Doesn’t work on mobile. It just shows, from what I see, the icon of the person who last posted in that thread.

I can definitely see value in the update. And have to trust the notion that the old platform was outdated. But some things seem like a step backwards that maybe are user preference (in which case that’s on me) or maybe really a con. Only seeing icons and not full usernames, having to hover to see who someone is, multi steps to quote vs a reply option or a quote to reply option, infinite scrolling without page breaks for sorting or reference, no post numbers.

In terms of making things “streamlined” and more user friendly having to do more steps vs one click or just seeing a name is a step backwards.

Im anti-social media and user profile upgrades are very nice but remind me too much of initial Facebook. As do all of these badges we earn. But that’s on me, as I feel like I really did appreciate the simplicity of the old formats. I wish there was some way to have upgraded the backend with options to keep some of the user interface the same.

For reference, we’re currently running on about the most out of the box version of Discourse possible at the moment.

That’s in part so we can get all of the content lifted out of Gossamer and into here without breaking any of the “new” kind of stuff we might want to add in.

And then we start looking at certain plugins to enable features. User signatures, for instance, are an add-on feature. So are different templates that might allow you to see who started a thread by name instead of by icon.

But, as we mentioned…we gotta move in first.

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Anyone else having the problem of being able to log in on one device but not a desktop computer? I can log in on my iPad, but same credentials on my work desktop gives me an incorrect username/PW message. And no, it’s not a caps lock or number lock issue.

Several people have had a similar issue. My guess is that if you log out on your iPad, you’ll have the same problem trying to login. That’s what I discovered. Good thing is the forum lets you stay logged in for a fairly long time.

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Can you change the limit of three posts in a row? In the CFB week 1 thread I got to express my thoughts on Florida being humiliated by Miami but I have yet to be able to express the schadenfreude of TAMU losing on a TV at night with the whole country watching in Elko’s debut after lighting 100MM on fire